Northrop ATAR / TCS / TISEO optical sight for 'FX', F-4E, F-14

Just been flicking through “The Pentagon Paradox. The development of the F-18 Hornet” by James Perry Stevenson (ISBN 1557507759), Shrewsbury, 1993 - It speaks of the an advanced radar-guided missile

TISEO (telescopic imaging sight electro-optical) radar-guided missile (a backup radar-guided missile to the AIM-7F), which was to arm the USAF's FX (McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle)

Does anyone have more information, drawings/pics of this missile system??

When I was buying F-4's in the 1970's, TISEO showed up in all the documentation as "Target Identification Set, Electro-Optical".
The F-4 refits happened after F-15 was already in production, not before.
Makes sense now, thank you!

Today, in the 2020s, I feel the need for more passive sensors and better EMCOM control.
Very much agree here, but I was a dirty, sneaky submariner bastard who thinks that any signal emitted by me is my own death.
AN/ASX-1 TISEO target identification system

AN /SX-1 TISEO (Target Identification System Electro-Optical) is a television based, passive daytime automatic target acquisition and tracking system. Comprising a high resolution closed-circuit television sensor combined with a two fields of view telescope. TISEO is mounted on the port wing leading-edge of many US Air Force/McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantoms to enable the crew to recognise arid identify targets at long range. More than 500 TISEO systems are known to have been delivered to the US Air Force.

Dimensions: (television camera assembly) 32 inches long x 9 inches diameter (813 x 229 mm)
Weight: 56 lb (26 kg)
Fields of view: (wide) 1.4°, (narrow) 0.44°
STATUS: in service.
AN/AXX-1 TCS (Television Camera Set)

The Northrop TCS (Television Camera Set) is the US Navy's version of the US Air Force's AN/ASX-1 TISEO (see preceding entry) but offers enhanced capabilities. It is a passive, daytime, automatic search and acquisition system which can be either manually operated or slaved to an air-interception radar. The system not only acquires targets automatically, but presents multiple fields of view and is operational on US Navy/Grumman F-14A aircraft.

STATUS: in production. The US Navy plans to purchase some 398 AN/ AXX-1 units, with deliveries extending into 1989. At the end of 1986 more than 280 units had been delivered, and a further order for 18 systems, valued at $3.7 million, was awarded in February 1987
Jane's Avonics, 1987-88
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Very much agree here, but I was a dirty, sneaky submariner bastard who thinks that any signal emitted by me is my own death.

Hek, I am just a propeller head who has never "officially" flown an aircraft, at all. We won't talk about the thousands of hours going all the way back to F-15E Strike Eagle I and before :p Starting with a TRaSh-80 COCO-II with its 64kb of ram, and ending with me in things like DCS today :D And yes, I was happy to fly the wire-frame aircraft that looked nothing like the real thing

BUT, I do research, I learn, and I listen, and maybe most importantly I ASK. Spending 15+ years writing articles and otherwise supporting the Harpoon community (TT and PC game) gave me perspective on EMCON. NONE for Emissions is 100% better than 0.001 for Emissions!

Since one of the two primary developers of the "Admiralty Trilogy" is a former Submariner, probably obvious where I get my mindset from. That and having a Soviet Battlegroup decimate my carrier forces because one of my units turned its radar on too early in a scenario on Harpoon2....

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