AN/AXX-1 TCS (Television Camera Set)
The Northrop TCS (Television Camera Set) is the US Navy's version of the US Air Force's AN/ASX-1 TISEO (see preceding entry) but offers enhanced capabilities. It is a passive, daytime, automatic search and acquisition system which can be either manually operated or slaved to an air-interception radar. The system not only acquires targets automatically, but presents multiple fields of view and is operational on US Navy/Grumman F-14A aircraft.
STATUS: in production. The US Navy plans to purchase some 398 AN/ AXX-1 units, with deliveries extending into 1989. At the end of 1986 more than 280 units had been delivered, and a further order for 18 systems, valued at $3.7 million, was awarded in February 1987