North Korea's Military Reconnaissance Satellite "Malligyong-1"

There is no reason to believe any country able to launch rockets into orbit are going to provide actual images of actual equipment or actual images of camera images, which can obviously be reverse-engineered as is happening here. Yes, I know, rockets sitting on the pad and at launch are obviously real, but the rest, who knows?

The NSA, for example, has published some old satellite images but admitted they were "degraded" for the purpose. They are not concerned about average citizens but about giving useful intelligence to the enemy.
First launch of military satellite fails due to secondary engine ignition failure

North Korea said it would carry out troubleshooting and arrange for the next launch as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that this report gives the official name of the new launch vehicle and military satellite:
Pyongyang, May 31 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) made public the following report on Wednesday as regards an accident occurred during the launch of military reconnaissance satellite:

The National Aerospace Development Administration (NADA) of the DPRK launched a military reconnaissance satellite, "Malligyong-1", mounted on a new-type carrier rocket, "Chollima-1", at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground in Cholsan County of North Phyongan Province at 6:27 on May 31, Juche 112 (2023), as scheduled.

The carrier rocket "Chollima-1" fell to the West Sea of Korea after losing thrust due to the abnormal starting of the second-stage engine after the separation of the first stage during the normal flight.

The NADA spokesperson attributed the failure to the low reliability and stability of the new-type engine system applied to carrier rocket "Chollima-1" and the unstable character of the fuel used, saying that scientists, technicians and experts concerned start discovering concrete causes.

The NADA said that it would thoroughly investigate the serious defects revealed in the satellite launch, take urgent scientific and technological measures to overcome them and conduct the second launch as soon as possible through various part tests. -0-

According to South Korea, the observed power of North Korea's new launch vehicle is indeed stronger than before.

At the same time, South Korea has salvaged part of the wreckage of the SLV.
Below are the reported photos.
Inreresing, that they simply admitted the failure and even suggested the most likely source of the problem. Seems that Kim the Third efforts of "rebranding" the North Korea regime bore fruits. Instead of denial or grave silence (as they often done before), they just simply said "yes, there was a problem. We are still learning, and failures are the part of process. Would try to do better next time"

Essentially, they done the opposite of what Western public expect from "totalitarian dictatorship") And scored some points even from a failure)
Inreresing, that they simply admitted the failure and even suggested the most likely source of the problem. Seems that Kim the Third efforts of "rebranding" the North Korea regime bore fruits. Instead of denial or grave silence (as they often done before), they just simply said "yes, there was a problem. We are still learning, and failures are the part of process. Would try to do better next time"

Essentially, they done the opposite of what Western public expect from "totalitarian dictatorship") And scored some points even from a failure)
I mean, aren't they comparatively open about their missile tests than some other countries that come to mind? Even Western/NATO oriented countries are very strict when it comes to information sharing.
YONHAP News:The possibility of another launch mission in a short period of time is not ruled out
우리 당국도 북한이 애초 정찰위성 발사 기간으로 예고한 내달 11일 0시 이전에 다시 발사를 시도할 가능성이 충분히 있다는 쪽에 무게를 싣는 것으로 보인다.

대통령실 관계자는 이날 연합뉴스 통화에서 "북한이 처음에 예고했던 6월 11일 이전에 또 발사할 가능성이 충분히 있다"며 "우리도 그 가능성을 염두에 두고 대비 중"이라고 말했다.

홍민 통일연구원 북한연구실장은 "(북한이) 굉장한 압박을 받으며 2기, 3기 정도를 이 (예고) 기간에 발사할 가능성을 염두에 뒀을 수 있다"면서 "첫 발사가 실패하면 바로 또 준비할 가능성도 배제할 수는 없다"고 분석했다.

다만 재실패에 대한 정치적 부담을 고려하면 '여러 부분시험'의 규모와 그 결과에 따라 수주∼수개월까지 준비 기간이 소요될 가능성도 있다.
Google Translate:
It seems that South Korean authorities are also putting weight on the fact that there is a good chance that North Korea will attempt a launch again before 00:00 on the 11th of next month, which was originally announced as the launch period of the reconnaissance satellite.

An official from the presidential office said in a phone call with Yonhap News that day, "There is a good chance that North Korea will fire again before June 11, as initially announced," and "We are also preparing with that possibility in mind."

“(North Korea) may have had in mind the possibility of launching the second or third vehicle during this (announcement) period under great pressure,” said Hong Min, director of the North Korea Research Office at the Institute for National Unification. The possibility cannot be ruled out.”

However, considering the political burden of re-failure, there is a possibility that a preparation period of several weeks to several months may be required depending on the scale and results of the 'multiple partial tests'.
But it should be noted: it took 8 months to troubleshoot and relaunch after the Unha-3 failed launch.

Waiting for the next launch.

Problem was likely caused by frequently maneuvering to avoid overflying territories of other countries.
Here is another article. Note the heavily pixelated second image which was likely modified for security reasons. My question to North Korea would be this: Are you not aware that the United States would quickly retaliate if an ICBM is launched against U.S. targets?

Should NK attempt this, I'm sure China would be contacted and given target details. All retaliation weapons would be non-nuclear. The entire operation would last from 15 to 20 minutes.

But it should be noted: it took 8 months to troubleshoot and relaunch after the Unha-3 failed launch.
Well, if North Korea follow the Soviet practice, they probably have a double satellite and rocket already prepared. But how soon the next attempt would be conducted depend mainly on how fast North Korean engineers would determine what exactly went wrong.
Problem was likely caused by frequently maneuvering to avoid overflying territories of other countries.

Why do you say that?
Because it was disclosed by North Korea as to where they were planning for each of rocket stages to drop.
Along statement from South Korea about SLV frequently doing maneuvers during lift off of first stage.
So it would not be surprising if such was caused for something was to malfunction due to such.
Such as something being disconnected that may involve wiring and control of the 2nd stage.
Yonhap News: The rocket wreckage being salvaged is much longer than expected
SEOUL, June 1 (Yonhap) -- The South Korean Navy is still carrying out an operation to search for and retrieve a 15-meter-long part of a North Korean space rocket in the Yellow Sea after it sank to the sea floor, the military said Thursday.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) has released photos of the heavy part of what the North claimed to be a satellite-carrying rocket launched Wednesday, but it dropped to the sea bed now at a depth of around 75 meters underwater, a JCS official said.

It appears to be 2 to 3 meters in diameter, and which part of the rocket it is remains unclear, according to the official who requested anonymity.

That is close to my guess on the size of the Chollima-1 rocket's second and third stage combination(L~15.8m, D~2.4), but who knows~
This is a noteworthy and analytical detail that I hadn't noticed before.
Probably should try to redefine second and third stages based on this, I think.
It seem like the second stage of Chollima-1 has enough space to install a Pektusan-B engine with two combustion, I guess.

Does anyone have any idea about the third stage of Chollima-1?
千里马-1 2推.jpg
Yonhap news:
It could start salvaging the wreckage as early as June 3. No other debris, including satellites, has been found so far.
이종섭 국방부 장관은 전날 국회 국방위원회에 출석해 이르면 오는 3일쯤 인양할 수 있을 거라 밝혔지만, 합참은 지연될 가능성도 열어놨다.

합참 관계자는 "현재 발사체는 어제 오전과 마찬가지로 수심 75m 깊이 바닥에 수평으로 누워진 상태라"면서 "인양은 상당히 고난도의 까다로운 작업이라 중간에 변수가 생기면 (인양 시점이) 변동될 수 있다"고 말했다.

발사체 상단에 탑재된 위성체를 찾았냐는 질문에는 "추가로 발견된 건 없다"면서 "통영함, 광양함 등 해군 함정 수 척과 관련 장비를 동원해 수색하고 있다"고 말했다.
I think this speculation is hard to explain the low altitude and short flight distance after the first stage burns. Anyway, thanks for sharing. ;)
It has 3 stages, first one is really short.
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I think this speculation is hard to explain the low altitude and short flight distance after the first stage burns. Anyway, thanks for sharing. ;)
It has 3 stages, first one is really short.
I know, I mean the analysis in the tweets you shared.

As in the analysis diagram I drew before, I think the gray part is all the first stages. This would explain the low altitude and short range.

And the twitter author Taepodong you shared seems to think that the first stage takes up more than half the length of the rocket.o_O
North Korea will no longer notify the IMO of the impact point and the time period.
As IMO responded to the DPRK's advance notice on its satellite launch with the adoption of an anti-DPRK "resolution", we will regard this as its official manifestation of stand that the DPRK's advance notice is no longer necessary.

In the future, IMO should know and take measures by itself over the period of the DPRK's satellite launch and the impact point of its carrier and be prepared for taking full responsibility for all the consequences to be entailed from it.
Well done, IMO, well done.
South Korea will continue to salvage the wreckage of the rocket on Monday.
SEOUL, June 4 (Yonhap) -- The South Korean military continued its work Sunday to search and salvage the wreckage of a North Korean rocket that crashed into the Yellow Sea earlier this week but wrapped up the day's operations due to unfavorable conditions.
(서울=연합뉴스) 박수윤 기자 = 군은 북한이 쏜 우주발사체 '천리마 1형'이 서해에 추락한 지 닷새째인 4일 오후 잔해물을 인양하지 못하고 작업을 종료했다.

군 당국은 이날 발사체 동체 잔해에 고장력 밧줄을 일부 묶는 데까지는 성공했지만, 상황이 여의찮아 작업을 중단하고 다음 날 재개하기로 했다고 밝혔다.

합동참모본부는 오후 5시께 기자단 공지에서 "현장의 유속이 2노트(시속 3.7㎞)이고 수중에서 시야가 좋지 않아 어려움이 있었다"며 "내일 현장 상황을 고려해 인양 작전을 실시할 예정"이라고 설명했다.

군은 지난달 31일 처음 찾았던 잔해물 이외에 추가로 새로운 잔해를 발견하지는 못했다.

합참은 "해군 함정과 항공기들이 낙하지점에서 탐색 작업을 진행하고 있다"고 전했다.
Google Translate:
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Park Soo-yoon = The military ended the operation without being able to salvage the debris on the afternoon of the 4th, five days after the North Korean space launch vehicle 'Chollima Type 1' crashed in the West Sea.

The military authorities announced that they had succeeded in tying some high-tension ropes to the wreckage of the projectile's fuselage that day, but decided to stop the work due to the situation and resume the next day.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff explained in a press corps notice at around 5:00 pm, "The current speed at the site is 2 knots (3.7 km per hour) and there was difficulty with poor visibility underwater.".

The military did not find any new debris other than the ones they first found on the 31st of last month.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “Navy ships and aircraft are conducting search operations at the landing site.”
South Korea will continue to salvage the wreckage of the rocket on Monday.
(서울=연합뉴스) 박수윤 기자 = 군은 북한이 쏜 우주발사체 '천리마 1형'이 서해에 추락한 지 닷새째인 4일 오후 잔해물을 인양하지 못하고 작업을 종료했다.
Google Translate:

Hi, after discussing with my friends, I think based on the current details, the possibility that the wreckage is a first-stage rocket is greatly increased.

Based on this, I updated the speculative graph. It shows another possibility for the rocket's layout

I calculated the volume of the fuel tank according to the cylindrical part, and found that its volume ratio is very close to the volume ratio of the fuel tank of the Unha-3 first-stage rocket wreckage.

However, the new speculation cannot correspond to South Korea's claim that "the length of the wreckage is 15 meters."


According to the maximum diameter of the first stage of 3 meters, the length of the first stage will reach 19 meters, and this length has not considered the engine nozzle.

If it is assumed that the overall height is about 30 meters as considered by South Korea, then the size of different segments will become unprecedented specifications.

If the maximum diameter of the first stage is 2.4 meters, two engines that provide sufficient thrust cannot be installed.
2nd stage salvaged.


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2nd stage salvaged.
thanks for the update ;)

Looks like my initial guess was correct, three stages of similar length. I will update the speculative graph based on new data and photo when I have time;)
Based on this photo I think the wreckage is just part of the first stage, we can see that the cable doesn't end at the lower end but continues down.
And we know that the end of this external cable will generally be above the engine compartment and not go over.

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