As far as I know the F-108 would behave like a sort of scaled down version of the B-70, so the tips should bend down like the Valkyrie's ones....
Nope. Wings were fixed. It did, however, have large fixed ventral fins near the wingtip that served much the same function as the dropped wingtips of the B-70, without the added complexity of the hinges. Might have even weighed less.
Nope. Wings were fixed. It did, however, have large fixed ventral fins near the wingtip that served much the same function as the dropped wingtips of the B-70, without the added complexity of the hinges. Might have even weighed less.
Have you seen anything that would indicate if the wingtips angle down slightly? Not a twist but a bend.
Did you clip those letters off on the right on purpose? :p It almost looks like a 4° dihedral wing with wing tips twisted so they're 0°.

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