I always thought GOFO. as being 'Grasp Of the F Obvious' (not sure that either really works in context of the thread tho ?)
I always thought GOFO. as being 'Grasp Of the F Obvious' (not sure that either really works in context of the thread tho ?)
The blatant joke there is that no Star officers ever have a Grasp of the F*ing Obvious. I think it's removed about the same time as their sense of humor.

One of the great things about ignoring international law and violently snatching other people’s territory is that it pays off.

China has now confirmed the discovery of the world’s first large, ultra-shallow gas field in ultra-deep waters. The gas is at an average burial depth of 210 metres but this is below a seabed that is an average of 1,500 metres deep. In accessing the Lingshui 36-1 gas field, China’s state-run National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has seemingly overcome the technical challenges inherent in reaching it.

Initial estimates are that Lingshui 36-1 contains more than 100 billion cubic metres or 3.53 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of gas. A nominal market value for that much gas would be, say, $15bn. This doesn’t put it in the global top 10 but it’s not far off and this is probably just the first such field that China can now exploit. And here we get to the issue: it probably doesn’t legally belong to China.

So far Beijing has been coy about the exact location of Lingshui 36-1, saying only, “it is in waters southeast of Hainan, China’s southernmost island province”.

Southeast of Hainan, out in the South China Sea, lie the Paracel Islands. They are occupied by China but also claimed by both Vietnam and Taiwan. China was left in possession of the Paracels after it won a brief naval battle against South Vietnam in 1974, but the islands’ actual ownership remains hotly contested.

If the Paracels belong to someone other than China, China’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) ends halfway towards them – and in that case, the Chinese EEZ covers only shallow waters, barely beyond the 200m contour. It’s all but a certainty that Lingshui 36-1 lies within the Paracels’ EEZ, and thus potentially within the Vietnamese or Taiwanese EEZ.

Of course, China doesn’t merely claim that it owns the Paracels. It also claims to own everything up to the infamous “Nine Dash Line” – in red below – in other words it says it owns basically the whole South China Sea, regardless of the rights of the other nations around it. China doesn’t accept that EEZs or international law in general apply to it at all.

It is quite evident that for environmentalists all these movements in the sea are not harmful to marine fauna, according to their opinion (or their silence) the dredging of the seabed and the huge cement spills are not harmful to the planet, on the other hand the underwater mining carried out by Western companies is because it harms the reproduction cycle of the long-eared octopus. Qui prodest?



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He's annexed a lot of EEZ, much more EEZ than Russia has annexed territory in Ukraine.
There are fast predators such as spiders and slow ones such as the starfish, the latter have the opportunity to back off if they encounter an overly aggressive crab.

Wait and see.
Well, the Filipinos already have experience in what they can expect from their ally USA: Korea, Suez, Viet Nam, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan...



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Well, the Filipinos already have experience in what they can expect from their ally USA: Korea, Suez, Viet Nam, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan...

So. . .you're upset we were fighting communists and terrorists? Okay. . .
So. . .you're upset we were fighting communists and terrorists? Okay. . .
I don't think it's wrong for someone to fight for the freedom of others, but that means a great responsibility to those who believe in that fight... and then they are abandoned when the policeman gets tired of his job.

The United States started a war with Spain to dismantle the last remnants of a colonial empire, I agree with that, but then they compromised with the Filipinos and Cubans to provide them with security and democratic values and they did not fulfill their end of the bargain.

Please understand that I am not talking about politics, nor ideology but about fully demonstrated historical facts.
I don't think it's wrong for someone to fight for the freedom of others, but that means a great responsibility to those who believe in that fight... and then they are abandoned when the policeman gets tired of his job.

The United States started a war with Spain to dismantle the last remnants of a colonial empire, I agree with that, but then they compromised with the Filipinos and Cubans to provide them with security and democratic values and they did not fulfill their end of the bargain.

Please understand that I am not talking about politics, nor ideology but about fully demonstrated historical facts.
That's a bit different than bullying one's neighbors because you want their land/resources, no?
That's a bit different than bullying one's neighbors because you want their land/resources, no?
It was something admirable when at the end of the Second World War the United States created the Marshall Plan and began the adventure of decolonization. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions and a large number of former colonies preferred to sell their freedom for a handful of MiGs.

The continuous mistakes undermined the credibility of the giant and no one wants to be the next ally abandoned to their fate.

Believe me, I feel great regret to see that peace negotiations are failing everywhere without the problem seeming to have a solution.
Believe me, I feel great regret to see that peace negotiations are failing everywhere without the problem seeming to have a solution.
It doesn't have a solution because the new axis of evil that's developed wants to destablise the globe and bend it to their autocratic will via annexations here (Ukraine), terrorist attacks there (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis) and provocations everywhere (African coups, SCS ship ramming etc.). Complaining about attempts to stop it isn't a solution, it's just an addition to the problem.
It doesn't have a solution because the new axis of evil that's developed wants to destablise the globe and bend it to their autocratic will via annexations here (Ukraine), terrorist attacks there (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis) and provocations everywhere (African coups, SCS ship ramming etc.). Complaining about attempts to stop it isn't a solution, it's just an addition to the problem.
The key to any treaty is in the credibility of the arbitrator

The British Empire Knew How to Inspire Respect in Its Enemies
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The best arbitrator in the world won't help if one of the two parties is bat-shit crazy.
If the arbitrator lacks the authority to force a settlement, it makes no sense for him to try the impossible over and over again. It would be better if he dedicated himself to another, more productive activity.


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If the arbitrator lacks the authority to force a settlement, it makes no sense for him to try the impossible over and over again. It would be better if he dedicated himself to another, more productive activity.
"Authority" means little without the threat of force to back it up. We see this daily in the waters around China.
If the arbitrator lacks the authority to force a settlement
And that's not going to happen without aliens.

This is where we need a UN. with teeth (and ignoring the US./USSR. veto)

What we need is a UN where representatives of unelected (or improperly elected) 'regimes' - who don't actually represent anybody - get kicked the hell out. That would automatically mean less problems with vetoes.
Unfortunately, some of those unelected/improperly elected 'regimes' sit on hoards of natural riches, or control trading partner nations it's, err, economically unattractive to get on the bad side of. You could start with the less influential nasties, but once the powerful nasties cotton on to the big cleanup, they dig in to create a league of nasties. As we are witnessing right now.

Which still leaves the question who is the arbitrator for which ones are the nasties anyway, and which ones are just, err, 'unruly' allies whose occasional failings we arbitrarily turn a blind eye to.
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Unfortunately, some of those unelected/improperly elected 'regimes' sit on hoards of natural riches, or control trading partner nations it's, err, economically unattractive to get on the bad side of. You could start with the less influential nasties, but once the powerful nasties cotton on to the big cleanup, they dig in to create a league of nasties. As we are witnessing right now.
League of Nations -> United Nations -> League of Nasties

The devolution of world politics. And with all respect, as you in fact pointed out, they're doing that anyway. The point I was making is that you can't turn the UNGA into a pure democracy unless every government in it is actually elected. Makes no sense to give dictatorship a chance to out vote democracy globally.
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