New Book: Udalov, Konstantin A., Gatial, Iosef: Planes of the Myaishchev Design Buro: M-19


Fly me to the moon...
18 November 2012
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Удалов К. Г., Гатьял Й.: Самолеты ЭМЗ им. В. М. Мясищева: ВКС М-19
Москва, 2025 г., 152 с.
УДК. 629. 735. 33. (47+57)

Udalov, Konstantin A., Gatial, Iosef: Planes of the Myaishchev Design Buro: M-19
Moscow 2024, 208 pp.

This is a publication I have long been waiting for and it is finally here. The book ‘Myasishchev EMZ Aircraft’ describes the history of the work of V.M. Myasishchev EMZ on the development of the M19 aerospace aircraft and its variants. The publication is illustrated with a large number of schemes and photos previously unpublished. In the past Udalov published several important books and other publications on the history of the Myasishchev design buro (The series was founded in 1994).
The development of outer space in the former Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s was characterised by a significant expansion of the range of tasks to be solved in space, an increase in the range of spacecraft and their launch vehicles, an increase in the number of launches and the volume of capital investments.
Among the most important topics developed in the Design Bureau during the period from the late 1960s till mid 1970s were: strategic bomber (analogue to the American B-1), deck military transport aircraft (‘Typhoon’), short take-off and landing military transport aircraft (M12), high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft (M17) and much, much more. V.M. Myasishchev's design team was firmly entrenched in an innovative style of work, and EMZ's projects invariably impressed with the originality and boldness of the design concept. One oft he most interesting was the M-19 design.
The M-19 represents a whole family of different desingns; each evolved out of its specific task. Basically it was an ground launched air breathing vehicle combined with intern rockets. These designs were amzing and must have been a sight to behold if they would have been build. The great artist and co-author Gatial brings them to live in amazing renderings.
The book consists oft he following chapters: after a short forword and introduction is an interesting first chapter about the first inspirator Gurko and his „Gurkolet project“ (pp. 6-17). followed by some chapters about the initial work in the EMZ designburo and the daily life of the acteurs (pp. 18-35). The next chapters about the evolving M-19 variants are truly breathtaking. Some of them awere designed to cope with hydrogen as fuel while others were meant to be SSTO and fulfill a variety of space and military tasks as well within the atmosphere as in outer space. Some of them looked a bit (but only from the outside) like the Shuttle or the Buran others had swivel wings and were hypersonic. The TOC is (see attached):
VKS M-19 BOOSTER (pp. 54-63)
M-19-2 (SECOND VARIANT) (pp. 84-91)
M-19-3 (THIRD VARIANT) (pp. 92-102)
M-19-4 (FOURTH VARIANT) (pp. 103-109)
M-19-4V (FOURTH VARIANT) (pp. 110-119)
OTHER PROJECTS. M-19P (pp. 120-127)
OTHER PROJECTS. M-19S (pp. 128-135)
OTHER PROJECTS. M-19U (pp. 136-143)

To me especially the M-19-4v is a real marvel.

This book is masterpiece of aviation and space history. It combines deep research with well written text (in russian), plus material from the archives, fotos and fantastic renderings. Some of the material is shown here for the first time. It is for a wide range of readers interested in aviation. I wish everyone a good read!


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Le livre sur la création de l'avion spatial m-19 a un excellent remplissage avec du matériel illustré. Comme d'habitude, K. Udalov a réussi à créer un autre chef-d'œuvre du livre.


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Hello, dear friends!

Today I had the excellent experience of receiving the newest book from our friend Konstatin Udalov, known here on the forum as Ucon. This new work, whose title is “Planes of the Myaishchev Design Bureau: M-19” is without a doubt one of the best ever produced by the author, illustrated by the master of digital art Jozef Gatial.

The book has 152 pages, richly illustrated with original documents, infographics, digital images and 3D models, which allow us to have a complete view of the aircraft and its variants in question.
The Myasischev M-19 aircraft project is extremely well contextualized at the beginning of the book, in which one can understand the intentions and needs of this aircraft for the Soviet Air Forces.

As a multifunctional platform, the M-19 could be used for various functions, ranging from a space vehicle launch platform to high-performance bombers with advanced weaponry. It is impressive to see the evolution of the four main variants over time. At first glance, they look like space shuttles similar to the Buran, but a closer look reveals in detail how versatile and efficient these aircraft could be, being reusable and with the ability to fly in the Earth's atmosphere like conventional aircraft, reducing costs and offering greater versatility when it comes to space launches.

Of all the variants presented, the M-19-4V version was the one that caught my attention the most, being described between pages 110 to 119. An aircraft with exceptional capabilities that clearly demonstrates the high level of Russian space projects, bringing to readers information that we would not be able to study if it were not for this book in question.
I recommend this book to all aviation lovers, being sure that the fact that it is written in Russian does not represent any challenge when compared to the wealth of information present.

I wish you all an excellent reading!

To purchase this book, contact mr. Jozef Gatial.


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No doubt a must have!

The M-19 was a bizarre program pushing the limits of contemporary technology into realm of dreams. Nice to compare them with US counterparts. That was a time when a future into the Space looked imminent and magnificent. Most in my generation are still fascinated with that visions and enjoying with the opportunity that knowing the truth about that promised future and the real world we're living in.

From the technical aspect, Ucon just delivers us first class quality with any of his master works. The drawings are amongst the best available in a book.

Nobody should concern about the Russian text. Thanks to modern translation tools either online or available on moderns cellulars and computers, it can be selected and produce a reasonable good translation. A new opportunity to learn about Soviet/Russian aviation.

Happy reading!
приятного чтения!
That vehicle was kinda trying to bridge the gap between the Tu-160 and Buran, a multipurpose aerospace vehicle across the whole hypersonic and (sub)orbital range. Which is definitively no picnic to achieve !
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