The M107 actually had a longer useful barrel life the M1299 by over 300 full power shots.
It was design and MADE over 1200 routinely when it had a properly made barrel. Issue it had was the few batches of barrels wasnt properly made, and suffer from stress fractures forcing the army to cut the shots from the 1200 to 500 to be safe. That was since the first few batches got mix up enough, which is common, that no one could reliably say if a barrel was good or not without an long and torturous inspection.
The New and improve M113A1 barrels, yes they use the same number for the APC, was made with a new improve set up that fixed the issues and was fully allow the 1200 shots in mid 1968 or 69. The new Barrel was also slightly thicker and stiffer giving it better accuracy due to reducing the barrel whip. In Nam with new barrels it was consider good for plastering most targets and was considerably faster then its battery mate the M110 203mms, with most units reporting 3 shots a minute average compare to the 203 1.5 per minute and books 2. Which is generally how its goes, the line crews who use it alot find ways to use it the most efficient and in 10 years or so the Army updates the books to reflect it.
But it was an painful piece to use due to its long barrel making driving FUN plus the new shells for the 203mm M110s gave those guns damn near the exact same range rendering it redundant and in 1977 a year before it was retired, in 1978, the program which became the M270 started with that coming online in 1983. Throw in that by 1967 it reputation was so low it was mining its way through the bedrock due to killing like 50 men in barrel explosions due to the before mention bad barrels...