I am looking for publishers interested in paper format for my new book "Mysterious Lights over the Reich". It is a demystifying research work based on scientific concepts and historical data; it will be ready for publication at the beginning of March.
There are two types of lights in the sky: the usual ones and the weird things.
“Possibly a naturally occurring phenomenon?”
-St. Elmo’s Fires. -Luminous phenomena generated during volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, large thunderstorms, tornadoes, large fires and nuclear explosions. -Luminous atmospheric phenomena recently discovered by satellite cameras: Sprites, Elves, dark blue luminous waterfalls and strange pulses of gamma rays that are emitted from the interior of the planet into space.-Ball Lightnings.
“Air war in the darkness”
- The Kammhuber Line. -Dunkelnachtjagdgebeite.-Cat’s Eyes night fighters.- Dunkel Nacht Jagd (DUNAJA-Himmelbett ‘cells’)-Freya, Würzburg and Würzburg Riese.- Hellenachtjagd tactics.- ‘Bomber Stream’ concept.- The Path Finder Force.- Operation Millennium.- Operation Gomorrah.- Electronic countermeasures: Window, Bouzer, Mandrel, Moonshine and Tinsel.-Flakartillerie.-Luftnachrichtendiest.- Schräge Musik.-Blind Bombing concept: Gee, Oboe, BABS and H2S Stinker.- Operation Steinbock.- Monica, Corkscrew and FuG 227 Flensburg.- Perfectos, Serrate and Lichtenstein SN-2.-The AI Mk. X (Western Electric SCR 720/729) ‘centimetric’ radar.-Proximity fuses.- Wilde Sau, the Nachtjagdversuchskommando and the Behelfsbeleutchtergruppe.- FuG 120K Funklandegerät blind landing device, BuBl2 radio FuG 120a Bernhardine radio navigation system and FuG 350 Naxos Passive Ortungsgerät passive radar-receiver.- Objekt Nachtjagd and Moskitojägern.- Fu MG 402 Wassermann and Bumerang.- Zhame Sau, Y-Linien, Geführte Zame Sau, FuG 350/FuMG 85 Naxburg Stelle and Komet control.- FuG 120a Bernhardine radio beacon, rotating beacon FuS An 724/725 Bernhard and searchlights rotating beacons Leuchtfeuern.-New radars Jagdschloss, Wassermann, Mammut, Pauke, Bremerhaven and Neptun.
“The human factor”
-Low temperatures, breakdown of thermal suits, freezing oxygen masks, faults in the oxygen supply, fatigue of battle, the searchlights + Flak + Benzedrine tablets cocktail.
In the slang of bombing crews and night fighters, unknown luminous phenomena were called by many different nicknames: The Thing, The Light, Balls of Fire, Flak Phenomena, Orange comet-like objects, Large meteor-like balls, Huge orange ball, Pyrotechnic Activity, Pyrotechnics Phenomenon, Catherine Wheels, Aerial minefields, Fire-like glow, Chandelier Flares, Kraut Fireballs, Silver Disks, Floating Silver balls, Christmas Trees, Scarecrow flares, Scarecrow Flak Burst, Flash less Flak, Fire-like glow, Yellowish-red intermittent glow, Phosphorescent Golden Sphere and Odd luminous aerial phenomena.
Peculiar incidents reported by pilots would be the labeling of various phenomena:
-The glow of ground fires reflected on the clouds. -Nickel packages (propaganda leaflets bundles).-Window packages (chaff bundles).-Tracer bullets observed from certain angles.-Parachute marker flares.-Ground-to-air missiles (experimental prototypes without warhead).-Vehicle headlights pointed upwards when they were going up a slope.-Corona discharges generated by the electronic equipment of the observer aircraft.-Ground decoy fires.-Wandering barrage balloon (Sperrballon).-Crew parachutes illuminated from below by fires or by searchlights.
In 1942, all the weird things without explanation began to be identified only with the words Foo Fighters from a comic book.
Under this label were grouped natural luminous phenomena, technological by-products, hallucinations, false perception of movements and secret German weapons.
- The swinging stars autokinetic illusion phenomenon. - Vestibular-induced illusions in night flight. -Optical illusions oculargravic and oculargyral.
“Static Electricity”
-It is difficult to evaluate how much static electricity can be generated by a thousand airframes, four thousand engines and twelve thousand airscrew blades, interacting among them over a burning city. The engines of that time did not burn the fuel very efficiently, a great part was expelled unburnt through the exhaust pipes. A burning flame is full of charged particles that can be affected by an electric field. Scientists knew that burning fuel generates electrons and ions. In recent years several experiments have shown that electric fields cause an ‘ionic wind’ which can affect the shape of the flame. The electric field was increased close to the fuel outlet and this increase was caused by negatively charged ions of partially burned fuel. Windows, gun turrets, navigator astrodomes and radar radomes of these bombers had many plastic parts that became electrically charged when going through the air rarefied by Flak explosions, luminous markings, flares, missile trails and their unburned propellants, smoke and strange chemical substances dispersed after the burning a big city.
- The ground fires were generally started with phosphorus bombs that could generate firestorms, and their effects over the electromagnetic environment have not yet studied in detail.
Phosphorus and soot particles, transported to high altitude by the firestorm, were in suspension in the atmosphere during months creating false aurora borealis and other strange luminescent phenomena.
A propeller must impart momentum to the passing air, viscosity results in a series of helicoidal vortex around the aircrew blades.
Whenever the air is passed through by an object at high speed, both the object and the air become electrically charged. Not being able to quickly be discharged on the ground, this electricity generates a lot of not yet well studied physical phenomena.
- The behavior of electric charges in the air depending on altitude, humidity, temperature and purity.
A dry, warm and polluted air crowded by airplanes is the best environment for the appearance of luminescent phenomena.
Ionized gases (plasmas) are electromagnetic entities that are often manifested as mysterious lights or red balls of fire with a variety of shapes and sizes.
Plasma orbs have a magnetic field as they are an electrically charged gas, and their erratic movements, sudden and instantaneous acceleration are affected by electrical and magnetic fields.
Fireballs form in an aerodynamic vortex generated by the wings and then evolve around the aircraft following magnetic field lines usually located between 100 and 200 meters away from the airframe.
Fireballs can separate from the plane at high speed by being attracted by a more powerful electrostatic field: electrically charged clouds, thermal currents of hot air, thunderstorms or by the radar of another aircraft.
The magnetic field is constantly regenerating due to air friction and fluctuates due to vortices, Fireballs are only the visible part of the phenomenon and have non-ballistic and non-aerodynamic flight characteristics.
They were seen as glowing balls of fire which followed the airplanes but never collided with them. If seen in day light, they appeared to be spinning metallic or crystal transparent balls.
“German secret weapons”-Air-to-air rockets. -Ground-to-air rockets. -Air-to-air missiles.-Ground-to-air missiles.- Catherine Wheels and the Pulkzerstörer concept.-German anti-radar technology.-Coal dust and thermobaric devices.-The mysterious EMP (magnetic wave) weapon.-The sonic weapon.-The solar anti-aircraft mirror.-The atmospheric whirlwind gun.-The vortex gun.
“The U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron air intelligence reports”
There are two types of lights in the sky: the usual ones and the weird things.
“Possibly a naturally occurring phenomenon?”
-St. Elmo’s Fires. -Luminous phenomena generated during volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, large thunderstorms, tornadoes, large fires and nuclear explosions. -Luminous atmospheric phenomena recently discovered by satellite cameras: Sprites, Elves, dark blue luminous waterfalls and strange pulses of gamma rays that are emitted from the interior of the planet into space.-Ball Lightnings.
“Air war in the darkness”
- The Kammhuber Line. -Dunkelnachtjagdgebeite.-Cat’s Eyes night fighters.- Dunkel Nacht Jagd (DUNAJA-Himmelbett ‘cells’)-Freya, Würzburg and Würzburg Riese.- Hellenachtjagd tactics.- ‘Bomber Stream’ concept.- The Path Finder Force.- Operation Millennium.- Operation Gomorrah.- Electronic countermeasures: Window, Bouzer, Mandrel, Moonshine and Tinsel.-Flakartillerie.-Luftnachrichtendiest.- Schräge Musik.-Blind Bombing concept: Gee, Oboe, BABS and H2S Stinker.- Operation Steinbock.- Monica, Corkscrew and FuG 227 Flensburg.- Perfectos, Serrate and Lichtenstein SN-2.-The AI Mk. X (Western Electric SCR 720/729) ‘centimetric’ radar.-Proximity fuses.- Wilde Sau, the Nachtjagdversuchskommando and the Behelfsbeleutchtergruppe.- FuG 120K Funklandegerät blind landing device, BuBl2 radio FuG 120a Bernhardine radio navigation system and FuG 350 Naxos Passive Ortungsgerät passive radar-receiver.- Objekt Nachtjagd and Moskitojägern.- Fu MG 402 Wassermann and Bumerang.- Zhame Sau, Y-Linien, Geführte Zame Sau, FuG 350/FuMG 85 Naxburg Stelle and Komet control.- FuG 120a Bernhardine radio beacon, rotating beacon FuS An 724/725 Bernhard and searchlights rotating beacons Leuchtfeuern.-New radars Jagdschloss, Wassermann, Mammut, Pauke, Bremerhaven and Neptun.
“The human factor”
-Low temperatures, breakdown of thermal suits, freezing oxygen masks, faults in the oxygen supply, fatigue of battle, the searchlights + Flak + Benzedrine tablets cocktail.
In the slang of bombing crews and night fighters, unknown luminous phenomena were called by many different nicknames: The Thing, The Light, Balls of Fire, Flak Phenomena, Orange comet-like objects, Large meteor-like balls, Huge orange ball, Pyrotechnic Activity, Pyrotechnics Phenomenon, Catherine Wheels, Aerial minefields, Fire-like glow, Chandelier Flares, Kraut Fireballs, Silver Disks, Floating Silver balls, Christmas Trees, Scarecrow flares, Scarecrow Flak Burst, Flash less Flak, Fire-like glow, Yellowish-red intermittent glow, Phosphorescent Golden Sphere and Odd luminous aerial phenomena.
Peculiar incidents reported by pilots would be the labeling of various phenomena:
-The glow of ground fires reflected on the clouds. -Nickel packages (propaganda leaflets bundles).-Window packages (chaff bundles).-Tracer bullets observed from certain angles.-Parachute marker flares.-Ground-to-air missiles (experimental prototypes without warhead).-Vehicle headlights pointed upwards when they were going up a slope.-Corona discharges generated by the electronic equipment of the observer aircraft.-Ground decoy fires.-Wandering barrage balloon (Sperrballon).-Crew parachutes illuminated from below by fires or by searchlights.
In 1942, all the weird things without explanation began to be identified only with the words Foo Fighters from a comic book.
Under this label were grouped natural luminous phenomena, technological by-products, hallucinations, false perception of movements and secret German weapons.
- The swinging stars autokinetic illusion phenomenon. - Vestibular-induced illusions in night flight. -Optical illusions oculargravic and oculargyral.
“Static Electricity”
-It is difficult to evaluate how much static electricity can be generated by a thousand airframes, four thousand engines and twelve thousand airscrew blades, interacting among them over a burning city. The engines of that time did not burn the fuel very efficiently, a great part was expelled unburnt through the exhaust pipes. A burning flame is full of charged particles that can be affected by an electric field. Scientists knew that burning fuel generates electrons and ions. In recent years several experiments have shown that electric fields cause an ‘ionic wind’ which can affect the shape of the flame. The electric field was increased close to the fuel outlet and this increase was caused by negatively charged ions of partially burned fuel. Windows, gun turrets, navigator astrodomes and radar radomes of these bombers had many plastic parts that became electrically charged when going through the air rarefied by Flak explosions, luminous markings, flares, missile trails and their unburned propellants, smoke and strange chemical substances dispersed after the burning a big city.
- The ground fires were generally started with phosphorus bombs that could generate firestorms, and their effects over the electromagnetic environment have not yet studied in detail.
Phosphorus and soot particles, transported to high altitude by the firestorm, were in suspension in the atmosphere during months creating false aurora borealis and other strange luminescent phenomena.
A propeller must impart momentum to the passing air, viscosity results in a series of helicoidal vortex around the aircrew blades.
Whenever the air is passed through by an object at high speed, both the object and the air become electrically charged. Not being able to quickly be discharged on the ground, this electricity generates a lot of not yet well studied physical phenomena.
- The behavior of electric charges in the air depending on altitude, humidity, temperature and purity.
A dry, warm and polluted air crowded by airplanes is the best environment for the appearance of luminescent phenomena.
Ionized gases (plasmas) are electromagnetic entities that are often manifested as mysterious lights or red balls of fire with a variety of shapes and sizes.
Plasma orbs have a magnetic field as they are an electrically charged gas, and their erratic movements, sudden and instantaneous acceleration are affected by electrical and magnetic fields.
Fireballs form in an aerodynamic vortex generated by the wings and then evolve around the aircraft following magnetic field lines usually located between 100 and 200 meters away from the airframe.
Fireballs can separate from the plane at high speed by being attracted by a more powerful electrostatic field: electrically charged clouds, thermal currents of hot air, thunderstorms or by the radar of another aircraft.
The magnetic field is constantly regenerating due to air friction and fluctuates due to vortices, Fireballs are only the visible part of the phenomenon and have non-ballistic and non-aerodynamic flight characteristics.
They were seen as glowing balls of fire which followed the airplanes but never collided with them. If seen in day light, they appeared to be spinning metallic or crystal transparent balls.
“German secret weapons”-Air-to-air rockets. -Ground-to-air rockets. -Air-to-air missiles.-Ground-to-air missiles.- Catherine Wheels and the Pulkzerstörer concept.-German anti-radar technology.-Coal dust and thermobaric devices.-The mysterious EMP (magnetic wave) weapon.-The sonic weapon.-The solar anti-aircraft mirror.-The atmospheric whirlwind gun.-The vortex gun.
“The U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron air intelligence reports”