Posting here a bunch of documents related to the saga of the MOL Film ReadOut system. Long story short, MOL astronauts could have laser-scanned the most interesting pictures to a ground station.
The more we gets declassified MOL documents, the more interesting it looks. So the crew would have a) looked through a periscope-like Advanced Tracking Scope, watching for targets of opportunity. And b) if they saw one (new missile in Baikonur !) they would have grabbed control from the main big camera - screw the automatics - and taken pictures of interest. And after that, c) they could have laser-scanned the picture to a ground station ?
I know that MOL basic concept was made obsolete by GAMBIT and HEXAGON - but still, interesting way of spying from above.
We know the NRO had a KH-11 spying the smoldering remains of Chernobyl unit 4 reactor a few days after the disaster. They even pinpointed helicopters and firemen, and the red glare of the nuclear inferno. Wonder what MOL crews would have thought of the mess below.
The more we gets declassified MOL documents, the more interesting it looks. So the crew would have a) looked through a periscope-like Advanced Tracking Scope, watching for targets of opportunity. And b) if they saw one (new missile in Baikonur !) they would have grabbed control from the main big camera - screw the automatics - and taken pictures of interest. And after that, c) they could have laser-scanned the picture to a ground station ?
I know that MOL basic concept was made obsolete by GAMBIT and HEXAGON - but still, interesting way of spying from above.
We know the NRO had a KH-11 spying the smoldering remains of Chernobyl unit 4 reactor a few days after the disaster. They even pinpointed helicopters and firemen, and the red glare of the nuclear inferno. Wonder what MOL crews would have thought of the mess below.
20.pdf8.2 MB · Views: 30
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357 MOL safety & readout.pdf524.7 KB · Views: 9
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SC-2016-00001_C05098372.pdf233.6 KB · Views: 11
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