Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 coverage

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Yeah, 'til he shares all the super-hot groupie 'sexting' messages he's being bombarded with..



Missing plane lost, Malaysia says BBC News
Malaysia's prime minister has announced on the basis of new analysis it must be concluded that missing flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.

He said Malaysia Airlines had told the families of the 239 people on board.

Earlier the BBC saw a text message sent to families saying it had to be assumed "beyond reasonable doubt" that the plane was lost and there were no survivors.

Flight MH370 went missing after taking off on 8 March.

The announcement by PM Najib Razak came on the fifth day of an international search effort in the southern Indian Ocean.

Based on new analysis, the UK's Air Accidents Investigation Branch and Inmarsat, the UK company that provided satellite data, "have concluded that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth," he said.

"This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean."
Or has it?


Hard to envisage a more convenient cover-up & smoke-screen..
.. if the 777/occupants were being held for ransom.. say.. in a remote central Asian location..

Either that.. or the Malay pilot did run amok - had political/personal - meltdown..

It aint as if there is a glaring lack of potential motives/suspicious data lapses.. ..surely?
Hiding a 777 and 250 people is not something that seems like a rational conclusion. 250 people need substantial food and water resources, as well as shelter and sanitation and 777 needs a long runway.

The conspiracy theories are very tiresome indeed.
Helios flight 522..
( I called it on day 3 ) just google it..
No fire, just scale it up to a 777

Why is everyone promoting hijacking or suicide, just does not make sense
or maybe its convenient to the media to sensationalise and distract from the nuts & bolts blame
- I believe the pilots instigated the turn back to land in Malaysia, but hypoxia rapidly set in. I think it could explain the random odd "Goodnight sign off call" due to onset hypoxia ( hypoxic impaired decision making)

OK, this is a TV doco, so excuse the sensationalism - but has anyone watched this ??

I still think this is worth a watch, as this precedent has happened before to commercial flights.

I think there is a huge fall out to happen here over the next 6 months. be it passport forgeries going to Europe, or at Malaysia's Air maintenance or with Boeing's alerts. Even later at why Malaysia's Radar installations were just not operational. or how badly the long entrenched Malaysian Government mis-handled their response to the public.
JFC Fuller said:
Hiding a 777 and 250 people is not something that seems like a rational conclusion. 250 people need substantial food and water resources, as well as shelter and sanitation and 777 needs a long runway.

Well, 250 bullets gets rid of the first problem fairly quickly. The second one is harder but there are quite a few strips around that could do take it. Don't forget what happened at Dawson Field, Jordan in 1970. Nice long, desert air strip in the middle of no where. Three large airliners hijacked and flown in.

The conspiracy theories are very tiresome indeed.

True. Many though, have a basis in fact which is what makes them believable to the more credulous.
Kadija_Man said:
Don't forget what happened at Dawson Field, Jordan in 1970. Nice long, desert air strip in the middle of no where. Three large airliners hijacked and flown in.

It wasn't in the middle of nowhere. It was next to the third biggest town in Jordan.

Plane crashed. Nothing more, nothing less.
J.A.W. said:
Or has it?


Hard to envisage a more convenient cover-up & smoke-screen..
.. if the 777/occupants were being held for ransom.. say.. in a remote central Asian location..
You're proposing that INMARSAT and the AAIB are deliberately lying, in public and on the official record, about their work? Seriously?
Kadija_Man said:
Well, 250 bullets gets rid of the first problem fairly quickly.

Killing 250 people is an involved process and not one achieved simply without considerable preparation. That aside, killing all the passengers immediately removes any ransom value our fantasy hijackers would have.

The plane crashed and its time to stop with the tin foil hat stuff.
One, or some - of the people aboard may have had particular value, or motivation.. to expend others..

Or seize & hold particular others..

'Mistakes' have been made in navigation/tracking - in the past..

'Red herrings' & 'wild goose chases' like-wise.

Emotive expressions/adjectives used to describe frustration with a lack of timely, or conclusive data,
are not a substitute for facts, which until actually established, remain theoretical, if not moot..
You keep saying that it's possible the aircraft is intact and the passengers are being held or ransom or some other purpose. This is absolutely not possible given the evidence available today. The INMARSAT Doppler analysis locates the aircraft to within a few hundred miles at about the time when it's fuel would have to be running out. There isn't a runway anywhere close that area where it could possibly have landed. As unpalatable as the evidence may be, it's clear that the plane went into the water in the southern Indian Ocean.

This evidence is pretty clear -- it's been peer-reviewed and no one technical seems to be able to find any fault with it.
The 'evidence' of any actual outcome is still very thin..

Speculation is a natural outcome of nebulous, vague data sets.

Who can say what arrangements were made for ditching scenarios/flight simulations?

Or if a rendezvous was made at a certain location, with a select few to be collected?
Hang on, so are you now suggesting that not only was the aircraft hijacked, but from the middle of the South Indian Ocean?
No, - however, there are still too many suspicious loose ends - as yet..

What will the skipper's covert/simulated flight plan reveal?
Okay, conspiracy theory nuts, how about this one...? :eek:
(from the comments section...)


Now coming back to our report, it is interesting to note that it says that Flight 370 was already under GRU ¿surveillance¿ after it received a ¿highly suspicious¿ cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama. What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this ¿highly suspicious¿ cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under ¿suspicious circumstances.

The billion dollar question is.......what exactly was in the hold of that aircraft that might likely have been responsible for the chain of events that led to this catastrophe - and the prior deaths of those Navy Seals? The mind boggles!

It was a special gyroscope jointly built by USA and China which 20 employees of an American semiconductor company were carrying.. Apparently to handover to China and cut USA out of the competition. The CIA landed the plane at Diego Garcia Island where there is a super huge runway and CIA office too.

Holy 'extraordinary rendition' Robin..

If it is a matter of US state security, then, stranger yet.. ..we'll see.. Roswell.. anyone?
J.A.W. said:
No, - however, there are still too many suspicious loose ends - as yet..

What will the skipper's covert/simulated flight plan reveal?

It - the pilot's flight simulator - revealed nothing suspicious and it wasn't covert. Conspiracy theories thrive in the absence of knowledge, aka ignorance.
Abraham Gubler said:
J.A.W. said:
No, - however, there are still too many suspicious loose ends - as yet..

What will the skipper's covert/simulated flight plan reveal?

It - the pilot's flight simulator - revealed nothing suspicious and it wasn't covert. Conspiracy theories thrive in the absence of knowledge, aka ignorance.

& to your certain ' knowledge'.. at just what confidence level is your data base - regarding these things?

False -'don't you worry about that' type assurances made by 'authoritative sources' - are a 'stock-in-trade'..

What is the old Latin dictum, -
'let the facts speak' ?
Does R-R admit to having a functional telemetry uplink from/to its Trent engines powering the 777?
JFC Fuller said:
The plane crashed and its time to stop with the tin foil hat stuff.

Why? I thought it was stock in trade for some here, particularly where the motivations of their own government are concerned over most issues but particularly defence, foreign policy and definitely nuclear weapons. B)
Time to end this topic for now I think. Note forum rules:

The primary purpose of the forum is to discuss unbuilt military and aerospace technology in various forms.
Posts on UFOs, Nazi wunderwaffen/flying saucers, conspiracy theories, alien crashes, moon landing denials and the like are specifically discouraged and would be better posted elsewhere.
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