Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 coverage

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Sorry but I think China is attempting to play a cruel joke on the world with this so called sighting. According to the Chinese they just moved their satellite resources into the area two days ago. So how could they have spotted this floating wreckage as long ago as Saturday?

Something doesn't add up.

"...It was announced on Tuesday by Chinese state media that Beijing is deploying about 10 satellites in hopes of tracking down the missing plane."
The photos are taken Sunday morning, march 9. The satellites were reported to have been deployed on march 10, Monday at earliest (do a google search). Hell, even if it was only reported today that china deployed satellites to search for the area and then immediately produced the photos, would ther be anything disconcerting with that?

Basically, oh, maybe the satellites were deployed before Sunday, and were only reported by state media on monday? The original report said "China has adjusted the operations of nearly ten orbiting satellites to help in the search of the missing flight MH370," meaning it was done before march 10
Not "china will".

What you are insinuating is not only illogical (why the hell would they lie about when the satellite images were taken or when they were moved??) but is actually disgusting.

China deploys satellites for missing plane search

(Source: China Military Online) 2014-03-10

  BEIJING, March 10 (ChinaMil) -- Reporters learnt from the Xi’an Satellite Control Centre, located in Xi’an, capital city of western China’s Shaanxi Province, that China has adjusted the operations of nearly ten orbiting satellites to help in the search of the missing flight MH370.

  The center had launched an emergency response for the search and adjusted up to ten high-resolution satellites. It purged the original commands of several satellites to offer full services in weather monitoring, communication and other aspects for the search.

  Contact with Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was lost along with its radar signal at 1:20 a.m. Beijing time on Saturday as it was flying over the Ho Chi Minh City air traffic control area in Vietnam.

  The flight was carrying 12 crew members and 227 passengers, including more than 150 Chinese.

  A large-scale search conducted by multiple countries has found no sign of the plane so far.

Editor:Zhang Tao


VH said:
Sorry but I think China is attempting to play a cruel joke on the world with this so called sighting. According to the Chinese they just moved their satellite resources into the area two days ago. So how could they have spotted this floating wreckage as long ago as Saturday?

Something doesn't add up.

Many of these satellites are ocean weather and surveillance satellites. They would have been looking in the geneal area anyway. The announcemernt that the satellites were redeployed or retasked is partialty a change in emphasis and partially just PR.

In any case, the initial report was that they satellites were being used to support the orginal search area, which would be in the Gulf of Thailand. The image they released is well outside that initial search, so it makes sense that it might have been collected earlier.
Blitzo said:
What you are insinuating is not only illogical (why the hell would they lie about when the satellite images were taken or when they were moved??) but is actually disgusting.

Not illogical at all. China never misses a chance to toot its own horn and this could be an example of that. I want to see other photos from other nation's satellite surveillance systems before I go with this 'discovery' China just happened to find.


VH said:
Blitzo said:
What you are insinuating is not only illogical (why the hell would they lie about when the satellite images were taken or when they were moved??) but is actually disgusting.

Not illogical at all. China never misses a chance to toot its own horn and this could be an example of that. I want to see other photos from other nation's satellite surveillance systems before I go with this 'discovery' China just happened to find.

You are conceited if you believe they would use a tragedy like this where they have their own nationals in threat to vainly "toot their own horn". That works against real life as well because china actually actively tries to underplay its true military capability. I've already explained to lengt in the J-20 thread how this is te case, I'm not sure if you've read it or not.

And you probably won't get any photos from other nations. The debris (if it was debris at all) has probably sunk or been carried far away by now.

Also, I want to point out your train of thought. First you say the Chinese were lying and were showing off because you didn't bother to think how the dates would fit, and now that I've proved how it isn't strange at all, you are using a ridiculous prerequisite to claim that the satellite photos aren't real.

China literally gets nothing out of faking satellite photos. And they are playing with 150 of their own citizen's lives, why would they fake photos that would hinder rescue efforts???
Blitzo said:
You are conceited if you believe they would use a tragedy like this where they have their own nationals in threat to vainly "toot their own horn". That works against real life as well because china actually actively tries to underplay its true military capability. I've already explained to lengt in the J-20 thread how this is te case, I'm not sure if you've read it or not.

And you probably won't get any photos from other nations. The debris (if it was debris at all) has probably sunk or been carried far away by now.

Also, I want to point out your train of thought. First you say the Chinese were lying and were showing off because you didn't bother to think how the dates would fit, and now that I've proved how it isn't strange at all, you are using a ridiculous prerequisite to claim that the satellite photos aren't real.

China literally gets nothing out of faking satellite photos. And they are playing with 150 of their own citizen's lives, why would they fake photos that would hinder rescue efforts???

You are reading too much into my post. Relax.
VH said:
Blitzo said:
You are conceited if you believe they would use a tragedy like this where they have their own nationals in threat to vainly "toot their own horn". That works against real life as well because china actually actively tries to underplay its true military capability. I've already explained to lengt in the J-20 thread how this is te case, I'm not sure if you've read it or not.

And you probably won't get any photos from other nations. The debris (if it was debris at all) has probably sunk or been carried far away by now.

Also, I want to point out your train of thought. First you say the Chinese were lying and were showing off because you didn't bother to think how the dates would fit, and now that I've proved how it isn't strange at all, you are using a ridiculous prerequisite to claim that the satellite photos aren't real.

China literally gets nothing out of faking satellite photos. And they are playing with 150 of their own citizen's lives, why would they fake photos that would hinder rescue efforts???

You are reading too much into my post. Relax.

Yet you still have not retracted your ridiculous position nor addressed the problems I've pointed out in your logic.
What can I say? Its my opinion and I stand by what I posted.
VH said:
What can I say? Its my opinion and I stand by what I posted.

You stand by it even after I lined out clearly why what you suggested is utterly nonsensical and would be tinfoil hat worthy?

Fair enough if you are determined to avoid the logic and the facts, but it is rather closed minded and gives off the impression that you're more interested in deliberately construing events or even fabricating fantasies to support your prejudices rather than actually looking at things with a critical and open mind.
Interested to hear what Rolls Royce has regarding the engine telemetry data.
Certainly something is up.

This is the best story I've seen on the laest INmarsat development:


Basically, Inmarsat got "keep alive" pings from the onboard SATCOM for several hours after the last known contact with the flight. They can deduce the possible locations of those signals from the angle and time of arrival of those signals to their geostationary satellites. That appears to move the last-known position very far away from the initial search areas.

Of special note for our readers, a USN P-8 and one or more Indian P-8is (which have only been in Indian posession for a few months) are being deployed to the new search areas.
The plot thickens:


VH said:
Not illogical at all. China never misses a chance to toot its own horn and this could be an example of that. I want to see other photos from other nation's satellite surveillance systems before I go with this 'discovery' China just happened to find.

The error here, I think, is in regarding China as a single monolithic entity. It might be more accurate to say that organizations (in this case Chinese ones) seldom miss a chance to toot their own horns. The satellite images apparently came out from the Chinese satellite research organization, not the central government. Likewise, the reports of a seismic event near the lask known position was also publicized by a Chinese seismic research organization, not the central government. Both organizations probably saw a chane to advance their own interests and took them. Both reports are looking to be erroneous, following the Inmarsat data.[/size]
TomS said:
VH said:
Not illogical at all. China never misses a chance to toot its own horn and this could be an example of that. I want to see other photos from other nation's satellite surveillance systems before I go with this 'discovery' China just happened to find.

The error here, I think, is in regarding China as a single monolithic entity. It might be more accurate to say that organizations (in this case Chinese ones) seldom miss a chance to toot their own horns. The satellite images apparently came out from the Chinese satellite research organization, not the central government. Likewise, the reports of a seismic event near the lask known position was also publicized by a Chinese seismic research organization, not the central government. Both organizations probably saw a chane to advance their own interests and took them. Both reports are looking to be erroneous, following the Inmarsat data.

Actually I believe the satellite pictures were released by the central government, initially on a government website. Furthermore, these photos would not have been released without approval from the higher ups.

Indeed, for sensitive assets such as satellites or stealth fighters, the individual state owned company has only a very limited degree of freedom to "show off," and any desire to do so must receive the nod.

So yes, while you are right that china is not a monolithic entity (a prime example is how state media features many journalists that print things either without proper consent to higher ups or does so without much coordination, leading to poor quality of work) in most cases, sensitive information or sensitive products produced by state controlled semi autonomous organizations cannot display them without the authorities consent.
The Malaysians also said the satellite photo release was a "mistake" which is confusing, because china has not said any such thing.
And I'd be interested to see which other occasions you perceive chinese organizations to have tooted their own horns., VH seemed to mean it in a military-industrial complex basis, and outside of arms shows, china doesn't toot its MIC horn very much at all, certainly no more than your average country, if not less.
Is there any cockpit warning in modern aircraft on low oxygen levels? a sudden decompression would trigger oxygen masks, but what a bout a slow leak? How long would it take for everyone to loose consciousness? The cabin would have settled down after feeding, probably most would have gone to sleep especially at such a late time. But would the crew notice anything unusual on low oxygen. You can get quite irrational in your decision making before you pass out. surely people have different tolerances here and notice other becoming confused ahead of themselves? could hypoxia account for the transponders being switched off, and the change of course. it would imply switching off the autopilot. Remember the Lear 35 carrying the golfer Payne Stewart, and the Cypriot Helios Airways flight 522. Would MH 370 be flying at - above 25,000ft ? it would take be less than 5 to 10 minutes before everyone began severe hypoxia. Its all guesswork right now as we await any signs of wreckage. I hear Malaysian Airlines had not opted for the full package of automated data signalling from the RR engines etc. But the basic pinging thats now being reported is moving the search further out to the west and into the Indian Ocean.
Reading the suggested waypoint directions - if the flight had fuel enough for Beijing
then it could be anywhere in this huge area - also supposing no further direction changes occurred... Apologies for adding more speculation.


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Zeppelin said:
Reading the suggested waypoint directions - if the flight had fuel enough for Beijing
then it could be anywhere in this huge area - also supposing no further direction changes occurred... Apologies for adding more speculation.
It probably had more fuel than needed for Beijing, so it could travel further.

About the satellite image, I wouldn't read any posturing into its release. There's literally no interest for China to posture anything while engaged in finding out what happened. The flight is Malaysian, but most of the passengers were Chinese, and this story has as big an impact on China as Malaysia, if not bigger. It's far more likely that someone got overzealous when they found something and didn't get it authorized first. Chinese organizations do not have many experiences dealing with these sorts of flight incidents, so a lack of discipline and procedure shouldn't be very surprising.
There are reports that Malaysia now believes the plan was "conclusively hijacked". http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-03-15/malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370-hijacked-investigators-conclude/5323338
Hijacking is a possibility. but after a week! you would think some claim or exposure of a cause would be the aim. Plus you'd have to land the 777 someplace and keep hundreds of passengers and crew fed.. Even if the plan was suicidal, publicity of some purpose or cause would seem the aim. Although the real outside idea is exactly whats happening now. Fly the plane to a place where there is little chance of any discovery, create a huge mystery and anger against Malaysia etc - Not sure in this case, if anything is achieved except years of speculative journalism and publishing of sensational conspiracy theories.. My heart really goes out to all the poor families awaiting news and closure.
Zeppelin said:
[font=]Hijacking is a possibility. but after a week! you would think some claim or exposure of a cause would be the aim. [/font]

It could have been a United 93 type situation. Hijackers take over, turn the plane west (perhaps because they are anti-Indian or anti Sri Lankan, lots of Tamils in Malaysia), the passengers and crew revolt fearing a September 11 situation and the plane subsequently crashes, in this case in the water leaving minimal trace. It’s an extreme scenario but the minimal evidence to date indicates a complex answer will be found for this plane not a simple one.
Potential likelihood of connection between recent Islamist mass knifing attacks on Chinese civilians
& hi-jack of plane China-bound, mayhaps?

Or, alternatively - Malay aircrew member runs 'amok'?

Stranger things, as is said..
Oh no, don't mention QANTAS,
- last time they lost an airliner/occupants ( & sans 'Rain Man' hype), -it had 'Zero' chance of staying afloat..
12.49 China is pretty furious that it has taken a week for Malaysia to brief the public that flight MH370 was deliberately turned off course after its communication system was manually shut down.

China's Xinhua state news agency said that Malaysian PM Mr Najib's announcement today was "painfully belated".

"And due to the absence - or at least lack - of timely authoritative information, massive efforts have been squandered, and numerous rumours have been spawned, repeatedly racking the nerves of the awaiting families," it said.

It remains unclear as to whether Malaysia had indeed kept silent or if it was just corroborating the information it received before it went public like it said.

Some are speculating that Malaysia was concerned about revealing the fact that the airliner could have flown to Central Asia as it would in turn lead to speculation that the country's jihadists could be involved.

Here is a video of the - mainly Chinese - passengers' families reacting angrily to Malaysian PM's statement.



Looks like the Snow Leopards may yet get a chance to earn their pay.
what to hell is going on ?

is this case of suicide ?
possibly, there was a case of Egypt pilot who rammed a passage plane into Atlantic
in another case, a passenger run amok on US regional flight, killing the crew and crash the plane.
or the UPS cargo plane highjack by ex-Pilot who wanted to kill the crew and head into UPS HQ

kidnapping ?
More likely, but were were is the Plane ?
Ethiopian-Airlines-Flight 961 is so case, three men raided the cockpit and demand to fly to Australia.
961 fly in west direction until fuel run out and plane crash-landed in the Indian Ocean near Grande Comore island.
Nord Korea had in past the tendency to take what they want, also by kidnapping.
no wonder there suspect number one in this case.

Airpirates ?
Not so insane idea, if people kidnap freighters at somalia coast, so why not Airplanes ?
In this case Flight 370, has Malaysia government got the ransom demands, but keep it quiet.
Piracy seems very unlikely. Grab a few merchant seamen and no one worries too much. Grab 240+ people (including some rather wealthy Chinese) and the next thing that's going to happen is a visit from SEAL Team 6 or its Chinese equivalent. That doesn't bother the ideologues (terrorists) but it's no good for businessmen (pirates).
Grey Havoc said:
Some are speculating that Malaysia was concerned about revealing the fact that the airliner could have flown to Central Asia as it would in turn lead to speculation that the country's jihadists could be involved.

Most likely Uyghur separatists but if it was, then it is a considerable step up from their very minor, nuisance attacks.
(too lazy to link an english link)

Looks like some clever people run X-plane simulator airstrip database 2500 miles around Kuala Lumpur, and here's the result - 634 potential landing strips at least 5000 feet long, scattered from Mongolia to Australia, from Micronesia to New Guinea to Taiwan !

Except that the damn thing may as well land on a road, or even on hard-packed dirt strip.

Can't help thinking about the following (crude) scenario. The terrorists - whoever they are - clean the aircraft and "paint it" like another 777 from another company. (when I say paint, I mean they disguise the aircraft - remember that story about a wolf in lamb clothing ?)

Then they fill the tanks to the brim, restoring the 777-200ER complete range of 14 000 km.
Once the "wolf in lamb clothing" integrated into the air traffic, 35000 ft high, they are free to crash the plane anywhere on Earth... range allow them to do that.
Even more since they seem to have some outstanding pilot able to play hide-and-seek with radars.

Sheesh. This is rather frightening.
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