Minéo man powered 'motor glider' 1936

avion ancien

The accidental peasant!
6 March 2013
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From Les Ailes, 7 January 1937, a pencil sketch by Michel Minéo, dated July 1936, for a man powered 'motor glider' which evidently had some derivation from the Mignet concept. Probably it was - or was one of - his last design, for he took his own life on 22 December 1936. I can find only one reference to this project on the web, namely at http://www.scalesoaring.co.uk/VINTAGE/Documentation/Mineo/Mineo_Documentation.html. More general references to him, his work and his aircraft are to be found at http://www.j2mcl-planeurs.net/dbj2mcl/planeurs-hommes/hommes-fiche_0int.php?code=67 and http://www.retroplane.net/jj2/JJ2.pdf. It seems that hitherto he designed and built a series of gliders and there is mention of a powered aeroplane. Also there was another light aeroplane in the course of development at the time of his death, which was carried on by his brother, François Minéo, but ultimately abandoned.


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