Micro-satellite to inspect if Americans did land on Moon


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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Micro-satellite to inspect if Americans did land on Moon ::)

Published on Oct 11, 2015

Russian engineers, tired of debating whether the US really landed on the moon, have decided to build a satellite to receive footage from there.

Triton said:
Micro-satellite to inspect if Americans did land on Moon ::)

Published on Oct 11, 2015

Russian engineers, tired of debating whether the US really landed on the moon, have decided to build a satellite to receive footage from there.

Talk about horse shit! -SP
Well.. i'd wait for this


try to resolve the site from the ground sounds very good exercise and benchmark.
I guess people must also not believe LRO ever took pictures of the landing sites.


  • LRO Apollo 11.jpg
    LRO Apollo 11.jpg
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  • LRO Apollo 12.jpg
    LRO Apollo 12.jpg
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This is the 2nd time the Europeans have announced they will be able to see the footprints left by Apollo astronauts. The VLO observatory in Chile is theoretically able to do this IF the interferometric combining off all four 8 meter telescopes had been successful. Coherently merging widely spaced telescopes requires submicron path length balancing at 50-100Hz time scales (atmospheric turbulence speed). Keck, VLO, LBT, and others have all tried to do this but so far I have not seen any super resolved images created by such attempts. Everything moves when you are talking microns (building walls, floors, and of course the Earth itself). With the OWL, all the light is coming from a single (albeit multi segment) telescope so they should be able to get it done assuming the funding is provided. Of course, the Large Magellan Telescope will probably beat them to it.

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