It was a development of the Me 323 Gigant, transfered to Zeppelin and Sud-Ouest,
with an tow of about 95.000 kg, and a payload of 46.800 kg. Span would have been
70,0 m, lenght 40,25m .Regarding the FLUGREVUE article, where I found this 3-view,
too, development of this aircraft reached a very detailed stage, but ended, of course,
when France was freed by the allies in 1944.
Some years ago, I've asked in another forum, if this development was followed in France
after the war, but unfortunately not. Would be nice stuff for my collection ...
Or is there anyone, who has other information ?
Who's interested in the article, just drop a PM, but please be patient for about 3 weeks,
because tomorrow morning my holidays begin !!! .