Not to be misunderstood: You did a great job, and although my suggestion of the red paint scheme
was tongue in cheek, the Me 262 attacking B-29 bombers make clear, that it actually isn't a real
scene from WW II times. The Me 262 actually was feared by US bomber crews and there where
fighter groups, where high-scoring pilots were concentrated. So, why not give them a special paint
scheme, to show the enemy "Look, we are here ... AND WE ARE HERE FOR YOU !" AFAIK the very
conspicious tail colours of several US fighter groups often served the same reason. So, to me it's
nothing wrong about it, it's as what-if, as pictures of a never realised aircarft in service. And it is a
plausible what-if, and to me plausibility should be a touchstone, ewverything else is just phantasy.
Your pictures show, what could have been and it's great, that they do this with a closeness to reality
not seen before !
The only problem sometimes is: When you make a picture about, say, the Avro 730 it's absolutely
clear, that the paint scheme is fictional, because the aircraft was never built. In the case of a picture
with a Me 262 the question about the used paint scheme may arise, of course, but as said before,
you principally answered the question by the B-29 in the same picture.
So, again, great work !