Low flying cargo haulers.

Foo Fighter

Cum adolescunt hominem verum esse volo.
Senior Member
19 July 2016
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A question I cannot see getting a full answer but, I came up with zilch so we shall see.

Is there ANY good reason for an A300 to be flying over the periphery of a large town at 500' or less?

Not flying straight and level, banking and turning.

Obvious where it was going so that is not a surprise but when I see them on a normal day they are at least a couple of thousand feet up.
A go-around ?? Perhaps they wanted 'eyes on' to make sure everything looked okay, gear down etc...

FWIW, when wind was not from usual SW, we'd see the Airbus wing-freighter rather low over Mersey & Dee...
We are about forty miles from Fairford so they would need to have big 'glass. The hills being in the way could frustrate efforts too. We constantly see these birds doing circuits for landing pattern but they usually stick to a couple of thousand feet to clear the transatlantic divergent paths.
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