The second given by Overscan,, is the one I have been visiting. As I said, it is not playing well with my browser. When I enable local javascript for the site (no cross-site scripting), I get a display with a big blank in the middle. Hovering over an option from the main menu, HOME - DISCOVER BOOKS - AMERICA THROUGH TIME - BLOG - CONTACT US, brings up pages dating from years ago.
The DISCOVER BOOKS list of latest releases features "A Man Called Plenty Horses" from a year or so ago, while the latest BLOG post is New Books December 2017.
But none of the links in these pages is active and the pages vanish when I move the pointer away.
I established that enabling shopify brings up more activity, but it did not occur to me to check that that activity was displaying stuff some 18 months newer than the stuff the local site had already offered me. Now that I have been prompted to compare the dating for both modes, I can say this:
The site itself is confirmed to be woefully out of date. However the shopify content does appear to be up to date. It is necessary to enable the shopify cross-site content before the Fonthill site display updates itself.
So there, we are all correct but we are all only partly correct. This old hack does know a bit more than some armchair button-clickers might appear to.