Looking for a Stealth Bomber Survivability Study

Airbus A340 Fan

ACCESS: Restricted
1 August 2020
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I am looking for a bomber survivability study that was available online maybe a decade ago. All I get now from searching is Abraham Wald and survivorship bias. There is a study entitled bomber survivability study or something like that. That one no longer comes up on search engines. I am not looking for that one. I am looking for the one that has a graph that shows bomber survivability as a function of speed and altitude and discusses speed vs stealth. If I recall correctly, the study also looks at what RCS-speed combinations are survivable.

While the above may be vague, it is obvious to me that there is no better place to ask for this assistance. I am sure that one or more of the people here read the study and remember(s) it, I just hope they see this post.
Grey Havoc: 21st Century.

Flateric: That may be it, I remember the graphic looking different but conveying the same information.

I found these:

Thesis with graphics

I believe what I am looking for is entitled : "The Value of Speed/Altitude and Signature for Survivability". This is no longer available.

Thank you for finding the closest thing to it. It was only a little over an hour. That is impressive.

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