sferrin said:
Ian33 said:
sublight is back said:
What is the aircraft in figure 1 that goes Mach 6 @ 120k feet?
The one that was flying way higher and and far faster than the SR71 as it was doing a sprint run across the USA would be my guess.
The crew mused iver the fact that their last high speed flight was indeed a cover for a classified airframe test.

Do you have anymore details on this? Which crew? Book? Interview?
In a nutshell, the crew were doing a sprint across the USA, down to the South West. The crew were in contact with a ground control team for the effort. When they asked for altitude and airspeed, the controller replied with a mach 4+ airspeed and 20,000 feet above them. When they queried the height and speed they got a flustered response with tbe Blackbirds correct details. They basically then said 'our last run, our bow out, was just a cover for a covert high speed test going on high over the tops of us.