kugelpanzer aka 'ball tank'

I know it was made (obviously) .... the mythos part relates to the use ...... thanks for the link anyway
CK that is a logical possibility because rotating/rolling pill box designs made it to the cover of atleast one pop scientific mag ;D .... but then you never know
Hallo friends:
trying to research more deeply the very strange Kugelpanzer that is part of the Kubinka tank museum collection, I found, googling around, a modelmaker URL quoting a German WW I ball tank... perhaps WW I could be a typo for WW II but, in fact, if we look at the Hansa-Lloyd Bremen Treffas-Wagen of 1917, we can see the same level of technology and even the same architecture. In fact, the Kugelpanzer is a three-cycle vehicle rather than a single-wheel or two-wheel solution, and if we compare the fotograph I enclose (one depicts a scale model), we see the same solution, like a tail-dragger aircraft.
I cant't say what the Kugelpanzer really is, but I doubt that it was really found in Manchuria and I'm sure it never was on a battlefield. Perhaps it was a proof-of-concept demonstrator of the Treffas-Wagen or a derivative project, donated by German tank designers to the Russians (German "tankers" were active in Soviet Union before the war). But, naturally, those are only assumptions...
Happy Easter


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...there was another picture...


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That has a distinct look of the 'Tsar Tank' about it...

Source - Central Defence Ministry Archive (Podolsk, Russia)

From another "Ball Tank" project. Source same - Central Defence Ministry Archive (Podolsk, Russia).

In principal, i have lots of strange projects reports form GAPTU (Central Tank Department), section of inventions.
In principal, i have lots of strange projects reports form GAPTU (Central Tank Department), section of inventions.

Thanks a lot for posting it. I love bizarre machines of any kind!
Taranov said:
Another project, source same

That design seems to be actually somewhat logical, allowing organic heavy weapons support to keep up more easily with the advance of infantry units.
Another "Ball tank" design, april 1941 dated. Project made by I.N. Chusovitin engineer from factory #19 (Perm)


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Another concept - tank destroyer, december 1943 dated.
Not sure, but looks like Maus as a prey of soviet ball tank ;D

By the way, i start work on the "Stalin's balls of steel" book. Featured over 50 soviet ball tanks project, based on the real documents.


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And another concept - "Sphebrobil",1940-41 dated.


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The "Sphebrobil" even was amphibious ? Or is this thing downright just
a crutch to prevent the whole thing from capsizing ... as far, as this
would be possible in a ball ?
Yes, it's amphibious ball-tank.
Lots of similar projects also with amphibious ability. As i remember, first ball-tank with amphibious ability patented in 1920.


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Taranov said:
By the way, i start work on the "Stalin's balls of steel" book. Featured over 50 soviet ball tanks project, based on the real documents.

If nothing else, I love the book title! ;)
GTX said:
If nothing else, I love the book title! ;)

I just have doubts, that it will pass censorship ! ;D

Judging the distribution of weight, as it is recognisable in the "Sphebrobil",
I think, it would hardly have been stable without artificial stabilisation. And I don't know,
if something like that was available. Maybe a rather simple gyroscope would have been
sufficient ?
Another project, summer 1941 dated. Idea of Moscow Factory #381 engineers. 2-man crew, 6 MG + 2 heavy MG, 300 km/h speed, jumping ability... :eek:
By the way, i already see light in the end of tunnel. 3/4 of text is done.


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Taranov said:
By the way, i start work on the "Stalin's balls of steel" book. Featured over 50 soviet ball tanks project, based on the real documents.

I love this title !
and what Stalin comment about this ?

i hope the book include the concrete fortress moving by vibration ;D
Another project - "Protivodot" (Antibunker). Designed in 1942 by ingeneer-major Novitsky from Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy.
Powered by rocket engines, maximum speed - 100 km/h. 200 mm armor, 70 t weigh


And ours artist impression of Protivodot
Taranov said:
Another concept - tank destroyer, december 1943 dated.
Not sure, but looks like Maus as a prey of soviet ball tank ;D

By the way, i start work on the "Stalin's balls of steel" book. Featured over 50 soviet ball tanks project, based on the real documents.

Be sure to let us know when it is finished.

It would be extremely interesting if it had a discussion on civilian monowheel research and some of the design issues (e.g. the five different methods of directional control, problems with stopping etc.)
P.S. Some civilian pictures: http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2008/08/monowheels-weirdest-transport-known-to.html
thinking about the Kugelpanzer a long time now: Would it not possibly be a way of delivering an explosive charge, like the Goliath?
That would explain the lack of armament.
Aapmens said:
thinking about the Kugelpanzer a long time now: Would it not possibly be a way of delivering an explosive charge, like the Goliath?
That would explain the lack of armament.
Look like it's experimental vehicle, technology demonstrator.
Same thing ( technology demonstrator) was built in 1942 in Achkhabad. Spherical one-wheeler, 3 m diameter, 15 t weight, 10 km/h speed.
Mikov spherical tank reconstruction

Book almost done - 466K letters, over 200 illustrations, gone to print in early september.
Michel Van said:
how to hell turn that thing around ?!

One track in forward one in reverse like any other tank
Oh, the company behind the World of Tanks is the sponsor/publisher? :) That will attract additional readership. Any ETA on english version?
bigvlada said:
Oh, the company behind the World of Tanks is the sponsor/publisher? :) That will attract additional readership. Any ETA on english version?
Release in october. Russian language first, english version in future plans.
i wish you much luck on good sales for the book.
because i want a English version of it !

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