Try adding details, like some ropes, cables, antennas, capstans, winches, bitts and fairleads, anchors, boats etc
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I have plans of a few kms ships and books about them
Seems to be, but my question is how were they supposed to place those twenty 127mm? They definitely would put 5 or 6 next to the bridge but what about the rest?
I think that is 20 barrels eg 10 twin mount so the rest would be on sponsons, or a single barrel mount was considered
Unfortunately no. At least, not published. If there's anything in the Kriegsmarine archives it's probably not yet digitized in Invenio.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say armor wise, it probably was similar to the A-III C variant, or anything of the A series.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say armor wise, it probably was similar to the A-III C variant, or anything of the A series.
Whitley actually mentions that the German aircraft cruisers had variants that were pure carriers, however he gives no outlines of these versions.
I think it could have been a SK C/34 (the only 127mm in kriegsmarine) or a completely different design
The passage outright calls them "DP guns", so assumedly the author is not referring to the standard C/34 guns in SP mountings.
Of course, this doesn't narrow it down at all: this could be the LM/41 twin mounting for the DDs (although that one is only 52 degrees max elevation -- perhaps a different version would reach 70 degrees, as I recall the single mount did?)
It could also be the KM 40 (128/61), or the "12.7cm Doppelflak" whose documents are is in the weaponry folder.

(The fact they are called "127mm" in the passage is probably just a designation quirk, the same as British 113mm guns being called "114mm", and German 149mm guns being called "150mm".)
Very interesting...
So they were looking at what was effectively (in some respects at least) a Battlecarrier design though the alternate interpretation of it being a German equivalent to the Midway-class has merit as well, along with a 'Flight-deck cruiser' design, both for use in a post-war period following what was still then seen as a inevitable Axis victory.

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