Koolhoven's flying boat projects



Docavia 59, 'Les Paquebots Volants: Les hydravions transocéaniques français' , Gérard Bousquet, éditions Lariviere, 2006
is the best general source I've seen on French flying botas. While it deals mostly with those actually built and used it does have some drawings of projects. An excellent and beautifully produced book.

'Supermarine Aircraft Since 1914', Andrews & Morgan, Putnam, 1981(Naval Institute Press, 1987), has a section on the 179 with a 3-view, two artists renderings...one with six Jupiter engines in tandem rows on an elliptical wing, passenger seating in the wings and giant wing-mounted floats giving the aircraft the appearance of a trimaran, the other similar in layout to the 3-view with Buzzard engines, and a photo of the hull under construction.

Cheers, Jon
Your link to the Koolhoven 100 ton says "the two engines"
That can't be right, can it? Especially in 1936-38.
Has anyone any info?
"the two engines"
Maybe two or more coupled engines, giving a "single" one ?

[quote author=Sandi]Do you have some U.S. and italian designs?

sorry, I have only very few american and even
fewer italian types and if, then very old and to a very low
standard. Those french designs were only included, because
they were still considered in the early post war years, so just
belonging to the era of my special interest ..
Italians, I heard someone asking of Italian projects of flying boats ??? ;D
Jemiba got it right. Almost. Until 1937 Italian flying boats were not really exciting (gone the days of the S.55... which was actually a 1926 project...) . But then something started. Reggiane did something (ing. Pegna), then CMASA (subsdidiary of FIAT, that license built Dornier Wals in the early 30's) with Ing. Stiavelli. Then the great CANTs by Zappata. But the two largest were wartime designs: Ca.8000 by Caproni (I think relatively known) and SM.155 by SIAI Marchetti, a 1944 project that is totally new to the world....And was developed after the war in a complex lineage of projects under the general designation SM.166 which actually included two different 4 engine designs, one three engine and one two engine. Actually, I'm writing an article on it. ;)
Sorry Skybolt, I just meant, that I have only very few drawings of italian flying boats.
Nevertheless you're right, the pre-war designs like the CANT Z.501 didn't look
very promising.

But looking at the Koolhoven design reminds me to the Dornier P.214, with no tip floats,
but bulges, which, in the case of the Dornier were described as a modified form of the
typical Dornier stubwings. Another case of "independent invention at independent locations",
or maybe use of captured material ?
Dont know if this the right part of the site but have a look at

for an intersting flying boat project - model

There are a few others dotted around the rest of the site including a model HS-681
and DO-214



That's a very interesting flying boat. Is there any more information on it, like the engines it was suppose to employ and its' projected range? Thanks.
There's a bit more information and a nice drawing at


I'm not sure about the proposed engines - it was a quite unique proposal - I'll see what else is on file.


Interesting, I think, are the sponsons, that would have been used for stabilizing the
aircraft at sea. On articles about the Do 214, hey were often described as a development
of the typical Dornier stub wings, as used on the Do Wal, but maybe they were in fact based
on Koolhovens work ?
A short article from a Dutch magazine about Koolhoven flying boats. No time to translate it at the moment, but I thought I'd post it here anyway:
Skyraider3D said:
A short article from a Dutch magazine about Koolhoven flying boats. No time to translate it at the moment, but I thought I'd post it here anyway:

Very nice projects,

and you can put it here.


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the Koolhoven 100 ton flying boat project.


  • Koolhoven 100ton.JPG
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Would that K 100 tonne be purely napkinwaffe as drawn, or were there available engines to be ganged / contra-propped to haul that Flying Whale ??

Wing looked thick enough for 'engine room & oiler team'...
Chicken kana said:
I found it Koolhoven`s page.

They were just discussing the early history of airlines, the Benoist XIV had no relation to Koolhoven.
The 100 ton Koolhoven flying boat was te first proposal
by Fritz Koolhoven for a giant flying boat.This one dated early 1930's
and was of all metalconstruction
One source - Cockpit: May-June 1973-mentioned the use of 10 engines -raw oil type- coupled to 2 large props.
Payload should be 40 tons. Crew:14.Passengers:180.

There should have been an other design for a large 'boat' in 1938.
1932 giant flying boat Project.

L'Aerophile 1932


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