That kind of penetration is really only useful against a subset of land targets. I would not think that relevant for what is nominally an anti ship missile.
That kind of penetration is really only useful against a subset of land targets. I would not think that relevant for what is nominally an anti ship missile.
NSM gets atleast with Block 1A development new Land target capabilitys as for many they don't have mutch more other except there jets which may have a limited cruise missile arsenal. And yes this probaly has more use for JSM but i would guess many countries would take them on NSM too which can be ground /ship or helicopter launched.
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Italian Navy geting JSM for F-35B....

I do wonder if the UK will eventually go for a small buy...even 50 would address a big capability gap.

Italian Navy geting JSM for F-35B....

I do wonder if the UK will eventually go for a small buy...even 50 would address a big capability gap.

JSM is turning out to be a very successful missile (in terms of sales).
JSM is turning out to be a very successful missile (in terms of sales).

Yes and No. It took some time to get going (likeNSM). The big prize was obviously the US order. But I'd be surprised if more than 400 are actually on order at present (by 'on order'I mean contracted or in a multi year requirement like the US 268).

The demand for air launched AShM is never enormous, for the simple fact there are only so many targets out there, they're mainly used as a threat rather than actual use. The big orders would come if it got some traction as a land attack munition...
Yes and No. It took some time to get going (likeNSM). The big prize was obviously the US order. But I'd be surprised if more than 400 are actually on order at present (by 'on order'I mean contracted or in a multi year requirement like the US 268).

The demand for air launched AShM is never enormous, for the simple fact there are only so many targets out there, they're mainly used as a threat rather than actual use. The big orders would come if it got some traction as a land attack munition...
Tought JSM also is designed for quite good Land Attack capabilitys. Maybe not the most powerful but enough for a lot of targets
Yes and No. It took some time to get going (likeNSM). The big prize was obviously the US order. But I'd be surprised if more than 400 are actually on order at present (by 'on order'I mean contracted or in a multi year requirement like the US 268).

The demand for air launched AShM is never enormous, for the simple fact there are only so many targets out there, they're mainly used as a threat rather than actual use. The big orders would come if it got some traction as a land attack munition...

I thought Japan also placed a large order??? Maybe I'm wrong.
Tought JSM also is designed for quite good Land Attack capabilitys. Maybe not the most powerful but enough for a lot of targets

It does. But people buying it to date have been after its anti-ship capabilities, which will never be the largest market. For Land Attack more range and a larger warhead...or just cheaper will probably win out. Perosnally I thought that SOM-J was going to do good business on F-35, but Turkey leaving made that moot.
They've placed an order. But size isn't clear. US will be biggest customer with a requirement for 268.

I think long term the USAF has a 500 missile requirement, but I doubt we ever actually get to that. JSM is I think a couple million dollars; it seems likely SiAW will be cheaper if only because it will likely be built at 600/yr at the new facility built for the purpose. And I suspect it will have a secondary AShM capability, given that AGM-88E (and by extension G) already does.

That said there are so many F-35 customers and JSM is the only internal cruise missile town. I suspect there will be a mild but steady market for the missile, particularly dual capability missiles.
That said there are so many F-35 customers and JSM is the only internal cruise missile town. I suspect there will be a mild but steady market for the missile, particularly dual capability missiles.

Problem is is that it won't be a particularly good land attack missile. Like I said earlier its not cheap, not very long ranged or has a large warhead. You could hang a far more capable JASSM off a wing pylon and have far greater range and effect for similar cost. The loss of stealth hardly matters when you can fire it off from well outside any AD systems range.

Don't get me wrong I think JSM is a good idea, and I'd hope the UK buys a small number, but I don't think its going to set the world alight.

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