martinbayer said:
That would actually support lancer21's contention that this is an endemic mindset in the USA.
Only if bobbymike still desires to kill all the Germans and Japanese.
Let's just deconstruct the entire thing.
"The continuous venomous anti-chinese denigration, propaganda, racism you name it that is prevalent in that country and is trumpeted and indoctrinated far and wide in every form, this is why he said it."
No, he said it because the writers figured this would happen: everyone would either laugh or whine, and either way that equates to ratings and exposure. Plus, I'm not sure where all the propaganda and racism is. The government villifies China but it at least has the excuse of being the government and therefore clueless, serving only to find a way to prop up the defense establishment in this case. I live in a pretty large city and if this was widespread throughout US society you'd think I'd be hearing about it. If people can't understand that because 1 guy says something and 1 million people hear it it doesn't mean that those million believe what he says, then education is failing in other places as well.
"And this is why when grown up, kids like him are becoming the stereotypical gun totting violence advocating racist and xenophobe yobs that are prevalent in that country."
I can't tell if this is an anti-right-wing jab, an anti-American jab, an anti-gun jab, all of them at once...? Either way it's ridiculous. Some people have guns. Some people don't. Some people like me don't (because we proved we can't shoot for CRAP) but don't have an issue if someone else wants to. I've advocated both for and against the use of violence in various cases. I pride myself in not caring one bit about someone's color/whatever. And the only foreigners I have an issue with are 1) the delusional morons who think blowing things including themselves up is a good use of their time (it would be if they did it in solitude...), and 2) those who are breaking the law by being here. Because, you know, that's actually ILLEGAL, and I'm happy to explain that you do not get to choose which laws to follow if you want to be representative of a civilized society. And get this...I know a lot of people who think like I do. We might disagree on various political issues but overall we're not really that different. Oh, and I did play war when I was a kid, and I still even...oh violent video games. Except I can tell the difference between what is reality and what is not. Why is that since it obviously cannot have anything to do with being here, unless you're wrong.
So. Feel free to explain how any of that is accurate. This smells like when the media decided all tea-party members were racists because of a few guys being jackasses. And no, I have no use for them either, they're also deluded (OK they're both deluded, tea party and the media, but for different reasons). Feel free to make such generalizations while the rest of us understand how things actually work around here.
"And this is why when some of these yobs become politicians and run that country, you have these wars like we have today, millions of dead, tens of millions of lives destroyed, and the continuous threat for more."
Oh I get it. This is the "I'm a cool guy I can bash Dubya almost a decade later" argument. How did I not see that one? Or is it an equal opportunity rant, since, you know, Obama didn't run to get us or keep us out of conflict? Either way, guess what: it takes two to tango. If Bin Laden wasn't butthurt over Iraq in '91 he might not have resorted to aerial jackassery. But since he did, yeah, bombs were gonna fall. Or should we sit and take it like Spain? At any rate, I assume most people are smart enough to realize that civilized people don't just decide to blow crap up just to blow crap up. Do we have a reputation for sticking our nose in where it doesn't belong? Yup. Not excusing that. Me, I wouldn't have bothered with Libya, and wouldn't have bothered with Saddam. Either one actually tries to bother us, then you knock them down. But I'm going to assume that people do actually realize that there were reasons behind our sticking our noses in. Doesn't mean I expect anyone to agree with the reasons (I don't in many cases), but there was a thought process involved. And as long as there are people who want to continue being butthurt because we let women drive or something, yeah, there's going to be potential for more. Hell, we could sit here and not do anything and people would still want to take a swing at us because we have extremely asinine Middle East policies. Or because they have no clue about how our political system works, insofar as the people in charge that didn't like you yesterday might be replaced by people willing to like you tomorrow, but they can't see that because they're blinded by ignorance or trying to relive 1979.
"Of course, it's not only the sinophobia, but also arabophobia, russophobia or just about any-other-ethnicity-phobia that is indoctrinated since birth in that country."
Nope, try again. Completely and totally false. Are there going to be cases where you have people that are incapable of being intelligent and therefore adopt piles and piles of racist or X-ist views? Yup, but guess what, I'm willing to bet that happens everywhere. I guess that means that everyone is the same, and since we're all equal, this argument is officially stupid and groundless.