Airbus, Kelley Aerospace Sue Each Other In Singapore | Aviation Week Network
Kelley is suing its landlord Airbus over alleged industrial espionage while Airbus is suing Kelley over alleged unpaid leases.

Wouldn't be too sure about that. Dude moved back to the EU, where Airbus has a vast army of lawyers... The money might be lost, but I doubnt this move made his life easyer in the long run...Aaaaand they are gone!
Site is kaput
Fishy dude very possibly behind the whole operation started a new career as CEO/owner of VivaJet, a new company for "private jet brokerage" based in Prague, Czech Republic, opened in December 2021.
The only return while searching for this company is its page on Linkedin:
View attachment 675734
And I spy with my little eye, the same Bombardier Express from a year ago in VivaJet's header picture...
Same dude also appears to be the only employee left on Kelley Aerospace's page on Linkedin, with I'zza Tan taking the right decision to jump the ship in April 2021. Good job.
Unfortunately for Airbus, I don't think they will get their rental money back anytime soon. Or...ever, really.
'Written offers exceeding 1.8bn USD'....
Unfortunate Events eh? ....always had a weird feeling about this one. So the gig is finally up. Am glad the waiting is over at least.I'm betting that Kelley Aerospace Global Elite is a rebrand of that sketchy fractional ownership scheme with gourmet chef they were pitching earlier.
Would also not be surprised to discover that the person in that video identified as Avraham Kelly is an actor, who might not even be in on the full scam, like this guy.
Actor paid to pose as crypto CEO “deeply sorry” about $1.3 billion scam
Fake CEO denied profiting off the alleged cryptocurrency
A respectable paper like the Daily Mail. A gold standard in Journalism. It is not a scam guys!I've the slight suspicion I'zza Tan probably stumbled on this thread while monitoring the net looking around for articles on Kelley Aerospace, since she has updated her resume to add that she's in charge of Finance, Marketing and Management efforts besides HR.
I suppose that's the answer to my previous question in regards to that.
And after yesterday:
View attachment 651748
Absolutely not suspicious at all.
I'zza if you're reading this, you seem like a very competent and smart person. You have the qualities and the drive to make it on your own out there in the world. It might be a difficult and tedious process to succeed, rather in fact, I'm almost sure it will be. It is like that for most of us, mere mortals.
But I'm also sure you can make it in a legitimate way.
Don't take part in activities such as this, because you might regret them later in your professional career. Even if you're shielded from any personal liabilities with the way the company has been set up, there's no telling what the future may bring and remember that hindsight is always 20/20.
Take care.
My Favorite planes:They made a huge empty shell, along with several other smaller (and still empty) shells, if you would like to call them mock-ups:
The part at 1 minute and 9 seconds always cracks me up...hey, if you can step on it that means it can go supersonic, right? /s
Dude #1 being interviewed is portrayed to be Avraham Kelley*, chairman of Kelley Aerospace, of whom you will find absolutely nothing while searching online.
Dude #2 following him around between 1 minute 8 seconds and 1 minute 23 seconds (without face mask) is Aviv Ben Khalifa, who I suppose is the mastermind behind the whole "operation".
Avraham's body language while being interviewed is..."curious".
*If that's even his real name...
Would need to add an extra "E" as well...