(quick check of Google)
Don't blame me, blame the thread O.P.
Reminds me of an old joke... in an insane asylum, one of the patient is asked to draw a knife. He instead shows a blank sheet of paper.
"Are you kidding me ?"
"Why ? It is really a knife. It just doesn't have a handle, and the blade is missing. And by the way, you are handling my picture upside down."
Another patient from the same asylum is found hanging to the ceiling.
"Get down you !"
"No, I'm a lightbulb !"
"Please, assistant, get this idiot down."
"Ok boss, but then, if we remove him, the room will be dark."
And yet another patient is seen pushing a wheelbarrow, except it is upside down.
"Why are you doing this, you fool ?"
"Well, I'm not fool. Yesterday I pushed that same wheelbarrow the right way, and some asshole put a heavy load of concrete inside."
Another patient "Eureka ! I'm not a corn seed !"
"What ? we have been telling you this for 25 years ! Well, you are cured, congrats. You can get out.
"I won't. I'm scared to death. I mean, whatif I come across a hen of a duck ? they will eat me !"
"What, no, you KNOW you are not a corn seed, you just told us."
"You are right, but how will hens and ducks will know it ? will they realize ?"
Another patient
"I'm a bird. I'm convinced I can fly."
"You are not, I guarantee you."
"Well, screw you, I'm going away" and the guy get out by the window, flying.
And then - Hitler is coming to the asylum. I mean, the real one. At the end of the visit, the asylum director says, proudly
"And now, the grand finale. Mein fuhrer, all the insane here..." he opens the door. Hitlers wanabees everywhere: moustache, voice, impeccable clones of the real one. "They all believe they are YOU !"
Alas, all of sudden all the whackos start shouting "An IMPOSTOR ! Size him !" and they all jumped on Hitler. And of course the REAL Hitler is impossible to find.
Very annoyed the asylum director shout "WHO IS THE REAL HITLER ?"
"ME ! ME ! I'm the real one !"
Very annoyed, the director takes a decision: he randomly picks one of the whackies, hopping it is the real Hitler... or that nobody will see the difference.
The next day, the idiot starts WWII.