Kaiser-Fleetwings XA-39

The designator H- 60 is used two times in relation to the XA-39 by the authors of
American Secret Projects 1937-1945.

Wonder why they used it if it was not relevant..
lark said:
The designator H- 60 is used two times in relation to the XA-39 by the authors of
American Secret Projects 1937-1945.

Wonder why they used it if it was not relevant..

Because they only had access to partial information.
As you've no doubt seen yourself from the list that I provided, H-60 was only the number of a report, along with H-61 and H-62.
It is possible that the authors only saw a copy of that report, or a reference to it, without knowing about the others.
It is also possible that in the document they had, no reference to Model 39 or Design #39 was made.
It is also possible that they saw "Model 39" written, but discarded it, thinking the report meant XA-39.
Whatever the reason, it wouldn't be the first time an author makes such a mistake. If I searched hard, I could easily find dozens such errors in aviation books for you, but that would be time-consuming and not very useful... I prefer to focus on trying to find accurate info instead.
hesham said:
lark said:
No ,

It's H-60 according to Allan Griffith & Tony Buttler in
American Secret Projects 1937-1945.

Yes,you are right my dear Lark,

and H-60 as I know means kaiser Model-60,frankly I made a mistake,I meant
the XBTK-1 which was given this designation.

As I expected before.

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