Any reason given as to why the videos were removed Flyaway, that makes me want to see the first flight via video via official websites or even YouTube.
You didn't miss anything. The first is just it taxiing by and the second was just it on the runway advancing the throttles for about five seconds and coasting. It's just basic taxi tests. They'll keep increasing speed through the upcoming days until they reach flight speed and be ready for first flight unless they uncover any issues; braking, shimmy, etc.
Any reason given as to why the videos were removed Flyaway, that makes me want to see the first flight via video via official websites or even YouTube.
You didn't miss anything. The first is just it taxiing by and the second was just it on the runway advancing the throttles for about five seconds and coasting. It's just basic taxi tests. They'll keep increasing speed through the upcoming days until they reach flight speed and be ready for first flight unless they uncover any issues; braking, shimmy, etc.

Thanks Sundog. I thought I had missed something important, I can relax now.
It taxied with its own engines, flight ctrls operating and high settings on the throttle briefly opened... That's not something casual. How many taxy tests did we have to watch before the PakFa finally tookoff?
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It taxied with its own engines, flight ctrls operating and high settings on the throttle briefly opened... That's not something casual. How many taxy tests did we have to watch before the PakFa finally tookoff?
Iirc we didn't even get to see the bird before it actually flew.
There obviously were tests, but no photos.
i surprised it flew with missiles


Notice the floating effect of the ctrl surfaces is really minored despite the size of the surfaces
Notice the firm pull-out resulting from deliberate pilot action
Notice the induced yaw (cross wind?) immediately corrected by an exaggerated deflection of the port stabilizer
Notice that that there is no aileron engaged
Notice the speed at which the tailplane deflects
First flight fully painted and with armament mockups - is it some sort of statement?
upd.: @helmutkohl was first, but still.
I would think it more likely that it's because of the semi-recessed nature. (Basically forms part of the "standard" OML.) The F-4 Phantom did the same on it's first flight:


Tomcat as well:

What's to compare?

The J-31, first edition, was an hazard to its pilots (see my posts at the time).

Here we have a solid FBW and airframe design.
What's to compare?

The J-31, first edition, was an hazard to its pilots (see my posts at the time).

Here we have a solid FBW and airframe design.

Could you please give a link to your post of "hazard to its pilots (see my posts at the time"?
otherwise I think the current J-35 surely also has a "FBW and a solid airframe design"! Or why not?

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