KAI ADEX 2021 (Korean air show)

Obviously. But it's not Russia or the USA and has only roughly 60% of Germany population. Yet the recent achievements in term of aerospace projects are stunningly high in number and the pace is increasing.
@GTX : And the pace is accelerating: two helicopters, one stealth fighter and the variety of projects that we have here, some quite original breaking the molds of design.
A stealth fighter is something, for example, that Europe has yet to achieve in its entirety (minoring UK and Italy participation in the F-35 for the purpose of simplicity). This is what I wanted to underline comparing the Korean population by nbr with that of other countries.
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A stealth fighter is something, for example, that Europe has yet to achieve in its entirety

Not to detract from anything but KF-21 is more of a "stealthly looking" fighter than a stealth fighter. What is actually better than Typhoon/Rafale/Gripen?

LIG Nex 1 are also in line to build JSTARS-K with Huneed and Northrop-Grumman

^ you gotta admit, they've been making a lot better progress than the Indian aerospace industry in a number of areas.. even though both are using off the shelf equipment (often foreign parts) for many of these aircraft.


When Saudi army use 100,000 USD Raybolt to catch a motorcycle, the company's own development product was developed and proposed by LIG Nex1 to meet the Saudi army's needs.

View: https://youtu.be/m0NQOO6orq4

one would have to say the South Koreans are way behind.
^ Thanks for the compilation!
i think in Part 1
the picture of the K2 tank..isnt that the proposal for the Norwegian competition?
IRC, the two final candidates is a version of the K-2 and the Leopard 2A7

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