Junkers Projects and Prototypes of WW II

Wurger said:
Still looking for that elusive twin fuselage Junkers competitor to the Bv 138 :( .

That's new for me my dear Wurger,

and may be it took the "EF' designation.

here is the Junkers EF.126 in Soviet development.


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Wow I believe you are writing a surprising book based on many original documents. :D How do you get these documents? ;D
German aircraft of WWⅡ are very cool and interesting. B)
Some COOL stuff in this thread lately! These Ju 388 J-1/J-3 blueprints are especially sweet, newsdeskdan! And blackkite, all the material on the EF-132 projects, especially with regard to their influence on later Tupolev and Myasishchev designs, is just fascinating. Thanks folks!
A big Surprise in my Files,until get the source,

Junkers had a project for VTOL fighter,rather than Focke-Wulf Triebflugel and Heinkel Wespe & Lerche,but no
more details are known.
hesham said:
A big Surprise in my Files,until get the source,

Junkers had a Project for VTOL fighter,rather than Focke-Wulf Triebflugel and Heinkel Wespe & Lerche,but no more details are known.

No my dear Jemiba,

the Junkers VTOL fighter Project was from 1944/1945,and no details available about it,
but EF 50 was from 1941/1942,and this Project was not related to EF 127 ?.
Also from my files,

the Junkers intended to fit Ju-88 & Ju-188 with two addition turbojet engines,for each,installed under the
inner wings,probably looks like this BV P.203 in configuration.



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hesham said:
A big Surprise in my Files,until get the source,

Junkers had a project for VTOL fighter,rather than Focke-Wulf Triebflugel and Heinkel Wespe & Lerche,but no more details are known.

The source;

Jet Planes of the Third Reich - The Secret Projects-volume one


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First image is explaining the idea behind the 128s tails, essential fences to stop tip stall

The second image is a drawing of a junkers windtunnel model that is almost area ruling. It was said to increase the critical Mach from .75 to. 78


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DVL testing carried out at the behest of Junkers.

Pretty extreme example of boundary layer control for the time.


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Here a Junkers patent
It shows the EF.101 carrier aircraft with an unknown fighter/bomber.
Patent Nr. DE911457
Title: Mutterflugzeug mit selbstständig fliegendem Tochterflugzeug
Year: 1941



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the Junkes Ju-147 was a twin engined high-altitude bomber Project,no more details
are known ?.

Also I found this,Ju-268 Mistel.


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In my files,until remember the source,

the Junkers Ju-93 was a real design concept,but no more details are known ?.
Wurger said:
Still looking for that elusive twin fuselage Junkers competitor to the Bv 138 :( .

My dear Wurger,

maybe in reply # 21 ?.


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It looks even older than "entwürf für ein Doppel-Flugboot MIT propeller-fernantrieb", dated 1928. The RLM competition ending with the approval of the BV 138 started at 1933/1934.
OK my dear Wurger,

but the problem is that site is closed or changed the title,maybe someone has a
useful Info.
junkers 435,any more information on him,it's come from the manfred griehl book on the dornier do 335,435,635:


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Well, yes, he studied them, and as a result, he says in page seven, that W or N planforms with high sweep angles are
unsuited for high speed. So, the shown wing design certainly cannot be regarded as a project, but as an example, why
such planforms shouldn't be used.
From, Jet Planes of the Third Reich - The Secret Projects-volume two,

a strange Info,from EF-131 to EF-140 ?.


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From, Rocker Fighter,

the Junkers EF.127 in details.


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Strange Info,

the Junkers EF.152 was a Bomber project,lated developed as GDR 152 civil
aircraft ?!.
Dear Zizi,

it was designed as Bomber project at first,then redesigned as airliner later.
Both of them (EF.150 & EF.152) were a bomber designs at first.
Both of them (EF.150 & EF.152) were a bomber designs at first.
What is your source?

That's the problem,I will try to remember.
Let's stay with the known sources until then, and let the 152 be an airliner.

I am sure about it,just wait.

What was this Project ?.

Junkers Project EF

Draft of an attack aircraft with a BMW 801. Planned further development of the Ju 187. As a single-seater, similar in concept to early versions of the Ilyushin Il-2.


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Both of them (EF.150 & EF.152) were a bomber designs at first.
What is your source?

That's the problem,I will try to remember.
Let's stay with the known sources until then, and let the 152 be an airliner.

I am sure about it,just wait.

What was this Project ?.

Junkers Project EF

Draft of an attack aircraft with a BMW 801. Planned further development of the Ju 187. As a single-seater, similar in concept to early versions of the Ilyushin Il-2.
Not a Junkers project!
Baade 152 or Dresden 152 or VL-DDR 152 or simply 152.
What's the Il-2 doing here?
Total chaos!
Not a Junkers project!
Baade 152 or Dresden 152 or VL-DDR 152 or simply 152.
What's the Il-2 doing here?
Total chaos!

That's not true,it was called at first EF.152.

For unknown project,they described it as a looks like early version of Ilyusin Il-2,read the text !.
Not a Junkers project!
Baade 152 or Dresden 152 or VL-DDR 152 or simply 152.
What's the Il-2 doing here?
Total chaos!

That's not true,it was called at first EF.152.

For unknown project,they described it as a looks like early version of Ilyusin Il-2,read the text !.
I will not argue further, there is no point.
That's not true,it was called at first EF.152.

For unknown project,they described it as a looks like early version of Ilyusin Il-2,read the text !.
The EF132 was the last official Dessau "Junkers" design. Anything post that is OKB-1.

What's the source on the single-engine EF?
Sounds very much like the EF82 but with the engine misidentified (BMW801 instead of the correct Jumo 214).

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