JAXA next-gen SST

Hi! Another angle of supersonic flying test bed model.
This nose shape will reduce sonic boom.
We never never give up acceptable Super Sonic Transport, it will especially contribute to elder passengers!!


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Oh! Good design. It has shoulder mounted engines and ejector to reduce engine noise.
Shoulder mounted engines also reduce sonic boom.
Hi! Today I went to JAXA open house in Tokyo and found this HST model.
JAXA is studying mach 5 cruising trans pacific LH2 fuel hyper sonic transport.
The engine is LH2 pre-cooled hypersonic turbojet engine!
This engine can work from take off to mach 5.
Number of passengers are 100, cruising altitude is 27000m.
JAXA's engineer said to me that acceleration of this HST is larger than turbojet/ramjet combined cycle engine HST. This HST will be operate trans ocean route with altitude 27000m, sonic boom will be no problem.


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This fuselage generate lift. Nose material is heat resistant tile. Engine intake pre cooler is tube type heat exchanger.


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A bit AlanBondesque :)
Even the Mach 5 transport idea. Except this is simpler since there's no bypass, it's a pure precooled turbojet. I wonder if we'll soon see precooled hydrogen things from USA. Afaik Convair (or was it Lockheed) was studying them quite early on already (sixties or then as late as early NASP), it was mentioned by Jenkins in some hypersonics book.
Hi! JAXA SSBJ models in JAXA open house. I also experience Concorde level(1.5psf) and SSBJ level (0.5psf)sonic boom. Concorde level sonic boom is really noisy like thunderbolt.


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Hi! Another pictures. Enjoy.


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Hi! Another solution of Mach 5 HST propulsion system.


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Hi! ESPR engine.
This engine was developed for HYPR project(1989 - 1998) to verify Mach 5 propulsion system concept for HST,then converted to ESPR project(1998 - 2003) to develop low noise,low emission SST engine.


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blackkite said:
Hi! Today I went to JAXA open house in Tokyo and found this HST model.
JAXA is studying mach 5 cruising trans pacific LH2 fuel hyper sonic transport.
The engine is LH2 pre-cooled hypersonic turbojet engine!
This engine can work from take off to mach 5.
Number of passengers are 100, cruising altitude is 27000m.
JAXA's engineer said to me that acceleration of this HST is larger than turbojet/ramjet combined cycle engine HST. This HST will be operate trans ocean route with altitude 27000m, sonic boom will be no problem.

The mach 5 hypersonic transport.


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blackkite said:

Those are from 1995 (HYPR) and 2003 (ESPR).
I wonder how much materials science has advanced. 1700 C turbine inlet temperature is pretty high.
ESPR is looking at the turbofan part and HYPR looked at the whole thing (which has a bypassable turbojet). The turbofan by itself is only meant for Mach 2 passenger travel. You need to bypass it and use a ramjet to go to Mach 5.
The same model went to Paris.


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Yes I saw this model in Aerospace Japan 2008 in Yokohama and JAXA in Tokyo this spring.
The shape of tail end under surface is very complicated to reduce sonic boom from tail end of the fuselage.


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KJ! It's has 100 seats, 10×10 array. LH2 fuel HST for trans Pacific route!
Hi! Hypersonic turbojet test model.


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Hi! Picture of wind tunnel test & temperature analysis result (Celsius).


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Hi! Recently I find this JAXA LH2 fuelled low sonic boom blended wing body SST concept.
Flat nose, longitudinally distributed lift force and back mounted engines contribute to reduce sonic boom.
JAXA also think that oblique wing has the function to reduce sonic boom.
Source:JAXA document in April 2010.


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Is the JAXA SSBJ intended to use a development of the ESPR?
Hi! Japanese ESPR(Engineering Research Association for Supersonic Transport Propulsion System) target engine is for mach2.2 cruise 300 passengers 10,200km range SST. Not for JAXA SSBJ.
But I believe core technology of ESPR target engine might be applied for JAXA SSBJ engine.
blackkite said:
Hi! Japanese ESPR(Engineering Research Association for Supersonic Transport Propulsion System) target engine is for mach2.2 cruise 300 passengers 10,200km range SST. Not for JAXA SSBJ.
But I believe core technology of ESPR target engine might be applied for JAXA SSBJ engine.

Thanks for the clarification.
blackkite said:
Hi! Japanese ESPR(Engineering Research Association for Supersonic Transport Propulsion System) target engine is for mach2.2 cruise 300 passengers 10,200km range SST. Not for JAXA SSBJ.
But I believe core technology of ESPR target engine might be applied for JAXA SSBJ engine.

When are the entry into service due dates of JAXA SSBJ and ESPR?

What is the target Mach number of JAXA SSBJ?
JAXA SSBJ Specification
Passengers : 36 to 50
Cruise Mach Number : 1.6
Sonic boom strength : 0.5 psf
L/D : 8.0(Cruise condition)
Take off weight : 60 to 70 ton
Take off/Landing noise level : ICAO Chap.4
Range : 3,500n.m.
(End of design : 2015?, First flight: 2020? While Large SST(300 passengers) with ESPR engine : 2030? LH2 fuelled SST : more later?)
Also JAXA is planning following experiments for SSBJ.

blackkite said:
JAXA SSBJ Specification
Passengers : 36 to 50
Cruise Mach Number : 1.6
Sonic boom strength : 0.5 psf
L/D : 8.0(Cruise condition)
Take off weight : 60 to 70 ton
Take off/Landing noise level : ICAO Chap.4
Range : 3,500n.m.
Concorde A is roughly 3200 n. m.?

Has JAXA decided SSBJ cross-section?
Latest development:
Using escape slides would be *really* exciting...

Uh, one way around could be to make the lower aerofoil a BWB ??
Well, as Dan Gurney once said about one of his own designs, "that thing is so fugly, I hope it doesn't work."
I remember coming across this Busemann biplane shape a couple of years ago (... on Wikipedia) and thinking: "Now that is never going to work in a messy, real World application." Being no expert I still had the impression that the thing had to be "just so" with regard to a lot of variables in order to function as intended. But perhaps I was too pessimistic ... can't the geometry be made reactive or variable though, like an intake ramp or something?
A bit of historical background regarding Japan SST/HST efforts in the 1980s:
Research, Development of SST/HST Called Essential National Project

43062581 Tokyo AEROSPACE in Japanese May 88 pp 30-31

[Report by the Japan Aerospace Industry Association]

[Excerpts] The Japan Aerospace Industry Association completed its interim
report on research of planes for the next age sponsored by the Ministry of
International Trade and Industry. The report was issued 24 March 1988. This
report was summarized by the "Research Committee on Development Trends of
Next Age Planes" established under the Japan Aerospace Industry Association.
Considering the advanced research and development of the SST/HST in Europe
and America, it was determined that Japan should tackle its own research and
development as a national project, in order to establish its leading edge in
international joint development.

Concerning the future of the SST/HST, this is the first time in Japan that
estimates of this nature were prepared from the view of both technology and
marketing. The report consisted of two sections: development trends
regarding the SST/HST and development trends regarding space vehicles. The
following gives a summary of the report on development trends of the SST/HST.
Research covered four items: (1) world research trends (2) marketing
research (3) technology research (4) tasks for the future. Research on
technological progress after the Concord and on the latest world trends was
done, and taking these surveys into account, marketing and technology research
was carried out.

Results of the Marketing Research

The number of air passengers throughout the world is increasing at an average
rate of about 5 percent annually and by the year 2Ö10 the number is expected
to be 3.4 times that of 1985. The increase for Asia and the Pacific Ocean
region is notably high and the share will expand from the present 16 percent
to 31 percent; thus it will become the second largest market following North

Considering the operations of the SST/HST for just long distance international
lines, the number of routes from Asia and the Pacific region to North America
and Europe is increasing 7 to 10 percent. Therefore this is expected to
become the main route for the SST/HST in the future.

At present, the main route of the SST/HST between major cities is bounded
by three distant points: Asia and the Pacific regions North America and

As can be seen from the precedent of the establishment of the Tokaido
Shinkansen Line, passenger demands for super high speed travel may well

For instance, the required time for 10 hours from Tokyo to Los Angeles at
present, will be decreased to 4 hours at Mach 2.5 and to only 2.5 hours at
Mach 5. Accordingly, although a departure time from Tokyo was only available
in the afternoon (arriving in Los Angeles during the daytime of the same day),
flying on the SST/HST will enable one to depart Tokyo in the morning and
arrive in Los Angeles during the evening of the preceding day. Thus service
will be greatly improved.

The demand for 300-seat-capacity SST/HSTs by the early part of the 21th century
is expected to reach between 500 and 1,000 planes. Considering the fact that
more than 800 Boeing 747s were ordered over a period of 18 years, this number
of planes is justified.

Results of the Technology Research

For the development of the SST/HST, it is extremely important to plan countermeasures
against super high speed, high-power cruising and aerodynamic heating.

(1) Promotion

To make the SST/HST a success, an important promotion task is to develop
technology which will provide low fuel consumption at subsonic and supersonic
speeds which will make crossing the Pacific Ocean possible, a cooling system
against aerodynamic heating to cope with the demand of prolonged, super high
speed cruising and a low noise level at takeoff to cope with noise pollution
at airports.

(2) Structural Material

The structure of the SST/HST will constantly be exposed to high temperature due to
aerodynamic heating and extreme low temperature of the fuel tank over long
periods. Therefore, the key to building the airframe lies in developing a
material which can withstand high and low temperatures as well as in developing
a light, heat resistant and adiabatic structure.

(3) Aerodynamics

To build the SST/HST from the aspect of aerodynamics, it is important to
develop an airframe which has a high lift-drag ratio (L/D) for supersonic
and hypersonic speed.

Another important task in building the airframe is to lower the sonic boom
which is related with high performance and keeping noise pollution at airports
to a tolerable level.

(4) Summary

The SST/HST will be a big innovation in conventional air transportation and
will influence many other related transportation systems. Therefore, it is
necessary to consider the SST/HST as a subsystem within the total air and
ground transportation system.

(5) Summary of the Main Tasks

Up to Mach 2.2, conventional technology is mainly used, with the exception of
VCE (variable cycle engine). But from Mach 2.2 to over Mach 3 a stable jet
fuel which can withstand superheat is needed. Furthermore, a light heat
resistant material such as titan alloy, FRP and FRM, is required.

At over Mach 4, the surface temperature of the airframe reaches over 500°C,
and thus new-concept engines like the turbolum and the ATR are needed.
Liquefied methane and liquefied hydrogen are necessary for fuel. For the
airframe, superheat-resistant compounds such as carbon carbon and ceramic
compounds are necessary. For the structure, thermal protection system (TPS)
and active cooling system are necessary. Therefore, large scale research and
development for the airframe and the engine is necessary.

Tasks for the Future

(1) Tasks for Next Year

In next year's marketing research, from the flight duration performance
possibility (including subsonic speed performance in case supersonic speed
at ground level is not possible) which is judged by the airframe specification
review program established at the technology level, it is necessary to pursue
more accurate basic airframe specifications. At the same time, from the fuel
consumption, it is necessary to examine the price of the airframe and other
costs to attain a standard fare.

On the other hand, research will have to be done next year on the enhanced
consumer demand associated with the introduction of the SST/HST and the
appropriate size of the airframe by calculating the number of trips and costs.
We must also study the optimum flight schedule that shows the advantages of
supersonic speed and gives consideration to passenger convenience and the
prohibition of takeoff and landing at night due to noise pollution.

(2) Medium and Long Term Tasks

The necessity for the SST/HST is due to increased long distance air transportation
accompanied by the expansion of the Pacific Ocean economic bloc over the 21st century.
In America and Europe, research and development have already been started and
promising prospects, though still at an early stage, were proved by a practical market review.
Therefore the technical tasks were briefly adjusted.

Based on the results of this research and also on the status of the future
market and improved basic technology, it is extremely important that we join
the international joint development of the SST/HST which will be proposed in
due time. To contribute internationally to the technology tasks which
must urgently be researched and developed, it is extremely important to
promote the research and development sometime early next year with the
cooperation of the government as a concrete R&D project.

It is vital that the project be undertaken as a national project as in America
and Europe, for the risks in the technology and marketing fields are too high
to be handled by a private organization.




I wonder, will this development give JAXA's SST work a boost?

The Yomiuri Shimbun

The prototype of a supersonic airplane, which can travel very quietly at speeds that exceed that of sound, is unveiled to the media in Utsunomiya on Thursday. Developer Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency will conduct a test flight using the model in August in Sweden to study its noise reduction effects. The unmanned plane, produced at Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.'s plant in the city, is about eight meters long and weighs about one ton. If a passenger jet for up to 50 people is built with the same technology used in this supersonic plane, noise could be reduced to about one-fourth of levels generated by the Concorde, a defunct supersonic commercial jet for 100 people that was built jointly by manufacturers in Britain and France.



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