The Japanese Fw 190, if it had been made, would have been equipped with Japanese engines. They were much lighter than the BMW 801, with slightly less power (except for the Homare and Ha 42), and did not waste fuel like the BMW 801. Thus, the fuel mileage due to the lower weight and lower consumption was greatly improved.
/// Sorry, but not three times

And adding tanks to this overloaded airframe will definitely kill the dynamics and climb rate ///
There is no great science in adding landing tanks to fighters, as there was for the Zero, Mustang or Oscar. Or for the Fw 190.
The Fw 190 airframe adds a few things that the Japanese sometimes lacked. The roll rate was probably the best in the world,
/// There is no data on the Ki-43's roll, but according to the testimony of American pilots who flew it, it was higher than that of American machines, and the video shows that it was very high ///
the ability to dive was much better than that of the Ki-43,
///Well, in comparative tests they dived to 780 km/h, only on the way out they had to control the machine very carefully so as not to fold the wings///
the drag was less than that of the Ki-84, thanks to the smaller wing 190
/// The need for a long range and flight time, I repeat ///
, while the wing was not as small as that of the Ki-44
/// The Ki-44 was the best fighter in the Pacific until the appearance of the P-51 B/S. Unfortunately, the Ki-44 was the same as the Mustang, only slightly worse in everything,
and could not oppose the Mustang in anything. The Ki-43 could at least try to save itself thanks to maneuverability, and the Ki-44 was instantly obsolete.
From the memoirs of Japanese pilots. The Ki-44 was ruined by a large bomber engine, where the large diameter was not compensated by power ///
(helping with wing loading and internal volume for firepower and/or additional fuel).
/// The Ki-44 had no problems with this ///
The protection kit was a complete package, again unlike what the Ki-43 had.
/// What do you not like about the Ki-43's protection? At least its armor plate was not penetrated by 0.5" machine gun bullets///
biber550 said:
In 1943, on Guadalcanal, the Americans compared the Ki-43 II Kai with their aircraft and found that the Ki-43 was equal to the Aerocobra in speed at low and medium altitudes and superior at high altitudes.
Being better than a Tier 2, if not Tier 3 Allied fighter is no reward.
///At that time, only the P-38 was faster for the Americans ///
biber550 said:
The Ki-43 provided effective work for Japanese bombers until the end of the war.
/// Ishimura, Asi Ki-43, Richard Bushell, Ki-43, Pitti, Sunrise and Sunset and a number of others, including sources in Japanese ///
biber550 said:
I do not know of any German aircraft that even came close b to Ki-43.
Bf 109, Fw 190.
/// The Japanese tested them, conducted comparative tests, noted the strengths, for example, the advanced electrical equipment of the FW-190, but these were machines for another war and were not suitable for the Pacific and China ///
biber550 said:
If the Germans had used the Ki-43 in BB instead of the BF-109, England would have had no chance.
I shout Ki-43 and raise Spitfire XI.
(I hope I understood the poker slang correctly)
/// We liked the Spitfire, it was a tough opponent, it was clear that when designing it, the designers implemented the same principles as in the Ki-43. But it had a significant drawback - a meager flight time, so in the battle with the Spitfire we did not try to outdo it in a duel, it was enough to stall for time without letting ourselves be shot down, and the Spitfire was forced to return to base, and you had a choice, either to also calmly withdraw from the battle, or to take advantage of the situation and attack it, when it was limited in both maneuver and time. Memories of Japanese pilots in Burma.///