J-20:long range naval strike aircraft?

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SlowMan said:
mz said:
This forum has more and more nasty back and forth. It would be great if you could keep arguing the facts and not get so personal.
It's the ones on the losing end of debates turning into nasty and offensive comments.

Who would have thought outright lies and fabrications would cause such offence?

How does showing doors from other aircraft have anything to do with the F-22? Thats like saying that since a B-2 has four engines, and Boeing 747 has four engines, that the B-2 must carry hundreds of passengers.

The only thing those aircraft have in common with the F-22 is that they have internal carriage. judging an F-22 based on an F-111 is ludicrous and proves absolutely nothing. in other words, its par for the slowman course.
SlowMan said:
sferrin said:
Actually, he's exactly right. Speed has nothing to do with it, location does.
Wrong again.



Hey thanks. More pictures demonstrating why we're both right and you're wrong.
TaiidanTomcat said:
chuck4 said:
SlowMan said:

What this CG depicts maybe close to your heart, even if the CG is not from the right country. But that doesn't make it evidence for anything. Please don't invent bullshit or echo other bullshit just to convince yourself what this CG depicts will happen on your terms.

IS that a model kit box? ;D

Actually just concept art of the alleged Mitubishi F-3 by the Japanese media.
I am posting the link to an article that I translated approximately a year ago and I hope that it might shed more light on the subject matter. I think Sweetman actually indirectly addressed this or a previous translation in one of his Aviation Week articles.

SlowMan said:
This forum has more and more nasty back and forth. It would be great if you could keep arguing the facts and not get so personal.
It's the ones on the losing end of debates turning into nasty and offensive comments.

No, in fact YOU are the one with a problem. You can't accept other opinions, You always try to persuade - I would even say force - others to follow Your opinion and that's even more worse since Your claims are nothing but claims, wishfull thinking on behalf of You and assumptions based on ... actualyl I don't know.

Each and every argument You get preseted is torn down and even more by again even more stupid "proofs" (CG's, model images and fantasy (see below) ... and if nothing else works, You get personnell.

Just see below:

SlowMan said:
Wrong. The J-20's FBW is obviously based on the J-10's FBW, which CAC received help from the Israelis. Accordingly, the J-20 shouldn't be able to do things that the J-10 couldn't, such as the 60 degree AOA.

The fact is that the CAC's FBW system isn't stable enough to remove the ventral fins, and this is why the J-20 has ventral fins for a supposed stealth jet.

Both J-10 and J-20 have ventral fins, because the J-20 FBW is an adaptation of the J-10's FWB.

Where's the proof that the J-20's FCS is based on the J-10 ones ?? ... and even more where is written that the J-10's one is based on the Lavi's FCS ??? Simple assumption, no facts ... and simply to take a vertral fin is proof for You ?? Then both as wll as the Lavi are based on the F-16, the MiG MFI or what ?

He is to planes as a Call of Duty fan is to firearms and special forces.
Removed from J-20 topic. Afraid to say we fed the troll here, and staff got suckered in as well. Locked.
mz said:
This forum has more and more nasty back and forth. It would be great if you could keep arguing the facts and not get so personal.

(For example, I don't see the inconsistency as argued. A plane can have lots of fuel and a not good thrust to weight ratio. Maybe you could reword your argument.)

Maybe there's no information to go around so all this speculation could just as well be pruned.

I can only agree with this statement, but I'm quite sad (and angry) over this development, which is truely a common observation in so many other forums. These are crowded by fan-boys, childs and ignorants ... :mad:

I for myself use these forums to ask and learn ... maybe even to discuss a bit - if I don't understand - but most of all as a huge source of information. Others - at least IMO - take this as their private playground to continue their crusade for the holy grail and each and everyone with another opinion - in their view: another religious belief - must be persuaded, converted from this false believings ... and if this does not work the final option are personal attacks.

A very sad development. :-[

See here:

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