It’s official: Trump administration turns NASA back toward the Moon

Scientists Want Us to Live in Lava Tubes on the Moon

When astronauts are sent to the Moon, they'll need to find suitable shelter to survive its environment. According to JAXA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, lava tubes are an excellent option.
William Gerstenmaier, a NASA veteran, was removed Wednesday as head of the agency’s human exploration office, a sudden move that comes as the agency is seeking to restore a human-space-flight program and return astronauts to the moon.
Gerstenmaier, who served at the agency since 1977, had been in charge of some of NASA’s most high-profile programs and is known as a steady and methodical force at the agency’s headquarters. Known as “Gerst,” he was working alongside Boeing and SpaceX as they developed spacecraft capable of ferrying NASA’s astronauts to the International Space Station.


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