Iron Sky - The Movie

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Re: Moon Nazis

Considering this went from simply a "parody" fun-bit on YouTube to being what looks like an actual movie I have to say I'll probably see it if it comes my way ;)

Then again I can't wait for "Unicorn City" to premier here :)

Re: Moon Nazis

Jemiba said:
I hope, there will be a warning at the beginning like:

"Attention ! This film is purely fictional and not based on any real incidents !"

But there still will be enough jerks, who'll take it seriously. Or even as a breach
of secrecy ! ::)

Well for Moon Nazis to be real that would mean the moon landing was faked! But most importantly where are the ancient astronauts in all this?
Re: Moon Nazis

Abraham Gubler said:
Well for Moon Nazis to be real that would mean the moon landing was faked! But most importantly where are the ancient astronauts in all this?

Abe, the Nazis of course landed on the far side of the moon, so they never would have been found
by US astronauts, even in the unlikely event, that the moon landing wasn't a fake ! ;D

shedofdread said:
Or even at the end, one of those "if you've been affected by the issues raised in this programme, please call our helpline" messages ;)

... and then link the helpline to the mentally handicaped support group ? No, they have enough problems with
their other clients, I think.
Re: Moon Nazis

Jemiba said:
Abe, the Nazis of course landed on the far side of the moon, so they never would have been found
by US astronauts, even in the unlikely event, that the moon landing wasn't a fake ! ;D

Surely but all the dark side fly bys would have seen the giant Swastika shaped moon base?

But its a good intro scene:

Film crew are putting away a prop LEM after shooting the moon landing.

CAMERA MAN: So why didn't we go to the moon anyway?

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Its a rock! Why spend all that money to go there when there's nothing to find?

Cut to Nazi Moon Base...
Re: Moon Nazis

Wow... This is only internet material?? So well done! Contrary to Star Wreck (in which the spoof is way beyond obvious) I could easily have been fooled into believing this was a real feature movie if I hadn't read your comments beforehand. That one would have made for cool theater entertainment, if not very good taste...
Re: Moon Nazis

Stargazer2006 said:
Wow... This is only internet material?? So well done! Contrary to Star Wreck (in which the spoof is way beyond obvious) I could easily have been fooled into believing this was a real feature movie if I hadn't read your comments beforehand. That one would have made for cool theater entertainment, if not very good taste...

It is a real movie and could very well be in theatres if they get a distribution deal. Its just this film was made by volunteers and the like rather than by more traditional means.
Re: Moon Nazis

I'm really curious about the reactions of the (German) critics, when the film will
be shown on the "Berlinale" tomorrow". Surely many of the "politically correct"
class won't be amused ... and simply denigrate it as trash ! It shall start in the
cinemas here during April.
Re: Moon Nazis

Abraham Gubler said:
Stargazer2006 said:
Wow... This is only internet material?? So well done! Contrary to Star Wreck (in which the spoof is way beyond obvious) I could easily have been fooled into believing this was a real feature movie if I hadn't read your comments beforehand. That one would have made for cool theater entertainment, if not very good taste...

It is a real movie and could very well be in theatres if they get a distribution deal. Its just this film was made by volunteers and the like rather than by more traditional means.

Iron Sky will open in theatres in Finland on April 4th and Germany on April 5th, with other countries to follow. At present there are distribution deals for approximately 30 countries including most of Europe. Negotiations are ongoing for North America, India, Russia, Italy and Latin America among others.
Re: Moon Nazis

Thanks for clarifying! ;)
Re: Moon Nazis

The Germans will be probably be okay with 'Iron Sky'.

I was curious about how they felt about 'Inglorius Basterds' and did not have to go far to find this ( ):

The Christian Science Monitor
Global News Blog

In Germany, an ovation for 'Inglourious Basterds'

The film – opening in 22 countries this weekend – is so far from reality that it allows the audience to let go and accept the movie in all its entertaining absurdity.
By David Francis, Contributor / August 21, 2009

BERLIN – The 7:30 p.m. showing of Quentin Tarantino’s World War II film “Inglourious Basterds”
was completely sold out – like the shows that preceded and followed it at the Postdamer Platz Sony Theater in Berlin.
As the audience took its seats, one could hear German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and other languages being spoken, a crowd reflective of the multicultural city.
But once the movie began, a certain discomfort settled over the crowd.

How would an audience in the capital of Germany, the country blamed for starting the war that destroyed Europe, react to a violent, farcical film about it?
“I really don’t know what to expect,” said Alex, a Swiss comic-book artist, just as the light went dim. “I’m nervous as to how it will be received.”
The audience remained quiet through the film’s opening scenes, many sitting forward in their seats. One woman repeatedly covered her eyes, as if expecting something awful to happen at any moment.

It wasn’t until Austrian actor Christopher Waltz, portraying Nazi Col. Hans Landa, appeared on the screen, that the discomfort abated.
Late in the film’s opening sequence, Mr. Waltz, playing the villain, switches from harsh-sounding German to a lyrical French, then to a comical English. In this film, unlike most other World War II movies, English was the least-spoken language.
“That’s really interesting for a Hollywood blockbuster,” Alex whispered.

Landa’s opening performance began to reveal the movie for what it ultimately is – a farce so far from
reality that it allows the audience to let go of personal connections with the characters, just as the characters abandon their native tongues, and accept the movie in all of its entertaining absurdity.
By the time Brad Pitt takes the screen as Aldo the Apache, the head of a band of Jewish American soldiers charged with killing as many Nazis as possible, the mood in the theater had lightened and the laughs came easy.

But because of the film's subject matter, there were times when the discomfort returned.
“I was a bit uncomfortable with the killing of all the Germans,” said Johannes, a student living on the outskirts of Berlin. “Some of the soldiers were just fighting because they had to.”

Others thought the violence was so over the top that it made the story easier to accept. Of course World War II was violent, but, as Frederika, a German moviegoer said, “We’re now used to American movies with a lot of violence.”
Many reviewers in the United States have called the film a Jewish revenge fantasy against the Third Reich, which, undoubtedly, it is. The last scene of the movie indulges this fantasy in a fantastic, yet unbelievable way. (To see The Monitor film critic's review of Inglourious Basterds, click here:

But the film did not denounce violence committed only by the Third Reich. All violence – American, British, German or French – was so gratuitous that it, in the context of the film, seemed unnecessary.
“People who are our age can laugh at this,” said one member of the audience. “We didn’t live in that time.”
And, in the end, everyone did laugh. They laughed at the Americans’ accents, at the Germans’ arrogance, and at British priggishness. This audience was from a Europe united by the European Union, increasingly common customs, and long-established peace.

As the credits ran, the audience gave the film an ovation. Afterward, people said they clapped in part because the film was well liked. But they also clapped because they were glad that the wars like the one parodied by Mr. Tarantino are history and not likely to happen again.

“It has a really good end,” said Esther, a German woman from outside of the city who saw the movie with four friends. “Hitler was dead. And he’s not coming back.”
Re: Moon Nazis

"The world is sick and we are the doctors!"

Official Berlin trailer for Iron Sky:
Re: Moon Nazis

Triton said:
"The world is sick and we are the doctors!"
In Amerika, the next line would be "Before we determine if we will fix you, you must first show us your (insurance) papers and proof of ability to pay!!!"
Re: Moon Nazis

Orionblamblam said:
Pem Tech said:
"MF'ing Space Nazis!"
That has to be be one of the greatest tag lines in history.

Up there with "We have a hulk."

Agreed!! I was watching the Avengers trailer with my kids tonight and we actually went back over this one several times for that epic one-liner... and the images that follow!!
Re: Moon Nazis

Richard N said:
Triton said:
"The world is sick and we are the doctors!"
In Amerika, the next line would be "Before we determine if we will fix you, you must first show us your (insurance) papers and proof of ability to pay!!!"

And that's a problem because. . .?
Re: Moon Nazis

sferrin said:
Richard N said:
Triton said:
"The world is sick and we are the doctors!"
In Amerika, the next line would be "Before we determine if we will fix you, you must first show us your (insurance) papers and proof of ability to pay!!!"

And that's a problem because. . .?

Damnfino. People are willing to pay for flat screen TV's, but not to save their own lives. Shrug.

Of course MF'ing Space Nazis are all in favor of universal health care...
Re: Moon Nazis

Orionblamblam said:
Damnfino. People are willing to pay for flat screen TV's, but not to save their own lives. Shrug.

Of course MF'ing Space Nazis are all in favor of universal health care...

They know they can just show up at the ER and Uncle Sugar, i.e. the taxpayer, will pay their medical bills. Daddy won't buy them a flatscreen (unless they've scored a "disability" that ensures them a check every week) unless they pay for it themselves. And people wonder why here in the US they're considered bottom-feeders.

P.S. "We have a Hulk" was epic. :D
Re: Moon Nazis

Richard N said:
Triton said:
"The world is sick and we are the doctors!"
In Amerika, the next line would be "Before we determine if we will fix you, you must first show us your (insurance) papers and proof of ability to pay!!!"

Okay, where did you get to read the script? Might be an outdated version though. :p :-X
Re: Moon Nazis

sferrin said:
P.S. "We have a Hulk" was epic. :D

I'm not a reader of the "Thor" comic books, but I know that the line - the whole scene, in fact, with Tony Stark staring down a god and basically telling him to get bent - is well within the old Norse tradition. You're gonna die anyway... what better way than while trash-talking Loki?

Since I know that "Iron Man 3" is apparently signed off, clearly Loki doesn't squish Stark like a bug. But if he did... that's a first class ticket to Valhalla, baby!
Re: Moon Nazis

Just read the first cutups about "Iron Sky", not too bad, although it was generally described as
being a little bit too long. But noone wrote a damning review. No storm of enthusiasm, but that
couldn't be expected from critics, who are here to review the "standard" Berlinale movies, I think.
Re: Moon Nazis

The USS George W. Bush...
I bet, our dear 'Kamerad' OBB will start soon manufacturing up a plastic model. ;) :D

Picture source:


  • image-315030-galleryV9-fdtp.jpg
    28.5 KB · Views: 380
Re: Moon Nazis

When I first saw the heading, I though "no Moon for you".

I understand Newt thinks it's a documentary.
Re: Moon Nazis

fightingirish said:
The USS George W. Bush...
I bet, our dear 'Kamerad' OBB will start soon manufacturing up a plastic model. ;) :D

You kid, but I've given it some thought. Will have to see what sort of references become available... and just what it looks like.
Re: Moon Nazis

Okay, saw the movie. Disclaimer: I'm indirectly connected to the production in a way, so potentially not entirely impartial if you're in conspiracy mood (pun intended).

The film was not so long, lasting about 90 minutes. A two and half hours "director's cut" version should come out later in DVD format. Though in this case it should perhaps be called the "producer's cut": as the producer and director told us, usually the director wants to have a longer film and the producer needs to push him to shorten it. In this case after seeing an initial cut, the producer turned his back for a second, and the film had already lost half an hour from its length, thus he almost had to tell the director: "Hey, don't cut it all away!" But I certainly appreciate the ability to tell the story in a tight package, as opposed to what seems to be the current trend in Hollywood and elsewhere. I don't think it affected the plot in a bad way.

The film had several funny scenes, though several from early script versions had obviously not made it. I particularly missed one cheesy remark in the very beginning. Also I think there were a few too cheap shots at US politics.
Acting was a bit varied, in my opinion Christopher Kirby and Udo Kier played their roles particularly well. The CGI was good as expected except for a few occasions, for example the astronaut space suits in the beginning looked a bit "plastic" to me. Overall, considering their CGI budget was 900,000 euros and was done in entirely in Finland, ie. not a low-cost country, very well done. As to real world airplanes, at least A-10s and F-22s make a few second appearances.

I have to admit I was a bit surprised by how sad the end was. But perhaps bobbymike likes it.

To sum up a good enough film and one that a typical Secret Projects member would probably enjoy seeing.
Re: Moon Nazis

Meteorit said:
Okay, saw the movie. Disclaimer: I'm indirectly connected to the production in a way, so potentially not entirely impartial if you're in conspiracy mood (pun intended).

The film was not so long, lasting about 90 minutes. A two and half hours "director's cut" version should come out later in DVD format. Though in this case it should perhaps be called the "producer's cut": as the producer and director told us, usually the director wants to have a longer film and the producer needs to push him to shorten it. In this case after seeing an initial cut, the producer turned his back for a second, and the film had already lost half an hour from its length, thus he almost had to tell the director: "Hey, don't cut it all away!" But I certainly appreciate the ability to tell the story in a tight package, as opposed to what seems to be the current trend in Hollywood and elsewhere. I don't think it affected the plot in a bad way.

The film had several funny scenes, though several from early script versions had obviously not made it. I particularly missed one cheesy remark in the very beginning. Also I think there were a few too cheap shots at US politics.
Acting was a bit varied, in my opinion Christopher Kirby and Udo Kier played their roles particularly well. The CGI was good as expected except for a few occasions, for example the astronaut space suits in the beginning looked a bit "plastic" to me. Overall, considering their CGI budget was 900,000 euros and was done in entirely in Finland, ie. not a low-cost country, very well done. As to real world airplanes, at least A-10s and F-22s make a few second appearances.

I have to admit I was a bit surprised by how sad the end was. But perhaps bobbymike likes it.

To sum up a good enough film and one that a typical Secret Projects member would probably enjoy seeing.

So are you saying if we see Predator drones going supersonic with afterburner plumes shooting out the back you're the guy we should blame? ;)
Re: Moon Nazis

Meteorit said:
Also I think there were a few too cheap shots at US politics... I have to admit I was a bit surprised by how sad the end was.

One review seemed to hint that in a movie with space Nazis, the US was portrayed as the really bad guys. Started a nuclear war or some such.
Re: Moon Nazis

sferrin said:
So are you saying if we see Predator drones going supersonic with afterburner plumes shooting out the back you're the guy we should blame? ;)

I haven't been involved in the making of the movie itself in any way, but a related product.

BTW, the current worldwide release plan can be seen at

One review seemed to hint that in a movie with space Nazis, the US was portrayed as the really bad guys. Started a nuclear war or some such.

Not quite so one-sided, the way I interpreted it.

But perhaps bobbymike likes it.

Watch the trajectories ;)
Re: Moon Nazis

:mad: They've yet to set a date for US release! I want to see the Space Nazis!
Re: Moon Nazis

Now imagine the potential if Marvel had been involved in this: the Red Skull, Captain America, Baron Zemo... The mind boggles...
Re: Moon Nazis

Red Skull, Captain America, Baron Zemo
...OMG. Still not too late for a Hollywood version.
Just saw it, loved it. I'm not spoiling anything by saying nothing technical in it was even vaguely plausible, it's more one for the steampunk crowd than the whiffers/luft46'ers, but the characters were both excellently portrayed and believable, at least in context. Visually nice, and a message we can't hear too often. Recommended, if only for being a well-made slice of "different".
Hammer Birchgrove said:
Does this mean people are allowed to post about Nazi flying saucers now? :p

It would be the perfect post to do so, if only to discuss how the appearances of the known "designs" compare with what the film-makers used!
It's going to be shown here at the BIFFF:

But it's on the 14th, and I have to gig that night, nooooooooooooooooooooooooo....
The Diamond Distributors advance order catalog already has a listing for the DVD/Blue Ray release - but they only advertise it as a future release without giving a street date.
i went to Germany to see Iron Sky
and is best dark comedy next to Dr Strangelove
odd, after the deadly silence at end of the Film, the audience start to applause during the final credits !

if the movie runs in cinema near you: GO AND SEE IT
Saw it yesterday, great indeed, lots of irony and black humour, without being a slapstick
comedy only. At least some scenes could be food for thoughts ..
And although actually the US didn't come of very well, most other nations didn't either ..
Jemiba said:
Saw it yesterday, great indeed, lots of irony and black humour, without being a slapstick
comedy only. At least some scenes could be food for thoughts ..
And although actually the US didn't come of very well, most other nations didn't either ..
"We" were just more out-loud and up-front about it than the other nations were ;)

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