Interstate Assault Drones (TDR-1, XBDR)

;) Found it here


  • Interstate XBDR front.jpg
    Interstate XBDR front.jpg
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(1) XBDR 1/17 scale gust tunnel test model with slit shape air intake.
(2) XBDR 1/17 scale gust tunnel test model with slit shape air intake and wind shield.
Perfect. Thanks for sharing. :D
So Interstate planned to develop manned XBDR version in parallel with drone?

Interesting site.
I didn't realize there was an entry for the XBDR under Missile Projects. I should have used the search feature. :-[

However the manned version is a "whole 'nother kettle of fish". Was this a serious consideration or just the fantasy musings of a designer? It would seem just a fantasy to me because by putting a man in the machine you reduce it's range, payload, and general performance.
windswords said:
I didn't realize there was an entry for the XBDR under Missile Projects. I should have used the search feature. :-[

However the manned version is a "whole 'nother kettle of fish". Was this a serious consideration or just the fantasy musings of a designer? It would seem just a fantasy to me because by putting a man in the machine you reduce it's range, payload, and general performance.
Ummm....But how do you think about NACA report, 1/17 gust tunnel test model?
You are correct, Backkite-san. The second wind tunnel model pictured above has a cockpit canopy. More than a fantasy!
Perhaps the manned version was purely for development?
After all, this programme was going to be integrating three advanced technologies into one system, jet engines, tailless aerodynamics, and remote TV guidance. Having a manned version would allow you to perfect the first two, without relying on the third, which could be developed separately in a test-bed aircraft...

Excellent point Robin. The manned version would be a stepping stone to the final version.

There is a thread in this forum, covering "precursor" of this aircraft/missile - Interstate TDR assault glider.,2114.0.html

It was also have manned/unmanned versions.

I wonder, how the relatively small company has been daring enough to develop and put in combat operations (of course, very limited) such sophisticate piece of weaponry.

Have a nice reading!
robunos said:
Perhaps the manned version was purely for development?
After all, this programme was going to be integrating three advanced technologies into one system, jet engines, tailless aerodynamics, and remote TV guidance. Having a manned version would allow you to perfect the first two, without relying on the third, which could be developed separately in a test-bed aircraft...

Excellent Robin!! ;) Of course final goal may be a drone.
Found this presentation of the Interstate drone program

At 42:55 it has some details on the XBDR

He says it was based on a Northrop design, he thinks the I-90n (?). It was tested as a glider, and he makes it sound like it was a manned test.
Clioman said:
These might be of interest. The source is "XBDR-1 Mock Up," Interstate Aircraft & Engineering Corp. Rpt No. W 272. The document is not dated, but the photos are dated "11-19-43." Sorry for the poor quality -- it's a photocopy from an original located at NARA, file 72-AC-1B.

Further to Clioman's earlier post from the same source and location are some scans of the XBDR-1 Mock Up.


  • 72-AC-1B-01-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Front-View-Manned-Version.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-02-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Front-View-Flight.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-03-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Left-Front-View-Manned-Version.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-05-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Left-Rear-View-Manned-Version.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-10-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Left-Rear-View-Inflight.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-06-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Left-Front-Inflight-View.jpg
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This set completes all that I scanned from the file.


  • 72-AC-1B-39-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-RH-Main-Landing-Gear.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-36-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-LH-Forward-Fuselage.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-35-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Fuselage-Nose-Section.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-22-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Leading-Edge-Inlet-Duct.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-20-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Center-Section-Skins-Removed.jpg
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  • 72-AC-1B-11-Interstate-XBDR-1-Mockup-Schematic-Breakdown-For-Shipment.jpg
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This is far too sophisticated for the time period. And the bigger mystery: Why wasn't this used in Vietnam?
Re: TDR-1 sub-contract ....

"American Aviation Corporation of Jamestown, New York, had received a secret contract to build an expendable torpedo bomber for the navy called the TDR-1..... SAC [Schweizer Aircraft Corp] was awarded a cost-plus, fixed-fee contract to build approximately 20 percent of the aircraft. Our job was to tool and build the wing center sections, which incorporated the engine mount, the cockpit canopy and miscellaneous detailed parts. The order was received in July 1943 for fifty sets of assemblies to be delivered during the following eighteen months."

See also "The Secret Plane In Jamestown" article for more on the early days of the TDR-1 project.

Flying With The Schweizers (Paul H Schweizer and William Schweizer)
published by iUniverse 2019 (ISBN 978-1-5320-6991-8)


  • American_Aviation_TDR-1_with_cockpit_for_trials.jpg
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