Ilyushin Il-112

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out and painted! (btw since its now built, should this thread be moved from unbuilt projects to the general aerospace section?



i guess they decided to do away with that extra set of windows under the cockpit
IL-112 is about the same weight (46,000 pounds) as other medium-sized twin turbo-prop transports like CASA 295, DHC-5 Buffalo and the Italian C-27 Spartan.

Attractive aircraft there.
il-112 3d model

2.jpg 1.jpg

I'm surprised the cockpit does not have a heads up display integrated, it seems like standard equipment to have on a tactical transport. Are there plans to integrate a HUD later on ?
That's more NATO thing. Russian transports don't use HUDs and cabin lightning isn't made for NVG use either. IL-76MD-90 doesn't have HUD either.
Plus Russia don't produce HUD for civilian|transport aircraft, and I doubt that companies that do will sell them.
That's more NATO thing.

Hmm, maybe. The source was not originally Russian. I was just surfing the foreign Internet. Although it seems that there was such a photo in the Russians.

Taken from here:
From July of 2019:

IL-112 - a long road to the sky - RUSSIAN AVIATION
March 30, 2019, on the day of the 125th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding and world-famous aircraft designer Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin, the first flight of a new lightweight military transport aircraft Il-112B took place. The modern Russian aviation industry does not often make us happy with new aircraft. And the Il-112 is not an easy story. But still, along with a new modification of the IL-76, this is the second transport aircraft, lifted into the sky by the renowned design bureau in the current decade. About how the machine was created, about the first flight and the upcoming improvements tells the Chief Designer of PJSC "Il" Nikolai Dmitrievich Talikov.

more info here (in russian)

RIP :(


This article claims the pilots tried to shut down the affected engine to no effect. The primary problem with this aircraft program is that the airframe is overweight and the engines are a bit underpowered.
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There is a video of that tragic incident:

It seems as if the pilots experience a dynamic stall after initiating a very slight pull-up in the turn (trajectory correction?). It's unbelievable how it happens with such a gentle handling. Also the rapid spread of fire is terrifying.

Perhaps the conteol surfaces were affected by the fire or the propeller did not feather causing immense amounts of drag.

Considering that this was a heavily instrumented prototype we'll know the answers soon.
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It was pointed out in another forum that it is called "Vmc roll." At slow speed the torque of the functioning engine overcomes the control authority of aircraft and it rolls into the failed engine. It appears to me that the pilot tried to fight this by yawing into the good engine, but was fighting a losing battle as the aircraft decelerated.
So, looks like project is dead.
Shoigu said that a successor design, Il-212, equipped with two 8t PD-8 engines (planned for SSJ-NEW) will be replacing old An-26 and An-72. First flight is scheduled in late 2026.
And it will be essentially new aircraft, as new engines = new wing, ne wing would require new fuselage (and more fuel, as enginess will consume significantly more).
Interestingly enough, Il-114, a 64pax passenger plane with same (if less powerful) engines resumed testing. They bulid brand new Il-114-300 (previous one was based on existing 114-100, albeit with new electronics, wing, and engines), and currently testing it. First flight likely to be soon.
So they're essentially going to build a smaller version of the Embraer KC-390 ? I wonder if it will have any export success.

The Il-114-300 project will probably have some minor success since many regional airlines in Russia depend on govt subsidies, so this aircraft will likely be shoved down their throats whether they like it or not. From what I've read this aircraft is heavier than the ATR-72 so it will have a higher fuel consumption, even with newer engines. In regards to military applications, this aircraft will likely be utilized as a cost effective maritime patrol aircraft, and possibly a version with a largo cargo door could be used as a light transport.

Il-114 is heavier than it's counterparts mainly due to big wing. It was planned to be used as both passenger plane and platform for military (MPA, EW etc) from the design board, hence it has big wing area to achieve ~10hours of endurance and big range.
OTOH I dunno about efficiency. Wing area helps, and cursory comparison by public data gives us 1400vs1500/2000km with range max payload for ATR72/114-100/114-300.
If ATR-72 is more efficient, it's likely not by much.

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