IAe 27 / 31 Pulqui I and II

Here's a clear print of the same pic..By the way, how do you manage to attach a larger version of the photo. Details will be welcomed.


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The design of the airbrakes always amazed me, way different to what was used on the Sabre or the Migs
May be a carryover from Kurt Tank's earlier design the Focke-Wulf Ta 183 Huckebein.
Can't say for sure, I have no info on the 183's airbrakes.
Details of the I.A.é 33


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Excerpts from an article of mine published in FLUGZEUEG back in 2002, one of over 300 articles on Argentine military subjects that bear my name.


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And some more of the walk around. There were originally 26 photos. Blame it on the movers.


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More illustrations of Pulqui I and II


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Existe-t-il une bonne vue en plan trois de l'IAe-27A ?
I found this plan from the document in the post above !!! Decidedly there are some good day ! :D
FMA Iae-27A Pulqui II.png
I had to separate the book into two parts because the original file was so large.
But it can be rejoined with any pdf editing program.
To separate them I use iLovePDF

Proceso de diseño del Pulqui I
by Norberto L. Morchio and Humberto Ricciardi
A photo of the 3rd, IA 33 prototype after the short but bloody civil war which overthrew Perón in Sept. 1955. The Pulqui did not participate in the events, but merely flew on a parade celebrating he downfall of the regime.
A second photos of the same airframe.


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Have some rather revealing statements rewarding thedevelopment of the engineering staff at The Institute, I will upolad later.


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And some more of the same. The 4th photo, the IAé27 under construction comes from Raymond Danel via Juan Arraez Cerda


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Wow, the IAe-27 was made of wood !
According to "Proceso de Diseño del Pulqui I" the book by Morchio and Riccardi, two Argentine engineers that actually did the actual work )Dewoitine as project director prepared a detailed drawing based on this D.520in a 1/10 scale and gave SOME assistance. In the book . Now in LES Avions Dewoitine, in one of his many lies Dewoitine claims the materials used were aluminium stocks, remnennts of the stockleft from te Dewoitine D.21 built at the FMA. But inn their book,Morchio and Ricciardi clearly state that they used aluminum left over from the manufacture of the Curtiss Hawk 750, something confirmed by Francisco San Martín.
Wow, the IAe-27 was made of wood !
According to "Proceso de Diseño del Pulqui I" the book by Morchio and Riccardi, two Argentine engineers that actually did the actual work )Dewoitine as project director prepared a detailed drawing based on this D.520in a 1/10 scale and gave SOME assistance. In the book . Now in LES Avions Dewoitine, in one of his many lies Dewoitine claims the materials used were aluminium stocks, remnennts of the stockleft from te Dewoitine D.21 built at the FMA. But inn their book,Morchio and Ricciardi clearly state that they used aluminum left over from the manufacture of the Curtiss Hawk 750, something confirmed by Francisco San Martín.
Interesting, seeing the picture of the IAe-27 without its coating, I would have thought it was plywood.
Wow, the IAe-27 was made of wood !
According to "Proceso de Diseño del Pulqui I" the book by Morchio and Riccardi, two Argentine engineers that actually did the actual work )Dewoitine as project director prepared a detailed drawing based on this D.520in a 1/10 scale and gave SOME assistance. In the book . Now in LES Avions Dewoitine, in one of his many lies Dewoitine claims the materials used were aluminium stocks, remnennts of the stockleft from te Dewoitine D.21 built at the FMA. But inn their book,Morchio and Ricciardi clearly state that they used aluminum left over from the manufacture of the Curtiss Hawk 750, something confirmed by Francisco San Martín.
Interesting, seeing the picture of the IAe-27 without its coating, I would have thought it was plywood.
As iI said , probably in the initial steps of the fabrication process, much as in the construction of some building's wood is employed temporarily (see poto no.1) Photo no.2, according to the inscription by my friend, Hardy Brecker states In weißen Kitteln, links Dipl. Ing. Morchio und Ricciardi (depicts "In white smocks, on the left Dipl. Ing. Morchio and Ricciardi-fhoto via Wolfgang Brecker-Foto über Wolfgang Brecke .


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Screenshots from the video of the first flight of the I.Ae.27 Pulqui


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And some more of the same. The 4th photo, the IAé27 under construction comes from Raymond Danel via Juan Arraez Cerda
Sorry, this "4th photo" is not from Raymond Danel and Jean Cuny's book.
but the book mentionned:
"Dewoitine had to face many technological problems caused by the lack of skilled labor and raw materials. The supply difficulties were such that he had, for example, to size the monospar of the wing so as to be able to draw it from a surplus blank in Cordoba. This came from deliveries made in the early thirties, when the FMA had built under license 40 Dewoitine D.211 fighters
The technical definition of the plane was frozen after a few months and, from September 1946, we could start machining the first parts in Cordoba. The lack of experience of the engineers Enrique Cardellhec and Norbano L. Morchio, responsible for manufacturing the elementary parts and assembling the components of the prototype. forced Dewoitine to practically combine the function of workshop manager with that of design office manager)
The realization of the I.Aé 27 was preceded by that of a full-size wooden model.

So seems that this "4th photo" is one of the wooden mock-up, not the prototype.
So seems that this "4th photo" is one of the wooden mock-up, not the prototype.

It could be, but neither Francisco San Martín nor the book by Morchio and Ricciardi referred to a wooden mockup. But it's quite possible. Take a look at this photo sent by H, Brecker.


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Sorry, this "4th photo" is not from Raymond Danel and Jean Cuny's book.
but the book mentionned:
"Dewoitine had to face many technological problems caused by the lack of skilled labor and raw materials. The supply difficulties were such that he had, for example, to size the monospar of the wing so as to be able to draw it from a surplus blank in Cordoba. This came from deliveries made in the early thirties, when the FMA had built under license 40 Dewoitine D.211 fighters
The technical definition of the plane was frozen after a few months and, from September 1946, we could start machining the first parts in Cordoba. The lack of experience of the engineers Enrique Cardellhec and Norbano L. Morchio, responsible for manufacturing the elementary parts and assembling the components of the prototype. forced Dewoitine to practically combine the function of workshop manager with that of design office manager)

I didn't say it did, rather than it came along with a copy of the book autographed by the authors (q.v.) As far as M. Dewoitine is concerned, "he speaks with forked tongue", in other words, he lies- To start, only 32 D.21s were completed 1930-32, and another 6 assembled from spare parts built at the FMA later. Marchio and Ricciardi did the real work, and a British engineer, Stanly Hooker had to assist in the installation of the Derwent jet engine. According to Hooker, the Frenchman was obsessed with making money. As far as his dependability is concerned, it can be judged by this paragraph from my book on Argentine air force piston-engine fighters.


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Dewoitine was always a day late and a dollar short. The Dewoitine D.21's built in France. suffered from manufacturing defects and items contracted by the Argentine government but never delivered. From Piston Engine Fighters of the Argentine Air Force. The books by J. Cuny and R. Danel, though they themselves were decent fellows demonstrate how often he lied, no doubt out of spite towards the Argentine gov't.
1) He claims that the aircraft exceeded its contracted speed (850 km/h) when it only reached 730 km/h
2) Because of is configuration it could neither carry armament nor serve as a two-seat trainer
3) Brig. San Martín asked for an aircraft that would break the world's speed record, not a fighter.
4) He was essentially a designer in absentia, since the real work was done by Morchio, Ricciardi and Cardeillac.
5) He failed to meet the filing date for a light twin engine transport.
6) He tried to sell DINFIA (ex-IAME) a license to produce the ADV-12, which had been rejected by the Spanish air force.

As Mark Twain once remarked “One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives."


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Wow, the IAe-27 was made of wood !
According to "Proceso de Diseño del Pulqui I" the book by Morchio and Riccardi, two Argentine engineers that actually did the actual work )Dewoitine as project director prepared a detailed drawing based on this D.520in a 1/10 scale and gave SOME assistance. In the book . Now in LES Avions Dewoitine, in one of his many lies Dewoitine claims the materials used were aluminium stocks, remnennts of the stockleft from te Dewoitine D.21 built at the FMA. But inn their book,Morchio and Ricciardi clearly state that they used aluminum left over from the manufacture of the Curtiss Hawk 750, something confirmed by Francisco San Martín.
Interesting, seeing the picture of the IAe-27 without its coating, I would have thought it was plywood.

F.L., the answer to your question.

The genesis of the arrows

By Hernan Longoni

“To Engineers Morchio, Ricciardi, Cardeilac, Kurt Tank, Otto Behrens, Osvaldo Weiss and Vedania Mannuwal.”

Wooden model to check accessibility
Scale model of the FMA I.Ae.33 exhibited in front of the aeronautical engineering school of the National University of La Plata


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FMA I.Ae.27 Pulqui I in Tecnopólis. Credits: Roberto Digiorge


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FMA I.Ae.33Pulqui II in Tecnopólis. Credits: Roberto Digiorge


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Models of the IAe.27 Pulqui I and I.Ae.33 Pulqui II exhibited at the University Museum of Aerospace Technology of the Argentine Air Force


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Photo with car remind me some SAAB promotional photos - where their fighters were displayed along with SAAB cars
Yes, the car is a Sedán INSTITEC JUSTICIALISTA

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