Speaking of that FR article, have you seen the online supplement for it? It has some scans of the scant documents that have survived on this aircraft; http://www.fliegerrevuex.aero/1939-start-ins-dusenzeitalter/
Also the book Heinkel Raketen und Strahlflugzeuge has some good info on the 178 as well as a photo I haven't seen before. There is also nice info on the jet engine used in the 178. As it turns out the squarish exhaust on the 178 was a simple variable geometry nozzle for the jet engine, chosen to expedite production of the prototype.
There is also a CIOS report that has a very poorly produced image of the 178, but this is another one I haven't seen elsewhere either. There is a good chance that the photo in the report if of much better quality then this scan.
I also assume that you have seen the cut away posted by jemiba? That is probably the best source of a valid heinke drawing but it is problematic when compared to photos of the actual aircraft - wing root too far forward, canopy that it too bulbous, ect. It may have been a drawing of the V2.