HAWC (Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept) and HACM (Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile)

That clip is just the video version of common warzone article, it should be taken as speculation rather than fact.
Given that HAWC and future HALO are both light enough to be carried by F-18E/F, I highly skeptical if HACM is somehow significantly heavier. Especially when we consider that HACM is based on HAWC and HALO is based on HACM
I thought the Navy missile was a separate program?
Same hypersonic section, IIRC. Different boosters for surface launch versus air launch.

I do not think the two have any relationship whatsoever, but I’ll yield to better sources. HAWC/HACM is a glider with a fixed inlet and combustion chamber boosted to Mach 4-5. It is hard to imagine any USN weapon could achieve that with the 15 feet length limit and the weight limitations associated with catapult launch.

As to the weight of HACM - even the X-51 stack was only 4000 lbs dry, with 265lbs of fuel. I cannot imagine the new missile is much heavier than that now that the entire engine is 3D printed and half the weight. Minimally the F-15 is the threshold platform, so it can care at least one; I suspect 2-3.
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What are the F-18s pylon limits? That would give us an upper bound on HACM launch weight.
There are lots of charts showing which weapons can be loaded where but no actual weights.

I-4-4 (Not sure if this is the right thing.)

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