Goodbye Tophe (Christophe Meunier)


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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I am so sad to hear this,he was one from my best friends,he shared with me his pains,
and he was never stingy with me with almost everything,I remembered when he got
for TU magazine on DVD,he bought to me anther one as a gift,God bless his soul.


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Thank you so much hesham for this thoughtful and heartfelt initiative. Like you, I greatly appreciated Christophe, who struggled with some personal issues but always had a kind heart and a gentle soul. I had always hoped we would meet in real life eventually... Too bad... I'm sharing here a photo from his wife's page, showing him years ago in the workplace, as well as a Christmas photo with his wife, so joyful over the aircraft models he got! I'm sure that's how he'd like to be remembered.


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This is very sad news. My condolences to his family and friends.

As a fellow twin boom fan I always had a lot of interest in what he posted here and elsewhere. His enthusiasm for a niche subject is what makes forums like this worthwhile.

Rest in peace.
Beautiful thing that internet relationships. We're never going to meet in person, see our faces, hear our voices or share a meal...however a special feeling arise amongst us.

Hesham and Stargazer, thank you for the photos.

I met Tophe back in the late 90s at Whatifmodelers forum. I bought his book "Les fantômes forchues" and then we exchanged letters and emails for a time. He was always kind and nice. . His fascination for real twin boom aircraft evolved into a genuine form of abstract art creation.

God bless his soul. My condolences for the family.
Admittedly most of us here on the forum don't really know each other, we surf the net in a virtual world but beyond this facet there are real people full of life and feelings and that can't be denied, we're here behind our anonymous profiles and in such circumstances our humanity manifests itself in the face of the grief of a loss and we can't remain unshaken, a loss is always a loss, a point of no return.Rest in peace dear SPF member Tophe.


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We lose people which is desperately sad but, the six degree's of seperation situation means that those who knew them, pass on what they learned to everyone else.

They will not be forgotten, we are all richer for their time among us. RIP, to Tophe and each and every one we lose.

I am going to remember the weird and wacky variations of aircraft design and layout Tope created for as long as I am here and smile.
His love of twin-booms and asymmetric aircraft was legendary and I've been stumbling on his work, both at What-If Modellers, on his own website and here over the last 20 years.
He will be missed indeed and its sad news that he is gone.

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