Future soldier technology (modified thread)

Yeah, great, but as an old hunting mentor conveyed, hunting is about "recoil. recoil recoil"... Who is on that??!

May I suggest streaming second-language radio and television in Special Forces facilities?
This might be as simple as installing TVs streaming Arab-language Al Jazerra news, weather and sports for teams destined for Arabic countries.

Secondly, assign "Arabic days" when the bulk of internal orders and conversations must be in Arabic..

May I suggest streaming second-language radio and television in Special Forces facilities?
This might be as simple as installing TVs streaming Arab-language Al Jazerra news, weather and sports for teams destined for Arabic countries.

Secondly, assign "Arabic days" when the bulk of internal orders and conversations must be in Arabic..
Thank you..beieve some of that is going on..hope others might comment.

The ongoing confrontation between armor and weapons has reached a new level with the development of high-precision artillery and guided missiles. Therefore, the leading armies accelerated the introduction of active protection equipment for armored vehicles. So, the state corporation "Rostec" has presented a new ammunition, which, by its detonation, can save equipment from high-precision weapons, the press service of the corporation said on Friday. Shooting smoke grenades with a T-90MS tank. Photo: http://vitalykuzmin.net/ Protective cloud The development of the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH JSC, part of the Rostec State Corporation) is designed to increase the survivability of equipment on the battlefield. 76-mm ammunition weighing 2.8 kg, when detonated, forms a cloud of aerosol and dipole (false targets made of metallized materials) interference. The length of the scattered dipole reflectors should be approximately half the wavelength that the enemy radar emits. Coupled with aerosol interference, this allows you to protect equipment from active radar, television and thermal homing heads. The new ammunition differs from previous developments in the increased density of the aerosol-dipole curtain. Twice as large "cloud" is more likely to suppress ammunition with different types of guidance. Defensive ammunition will be used as part of existing protective equipment over a wide temperature range. The state tests of the development will be completed this year, and the demonstration of the ammunition will take place within the framework of the Army-2021 forum, - noted in Rostec. Application prospects Apparently, the new ammunition will be used as part of the Arena active protection systems (KAZ), and the Arena optoelectronic active protection (KOEP). So, "Arena" includes a radar that looks for targets flying up to the vehicle. After detecting the movement parameters of the enemy ammunition, the on-board computer calculates the optimal firing time, and the number of the counter-ammunition produced. Existing ammunition "Arena" (and other KAZ) create a cloud of damaging elements that destroy the incoming ammunition. T-90A with working spotlights of the Stora complex. Photo: http://btvt.narod.ru Probably, the new projectile will make it possible to turn the Arena into a soft-kill system, which will allow the vehicle to be secured even at the aiming stage. This will make KAZ similar to the KOEP "Shtora". Recall that this system has sensors for laser irradiation and detection of ATGM control channels. When a threat is detected, the system activates IR illuminators, the modulated radiation of which disrupts the control of enemy ammunition. Additionally, the machine is masked by the shooting of 12 smoke grenades. If they are replaced with promising ammunition, "Shtora" will be able to deal with threats with greater efficiency. The exact purpose of the ammunition, most of the characteristics of which are still classified, may become known after the demonstration of the novelty. Let us remind you that the Army-2021 forum will open on August 22 in the Patriot Park.
Chinese company Nitewing tactical is onto the 2nd gen of their battlefield HUD development,


AVTOVAZ* and Rostec equipped exoskeletons for employees of the new Lada warehouse complex in the Tver region.

The weight of the exoskeleton is 5-6 kg, its price is 43 thousand rubles. The device is designed to increase the strength of human muscles and expand the range of motion.

That sounds something like a desperation move to try and retain personnel who would otherwise on health grounds have to transfer out of active duty or else retire altogether.
Don't be too hard. One of the reason ppl are certainly leaving the service is having their body exhausted earlier than the norm.
Taking pain killers is no more an option with the opioid crisis as it is known now.
I see it as a good palliative for securing the will to volonteer.

Lisa Sanders, director of science and technology at Special Operations Command, said SOCOM wants to give operators the same access to information that they are accustomed to outside working hours.

“The hyper-enabled operator work that we're focusing on really is about getting that capability that you assume that you have in your personal life in a tactically relevant environment, and being able to adapt as that environment changes,” she said during a media roundtable.

The office wants to prioritize the development and demonstration of relevant special reconnaissance space-based payloads, he said.

“That development area is really key for us,” he said. “To be able to pull back from where we traditionally had operators on the ground — had a physical presence and proximity to those sensors — and pulling back and being able to do things like data exfiltration or remote command-and-control of sensors.”

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