Future soldier technology (modified thread)

Kestrel defense in the PR China are working on an (initially) upper body exoskeleton .

Damnit... I recognize that lower body setup. That's a militarized version of the old School MIT lower body exoskeleton which was FAR CHEAPER and consumed orders of magnitude less power than the Berkely BLEEX lower body exoskeleton which initially required a 3000 watt gas generator to run and has been developed into the militarized lower body exoskeleton discussed here for years.

This is what scares me, the Chinese are taking our nonsexy but infinitely more technically reachable projects which lost out to pie in the sky crap like BLEEX here!

They're doing this across the whole spectrum of defense fields.
At least three traditional scout sniper courses were either canceled or delayed to make room for the new “proof of concept” course, potentially putting strain on an occupancy field ― which previously suffered from a “critical gap” because so many Marines washed out.

For one thing, high-end software based AIs can be rather... unstable.

Small unmanned aerial vehicles have also become one of the service’s acquisition priorities, Wood noted. In recent years, the Marine Corps has been adopting more autonomous platforms, including small UAVs that would help infantry units conduct intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

“By investing in small UAVs, the Marine Corps is giving these small units the ability to get eyes in the sky,” he said. “You can put a platform up in the air that has a relatively small signature, and it can beam back to the unit any kind of sensor data” including video imagery collected by cameras. It can also act as a communications relay and connect small units to larger organizations, he noted.

quads perform ISR alright, for the adversary. Small unit puts up a quad and an high intensity adversary says 'fire for effect' on that grid square. Mission complete. :(
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SETmVw1HK98


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