Fusion-powered submarine


ACCESS: Confidential
18 February 2010
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I only vaguely remember this from a book about submarines I read in my childhood, and I'm hoping that someone might be able to help me recall the book.

The book concluded with a projection of future submarine warfare, and it displayed a submarine with a number of unusual features:
* Fusion power
* Lasers
* Guided missiles (for anti-aircraft, if I recall)
* a bay for a special forces hovercraft

As I recall, it would have used fusion power with a sort of pumpjet propulsion. It was quite large, and -- one suspects -- quite expensive. ;)
I remember lending something similar from the public library (UK) in my childhood (a good 30 ago years at least) was this book your referring to solely about submarines?

The one I remember (and would dearly like to get a copy of) was called something like "future warfare" and had some beautiful artwork in, well to my 10 year old eyes at least.

the double page spreads that I remember showed
  • Something like your submarine
  • A laser armed black "robot" hover tank
  • A huge silver, equilateral triangle shaped, flying mother ship disgorging several laser armed "robot" fighters (red with forward swept wings and a conventional empennage)
  • A terrorist occupied costal nuclear power plant with an amphibious assault ship on the horizon, bow doors open launching small hovercraft. some of the hovercraft had landed on the beach and Marines (in a very low resolution black & grey digital camoflage uniforms) charging out of the front ramp D-Day style
  • manportable microwave weapons (like a rifle with a small satelite dish muzzle and backpack/powerpack) I think these were in the context of use on a huge elysium style orbital habitat
  • The use of halucenogenic agents, from the point of the victim a helicopter (or some futuristic equivalent) looked like an attacking dragon
I also remember the book describing how in future armed forces would act more like an international police force
US Navy really study on possibly for Fusion reactors for there ship and Sub

last one was Robert W. Bussard, Polywell reactor concept in 2005
Firebee said:
Can't help with the first book mentioned, but the second book appears to be "Future War and Weapons" by Neil Ardley, circa 1981-82. I've got a copy in a box at the house. Someone has scanned it, and you can view it here:

Perfect! thank you very much!!!

will be interesting to see how my memory holds up to reality

thanks again
last derailment on this topic I promise. It seems Neil Ardley was something of a renaissance man


His book "School, Work and Play" seems particularly prescient... I didn't know weather to laugh or cry when re-reading this (maybe that's why the book is going for £100 on amazon)

Are these types of "future world" media for children still being produced. might be interesting to see what the next generation is being programmed to accept!! ::) (that is my joke of course)

Orwellian nightmares aside, maybe kids today do need some exposure to Ardley's more utopian type predictions in order to try and make a better future (mind you it didn't work out that well for my generation)...

Mat Parry said:
I remember lending something similar from the public library (UK) in my childhood (a good 30 ago years at least) was this book your referring to solely about submarines?

Yeah, the book I was reading was only about submarines. It was juvenile non-fiction, but the concept was so interesting that I'd love to see it again.
Mat Parry said:
Are these types of "future world" media for children still being produced

Nope. It's all wizards and vampires now. No, really... go check out the childrens and "young adults" section in the local bookstore. Try to find the science fiction section. You'll find it in a tiny corner of the "magical thinking" section under the crap about teen vampires and unicorns.

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