Well, yes, have seen those "designs" before, but I think, "Early Projects" is the wrong section ! It's often difficult
to tell pure fantasy products from the weird, but seriously considered designs. But we shouldn't mix them up
in this section here, I think and if a design is proven not to be real, it should be moved to the "Theoretical and
Speculative "section, I think.
We could discuss that flying wing, but if I understand the title somewhat correct, it's a large flying wing,
powered by engines using gaseous fuel, with the structure doubling as the gas tank. Was it meant as a kind of
hybrid aircraft ? With a span of 200 m and a length of 77m, carrying about 1000 passengers, it probably was
quite a weird idea those days and as I understand, that the publishers of "Les Ailes" were aware of this, but didn't
reject the publication, because principally it was based on valid physical/technical ideas, although surely out
of the reach of technology then.
So, not really a project in our sense, that's why I moved this thread