Fugaku : Z-plane, G10 or G12

Hi Blackkite san
Ill hope you will succeed! itis after all a very interesting and one of the coolest Japanese ww2 projects!
Its a pitty that the Zproject never became a full realistic project to spawn a super duper Bomber!
Hi T-50 san. The situation is going smoothly. ;) This calender size is about 80cm×60cm.
Hi! Today I get it. It's too large to handle. ;D
中島飛行機株式会社 : Nakajima aircraft Co, Ltd.、太田製作所 : Ohta factory、Z計画 : Z project、陸上攻撃機 : Land base bomber、富嶽 : Fugaku全幅 : Wing span、米 : meter、全長(水平静止時) : Over all length(Horizontal static condition)、全高(水平静止時) : Height、主翼面積 : Wing area、平方 : square、水平尾翼面積 : Horizontal tail stabilizer area、垂直尾翼面積 : Vertical tail stabilizer area、発動機 : Engine、ダブル : double、四列 : 4 array、空冷 : Air cooling、星型 : Radial、気筒 : cylinder、最大馬力 : Maximum power、基数 : number of engine.
I will post other parts. Please wait.
Someone please assemble these parts, make a three side view drawing.
Front view is the problem.(tire housing shape)
Propeller : three blades, contra rotating, diameter 4.8m.
This drawing is a slightly strange one.
This drawing resembles the do-it-yourself kit.


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Hi! After war work.
I can't find turbo charger!
I imagine that when this drawing was made, supercharging system was not fixed yet.
Single stage three speed mechanical supercharger? Turbo charger+single stage mechanical supercharger?
According to existing HA54 engine drawing, we can't find two stage mechanical supercharger.


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Splendid contribution Blackkite. Many thanks.

Hi Antonio! Please compare this Fugaku candidate and Z-plane of winning game plan by Chikuhei Nakajima.
Basically this Fugaku candidate was Z-plane with heavy armament. Bomb bay position is different.
We already know that Z-plane of winning game plan bomb bay position is little strange.


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The list is an excellent idea Blackkite !
If someone of the specialists could add an illustration
to each design we should have a very accessible overview now...
pometablava said:
If someone of the specialists could add an illustration

I'll try ;)
Wow! Super news. :D I think Jozef can construct very accurate 3D image of this Z-plane base Fugaku candidate,too. ;)
It seems these projects had the same wings and engines. Do we know more?


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Maybe I missed something here but blackkite's very nice calendar blueprint doesn't quite look like a genuine WWII document to me, rather like something redone done in the fashion of the old stuff. Looking way too neat and flawless to be the real deal.
I wouldn't be surprised, given the craze over Fugaku-related material in Japan, if some people saw it as a commercial opportunity to recreate such plans and sell them as calendars. But even if they come from Japan, that doesn't mean they are necessarily accurate, right?
Stargazer said:
...But even if they come from Japan, that doesn't mean they are necessarily accurate, right?

Really not ?? I'm deeply shocked ! ;)
The next thing you're going to tell us is, that all those wonderful stuff about German WW II projects,
including gems like the Junkers KLF.225 or Flugscheiben aren't accurate neither ! ;D
Kidding aside, those "commercial opportunities", you've mentioned are quite a problem for serious
research today. Faking new, or fudging old documents has become much easier and cheaper today
and there's a considerable market. Aviation documents, of course won't realise prices like Hitlers diaries,
but probably enough to make people try to get some bucks.
Someone please assemble these parts, make a three side view drawing

That's time consuming and unfortunatelly I'm short of time. By the moment here I come with a little contribution.

I'm studying the information posted here and reading Edwin Dyer's Japanese Secret Projects trying to understand the story and solving the "drawing puzzle" and Fugaku isn't a clear subject to study because there's many enthusiast fake contributions.

I'm also surprised the naivety of Japanese contemporary authorities, the engineers just wanted to avoid mobilization like his German "Luft 46" colleagues. Possibly they thought it was a practicable project but we are talking about a design which was equivalent to the Convair B-36. Japan wasn't comparable to the US industrial strenght in 1943. Japan wasn't capable to put such a monster on the air, not to mention produce it in significative quantities. The resources consumed would be intolerable.


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Complete agree with you Pome...
Think we must go back to the oldest printed sources available
to have a realistic idea how the Z plan bomber / Fugaku could have look like.
Over the years the legend of this almost mythologic aircraft has spread
to wide to have a clear view now...
PlanesPictures said:
It seems these projects had the same wings and engines. Do we know more?
Hi Jozef!
The bottom drawing was Z-Koizumi, Chikuhei Nakajima's private plan. It's not a Japanese national project Fugaku. Z-Koizumu's official drawing is still survive now. So this drawing is a trace of official drawing. It's reliable one. Z-koizumi had a non pressurized cabin. It's clear that Z-koizumi had aircooling 36 cylinders HA-54 engine.
I believe when Z-Koizumi was planned, supercharging system for HA-54 was not fixed yet. (Turbo charger or single stage 3 speed mechanical supercharger.) I don't know the first drawing is real or not. It's Z-gun ship, Chikuhei Nakajima's private plan, not Fugaku.
Hi Jozef! How about render this Fugaku candidate 3D image.
To reconstruct final Fugaku shape will be next step.


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Not to undermine the great searching you did on this long-enduring topic, blackkite, but there is a total confusion to us all non-Japanese as to what is what in this thread. For instance, although you say that the calendar depicts the Nakajima Z-Koizumi proprietary project and NOT the Fugaku proposal to the Imperial Japanese Navy, you have labeled the pictures with the name "fugaku" in them! This is just one example of how complicated it can be to follow this topic.

Anyway, here's my rework of the calendar plan. I'm not going to spend more work that I did on it because:

1°) It's from a calendar that is currently marketed in Japan and is therefore copyrighted.
2°) It's clearly a modern rework and not a Najakima original, and is not therefore as interesting.


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I believe that this plan was offered to the Fugaku committee from Nakajima, but rejected because it had no presssurized cabin.
No doubt that it's a one of the Fugaku candidate.
This calendar is not marketed.
I obtained this calendar by the Internet auction.
This calender was made by Fugaku Flying club and perhaps distributed it to similar-tastes people.
I think that the information which only the designer of this plan could know is included in this drawing.
For example, they are many information about the cross-sectional shape of the fuselage.
blackkite said:
No doubt that it's a one of the Fugaku candidate.

Okay, I have reattached the plan with no specific type name to it.

blackkite said:
Someone please assemble these parts, make a three side view drawing.

We may have different cultures, blackkite, but I believe saying "thanks" when someone gives you what you requested is natural everywhere, isn't it?
Hi Star! Your post is little difficult for my poor brain. ;D
I only want to know the truth. ;)
FB-23 was poor speculation and when we take it as a fact we can aspect rendered pictures without problem. Similarly Fugaku. When blackkite will ask me to do some concrete or a fantasy project I will do it. It is important to know what are you doing
Hi Jozef! If you please, how about render 3D Fugaku image based on my reconstruction result for Fugaku HA-44 variant?
This drawing's copyright is mine. No problem. ;)


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OK, this will be base for 3D model. I will start to find next useable details and than I will consult it with you. Now I have to close next projects
Wow! It's my great pleasure and honor. Of course 3D image coryright is yours. ;)
Perhaps we need some modification about this drawing. If you have any question, please contact me by E-mail.
When we will have 3D textured model in one from my renderer we can render new picture every day or we can to do video, too. But problem is mainly at start. When you see your drawing width of line in real scale is maybe 20 cm so we have to keep all this in mind. But similar problem was and will be by all my made 3D models. I will prepare this drawing for my modeller to check some bigger error and I will contact you
Ok. If you succeed to construct 3D image of this Fugaku HA-44 variant, it's easy to render other Fugaku variants. For example, more powerful HA-50 engine variant or twin vertical tail stabilizer variant.


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Yes, but we must know at start what all we want to do and later to switch on/off some parts. It is very complicated or sometime impossible to modify ready textured model because more softwares are used
Stargazer said:
Not to undermine the great searching you did on this long-enduring topic, blackkite, but there is a total confusion to us all non-Japanese as to what is what in this thread. For instance, although you say that the calendar depicts the Nakajima Z-Koizumi proprietary project and NOT the Fugaku proposal to the Imperial Japanese Navy, you have labeled the pictures with the name "fugaku" in them! This is just one example of how complicated it can be to follow this topic.

Anyway, here's my rework of the calendar plan. I'm not going to spend more work that I did on it because:

1°) It's from a calendar that is currently marketed in Japan and is therefore copyrighted.
2°) It's clearly a modern rework and not a Najakima original, and is not therefore as interesting.
All drawings seem to be incinerated about a Fugaku bomber.
However, fragmentary technical information remains.
I collected all information, chose the information which does not have inconsistency logically out of it, and have tried to put together on a drawing.
I think that it is a starting point to collect all information regardless of truth first of all.
If information is found, it will have reported each time.
It is the trip without the end until the formal drawing of the Nakajima aircraft is discovered.
I asked Fugaku Flying Club that the Fugaku blueprint of a calender whether it was an original drawing of the Nakajima aircraft or not.
The reply was that this drawing is not the original of the Nakajima aircraft.
This drawing modifies the drawing for Z-plane RC model creation.
They also said that there are no problem to create 3D model or picture using this drawing.
They surprized that I got the calender. They made only 1000 copies and distibuted to their supporters.
They will make 2014 version of same calender. I will ask them to distribute it to me.
I am very sorry to be my hasty conclusion.

The follwing site is a Home Page of Fugaku Flying Club(富嶽を飛ばそう会). Enjoy.


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I'm taking notes trying to write a summary about what we know about Fugaku. My idea is to post it here, but I'm still at the preliminary stage.
I've read a few times all the posts in this long thread and I'd like to ask you the meaning of OHTA and KOIZUMI.

Are this the surnames of the designers of the Ohta and Koizumi variants?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Antonio and Jozef! Pleae check following site.

太田製作所 : Ohta factory, 小泉製作所 : Koizumi factory
Ohta factory mainly manufactured aircrafts for the IJA, Koizumi factory mainly manufactured aircrafts for the IJN.
Ota and Koizumi are the name of a places.


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In accordance with government principles to increase aircraft production, the Ota Factory was greatly expanded, and the Musashino Factory was established solely for Army engine manufacturing in 1938. The Navy was influenced by this and issued a command to expand the Navy factory independently. The Tama Factory for engine production and the Koizumi Factory (current Oizumi in Gunma Prefecture, shown in the picture) for body construction were built in 1940. The Koizumi Factory was the largest in the Orient with an area of 1,320,000m2, and produced mainly "Zero" fighters (engineered by Mitsubishi) with Nakajima "Sakae" engines. Also other planes; the "Gekko (moonlight)", the "Ginga (galaxy)", the "Tenzan (Tian Shan, Chinese mountains)", the "Saiun (iridescent clouds)" , and others totaling about 9,000 units were manufactured at the plant. The number of employees there, in the end, totaled more than 60,000. Every time a plane was completed, its large door (30m in width, more than 15m in height) was opened and all employees would see it off by singing the national anthem and the company song at a ceremony. (Later this custom was banned by the military in order to prevent espionage.) The engineering division moved out from the third floor of the main building in the Ota Factory. The Army plane group moved to a newly built three-story building adjacent to the main building, and the Navy plane group moved to the Koizumi Factory. Developmental organization was changed from an one-plane/one-team method to a specialized group method that focussed on each function separately, such as an Aerodynamics Team, a Weight Team, a Structure Team, a Power Unit Team, a Landing Gear Team, a Control Team, an Electric Equipment Team, an Armaments Team, etc. Also a Total Management Team was established to promote standardization for a more efficient development process. Nakajima proposed again and again to standardize the Army and the Navy parts, but due to their egos, neither the Army nor the Navy compromised, and Nakajima had to put up with the inefficiency. (Separate page: Vicissitude of Nakajima Body Plant)


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Many thanks for that comprehensive answer.
Hi! At last, we get Fugaku pressurized cabin desinger's sketch.
These sketches are made by Mr.Susumu Watanabe.(渡辺 進)
source : AIREVIEW MAGAZINE(航空情報), No.848 MAY 2014

Mr. Susumu Watanabe also reported that Fugaku's HA-54 engine had a single stage 3 speed mechanical supercharger.(HA-54 did not have turbo charger.)

与圧室 : pressurized cabin, 床 : floor, 連絡パイプ : communication pipe, ターボブロア : turbo blower, 吸入ダクト : intake duct, 調節ダンパ : control dumper, 熱交換器 : heat exchanger, 円框 : frame, 与圧ダクト : pressurized duct, マフラ : muffler, 胴体先端部 : front end part of the fuselage

「富嶽ー設計の思い出」渡辺 進 : "The memory of Fugaku design" by Susumu Watanabe


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Real designer drawings ? Great find !
The final design actually has a lot of similarities to the B-29 cabin. For the initial
design, a remotely controlled nose turet would be a logical addition. Were such
turrets already then under development in Japan ?

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