Forum Upgrade to Xenforo 2.2 Completed. Post any issues here.

is it suppose to do that? View attachment 642928
@sgeorges4 what browser are you using? Not seen that before!
firefox ,an old version of the browser ,the old version worked well for me before
What version specifically, as I can feed back to the developers? And any particular reason you are attached to this old version? Xenforo developers are not aiming for compatibility with all historic browsers everywhere.
Well things to seem to be working and looking good. Big thumbs up from here!
Congratulations Paul, the new version works great and I love the new features.The "similar threads" is really helpful when researching topics. Dark mode is confortable but the possibility to switch between modes is still better.
is it suppose to do that? View attachment 642928
@sgeorges4 what browser are you using? Not seen that before!
firefox ,an old version of the browser ,the old version worked well for me before
What version specifically, as I can feed back to the developers? And any particular reason you are attached to this old version? Xenforo developers are not aiming for compatibility with all historic browsers everywhere.
firefox 52 ,also why did it got back to white?
something really weird is that it only happen with some post that seem to fail to load for some reason but other work
is it suppose to do that? View attachment 642928
@sgeorges4 what browser are you using? Not seen that before!
firefox ,an old version of the browser ,the old version worked well for me before
What version specifically, as I can feed back to the developers? And any particular reason you are attached to this old version? Xenforo developers are not aiming for compatibility with all historic browsers everywhere.
firefox 52 ,also why did it got back to white?
I have changed the default back to white after feedback. If you want Dark mode just change it using the paintbrush icon at bottom left.
ok ,is it possible to know what might cause this issue with some thread failling to load properly for reason and other load properly?
work somewhat better on google chrome but the thumbnail look like this screen google chrome.jpg
windows vista ,can't upgrade due to my parent (and can't connect my windows 10 pc to the frebox for some reason)
Is anyone else having the images load very slowly? Seems like the site performance is suffering today.
No speed problem here. Maybe something between your connection and the server in NZ?
on chrome the forum work rather fine for me (or at least better than in firefox for some reason)
I often have problems now when accessing the forum. I get timeouts, though it mostly works on
the second or third attempt.
I often have problems now when accessing the forum. I get timeouts, though it mostly works on
the second or third attempt.iv
When you say "now" do you mean since the migration on Saturday?

I can't duplicate the issue - there's nothing in error logs on the server and it was fast and responsive to all testing over the last couple of days. What browser / OS are you using? Also can you give me your public IP (visit
There was a bit of a misconfiguration in IPV6 config on server which might have been an issue if you were using IPv6 to connect - now resolved. I can't test myself as my ISP don't support IPv6.
Really seems to be better now ! Nevertheless, the IP via PM.
Is it at all possible to include a "jump to latest post" button in a more practical location?

Right now I see such button only when I click on a specific thread and even then only after I scroll to the end of the page.

It would be far more practical if such button existed alogside every thread name, before the thread name is clicked.

Or at the very least, if one has to click on the thread first, that such button is also available at the top of the thread as well, so it can be clicked right away, without tedious scrolling.
If you are logged in you should always jump to the first unread post in each topic - with the proviso that any topic you haven't read in more than 365 days, it will not know where you got to lsst time, and all posts older than 365 become "read".

If you are in a topic and want to jump to the unread content there's the jump to new button at the top of the page:

Jump to New.JPG

So I'm not sure I understand the issue?
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Since a few days, clicking on a thread to go to the 1st unread post goes one line lower than it should.
Nothing major, just thought you would like to know.
One line too low.jpg
You're right. It works correctly for me too on Chrome, but not on Maxthon 5.8.2000. Oh well....
Hi Paul, just a minor niggle:-
After logging on it keeps pestering me to enable push notifications. Pressing the x close button doesn't stop the notification reappearing after viewing each post. It only seems to stop if the full notification screen with options pops up when you press the close button and then you need to press never ask again. When you log on later in the day or the next day it again does the same.
Using latest android firefox on my phone.
Rest of upgrade is fine but I have set my preferences to the older type light screen.
Hi Paul, just a minor niggle:-
After logging on it keeps pestering me to enable push notifications. Pressing the x close button doesn't stop the notification reappearing after viewing each post. It only seems to stop if the full notification screen with options pops up when you press the close button and then you need to press never ask again. When you log on later in the day or the next day it again does the same.
Using latest android firefox on my phone.
Rest of upgrade is fine but I have set my preferences to the older type light screen.
Yeah I might turn that option off - it seems to be annoying.
Good riddance ! The silly went on my nerves, too... just like Abe Simpson in a bad day, you couldn't shut the damn thing off.
Seems to be a glitch with my content/messages display. While the post counter is still working ok, anyone attempting to view my past posts will find no entry newer than
10:57 PM last Saturday evening (I spotted the glitch yesterday evening, but I don't think it had appeared before then).
Thanks, but the first link is still not showing any posts more recent than last Saturday, and the second link isn't working at all (I think that link is user/session related, the 'see more' button at the first link is working and showing older posts). Normal direct link is also still banjaxed for me with regards as to post-Saturday posts.

Geez, you made a lot of posts....

Though I do wonder if I have manged to exceed some hardcoded limit in the new software?
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