Fokker/Republic Aviation D-24 Alliance

I realize that until now I had wrongly assumed that the TFX and D-24 Alliance were one and the same program. Of course now I understand that the Alliance was meant as a VTOL. Thanks to the mod for clarifying this and starting this new topic.
A superb full-page advertisement for the Fokker/Republic D-XXIV Alliance published in the September 1962 issue of RAF Flying Review (Vol. XVII, No. 12).


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A three-page article published in the same issue of RAF Flying Review:


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The artwork on first page of that Flying Review piece is by the late Gert W. Heumann. Would anyone have access to Air Progress magazines circa 1963-64? I recall a photo of scale display model of the Alliance appearing therein. (Not a separate article. Sorry cannot be more specific.)
This must be the third or fourth time that the Fokker/Republic TFX proposals have generated a new topic over the past three years! I believe some merging might have to be considered!!

Topics merged
First youtube item posted by fredymac is about Republic's TFX (F-111) proposal.
Second youtube item posted by fredymac is about Republic's AP-100 VTOL proposal, which didn't use the D-24's BS 100, but separate lift engines.
From Flying Review 10/1964,

here is a Model for Fokker/Republic D-24 Alliance.


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Fokker-Republic D.24 Alliance

Hi again...

I need too all info and blueprints (if exist) of this project...please.

Hi! I can see some wind shield shape in this topic.
Picture source

Bubble shape. (Double delta wing.)

Fast back with three peice front wind shield.

Fast back with wedge shape front wind shield.

And BS100 engine.


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From Air Force 1962,

very similar to the concept on post # 12,but had a different air intakes,
never mentioned in this thread ?.


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I have always liked this very Dutch Starfighter replacement. Unfortunately I have not been able to get a model made by Custom Desk Models because there are no dimensioned ga drawings. Here is what I have so far.
The original manufacturers' model was in the nuclear anti flash white used for 60s stuff. But the Dutch camo would look more interesting


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I have always liked this very Dutch Starfighter replacement. Unfortunately I have not been able to get a model made by Custom Desk Models because there are no dimensioned ga drawings. Here is what I have so far.
The original manufacturers' model was in the nuclear anti flash white used for 60s stuff. But the Dutch camo would look more interesting
The attached is from my files. I do not have anything with a higher resolution.


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thank you iverson
I usually like to get models done on their undercart. But I have found no details of that.
The cutaway drawings do indicate that the undercart was a very simple one.


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Fokker/Republic Aviation D-24 Alliance
Supersonic V / STOL fighter plane In the early sixties.
NATO the Basic Military Requirement 3.
There was organized a competition for a supersonic V / STOL fighter aircraft for the AC / 169 specification.
Served in January 1962, four manufacturers submit their design to NATO.
Dassault with the Mirage IIIV, BAC with Model 584, Hawker with Model P.1154 and Fokker-Republic with the D.24 Alliance.
It soon turned out that the P.1154 was technically superior to the other participants.
NATO itself was unable to develop any of these designs financially and left this to the relevant person governments.
Partly because of this, the development of all models was soon discontinued and NATO BMR3 was never implemented.

history: The Fokker-Republic Project Team was stationed at Schiphol and became led by Alexander Wadkowsky from Republic Aviation.
The project team was established to design a fighter aircraft that would comply with NATO BMR-3 program.
This program called for a tactical attack aircraft with V / STOL capacity.
From the start of the collaboration, there was a lot rivalry between the employees of Fokker and Republic.
Played here nationalistic feelings play a major role, but both partners also saw each other as competitors.
Ultimately this led to an unworkable situation and became the collaboration ended.

construction: wing: The wing had a variable arrow position and consisted of a fixed delta-shaped wing combined with an adjustable wing.
The adjustable wing slid over the delta wing.
hull: This was equipped with an internal weapon bay.
tail: Due to the special wing construction, the Alliance had no horizontal tail surfaces needed.
Single conventional rudder.
landing gear: Retractable.
engine: The Alliance was to be equipped with the Bristol Siddeley BS.100 / 3.
The Bristol had a thrust of 17 500 kg.
The BS.100 was related to the famous Pegasus jet engine which was later used in the Harrier.
Unlike the Pegasus, the BS.100 was equipped with an afterburner, the so-called Plenum Chamber Burning (PCB)
systems: No information available.
avionics: No information available.
accommodation: One.
armament: Internal weapon compartment in hull, some artists impressions show external armament, op different locations.
dimensions: No information available.
weights: max. take-off weight, vertical take-off (VTO): 15 875 kg
max. takeoff weight, short start (STO): 20 400 kg
performance: max speed (70 000 ft / 21 335 m): mach 2.4
max speed (500 ft / 150 m): mach 1.5
maximum range: 2606 nautical miles / 4828 km
ceiling: 70,000 ft / 21,335 m


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I realize that until now I had wrongly assumed that the TFX and D-24 Alliance were one and the same program. Of course now I understand that the Alliance was meant as a VTOL. Thanks to the mod for clarifying this and starting this new topic.

I have a similar confusion but over different projects: the D-24 Alliance and the AVS: the proto-German Tornado monstrosity packed full with lift jets...
Hi! Can you read the size of the aircraft from this drawing?


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Rather than gathering half-baked information from the internet and guessing, please just buy Scott Lowther's eAPR V2N2 which has an article on the Republic TFX and D-24 Alliance which gives specs (including length and width) detailed high quality drawings and more.

Only $10. Plus it has lots of other cool articles too.
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I realize that until now I had wrongly assumed that the TFX and D-24 Alliance were one and the same program. Of course now I understand that the Alliance was meant as a VTOL. Thanks to the mod for clarifying this and starting this new topic.

I have a similar confusion but over different projects: the D-24 Alliance and the AVS: the proto-German Tornado monstrosity packed full with lift jets...
Well, they were both co-designed with Republic, so...
... it is probably the reason why. I vastly prefer D-24 : not only workable but an audacious design.
I feel that the airintake shape of this aircraft is not suitable for Mach 2.4 top speed.
No shock cone.

Final design had intake fence same as F-4.
Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of a V/STOL airplane configuration with a fixed delta wing having auxiliary variable-sweep outboard panels
Luoma, A. A. (NASA Langley Research Center)

Static Longitudinal and Lateral Aerodynamic Characteristics at a Mach Number of 2.01 of a Tailless Delta V/STOL Configuration Having Variable-sweep Wing Panels
M. Leroy Spearman, Gerald V. Foster (NASA Langley Research Center)
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