Focke Wulf - 'Schnellbomber' (1942)

Good stuff Peter! Nice design indeed... great as a 3D subject as well! ;)

I like that modified fake B-25 too, by the way.
The original B-25 image appears labelled as B-25H... ???
Thank you all.

Hmmm...a scratch build AND a 3D as possibilities.... ;D

I would dearly love to see both. Double icing on the cake that would be.

Gorgeous work Peter!
May I ask - what is the inspiration for the camoflage pattern in the second profile?
Hi Nick.
I used to have a programme add-on (at my old workplace) that exploded and splintered colours and shapes. I kept some of the results.
The inspiration for this one was 'Tundra' or lichens I suppose.

I have a few more I might use on my next set.

P :D
Hi all
my German language is very poor, but have I missed any reference to performance figures on the data pages?
Or are there any speed, service ceiling estimates for both these schnellbombers anywhere?

Many thanks
In the scans in #5 by borovik max speed is given as 630 km/h at sea level and as 740 km/h
at 6.500 m. Maximum altitude is gevien as 11.300m and range between 1500km (60% power setting)
to 1750 km (45% power setting). Those estimates seem not to differ for the version with nose and
tail wheel.

".. my German language is very poor,"
Don't worry, every day on job I realise, that this is true for many Germans, too ! ;)
Thank you Jens.
My English is also, at times, abfall, if that's correct?

:) P
We are interested more in the really important aspects of an aircraft, which are shape
and style . Performance data, especially those, that had never been proven, are nothing
but smoke and mirrors and our brain is trained to blind out those unimportant things auto-
So, it's not "Abfall" (waste), but long time training to apply Occam's razor, something,
many younger people, who are still getting excited about Mach numbers and the like, still
have to learn ! ;)

from its report,here is the face drawing to it.

it was the Focke Wulf P.101014-22 Project,all details here;
Another smoke and mirrors question.....
What might the bomb payload have been for these?

Many thanks
According to the datasheet for the "Schnellbomber with Jumo 222 engines"up to 2,000 kg internally,
or 3,000 kg (two aerial torpedoes) under the wings .

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