FMA I.Ae. 48 Argentine Mach 2 fighter jet

Pancho San Martín observó, cuando nos conocimos en Córdoba (1997), que Horten colaboró con Convair, por lo que quizás el parecido no sea casual. No había fondos disponibles para más investigaciones, por lo que Horten simplemente pidió a la FMA que proporcionara dos dibujantes. Aquí hay una foto de Dipl. En g. Reinmar Horten y el administrador de DINFIA (ex IAME, ex Instituto Aerotécnico, ex FMA.....
I understand that it was not. Hans Multhop used to work at Martin at that time, and he had a friendship with Horten, with whom he exchanged and wrote letters. Mullthop was the one who introduced him to the "Rule of Areas" and other advances in supersonic aerodynamics.
Love the renders, the plane looks amazing, but I am still sceptical about its suitability for carrier operations. Specially the clearance between the engine pods and the deck.
There is no document from the FMA or the Navy, which names that proposal or variant of naval fighter capable of operating from aircraft carriers.
None of those who are dedicated in Argentina to study and write about our Aeronautical History have found or have any document regarding an IA-48 for the Argentine Navy.
Nothing about this is published in the FMA Memoirs.
Love the renders, the plane looks amazing, but I am still sceptical about its suitability for carrier operations. Specially the clearance between the engine pods and the deck.
There is no document from the FMA or the Navy, which names that proposal or variant of naval fighter capable of operating from aircraft carriers.
None of those who are dedicated in Argentina to study and write about our Aeronautical History have found or have any document regarding an IA-48 for the Argentine Navy.
Nothing about this is published in the FMA Memoirs.
Hi Erdosain, I never said otherwise. It was pure speculation on my behalf, based on those renders of the IA-48 with the Navy colors.
There is no document from the FMA or the Navy, which names that proposal or variant of naval fighter capable of operating from aircraft carriers.None of those who are dedicated in Argentina to study and write about our Aeronautical History have found or have any document regarding an IA-48 for the Argentine Navy.Nothing about this is published in the FMA Memoirs.

Agreed, and the artist's impressions show markings and color schemes typical of the 1980s. The carrier ARA Independencia did not have a catapult strong enough to launch anything heavier than a North American SNJ-5 or a Chance Vought F45 Corsair. In fact, one Grumman F-9F-2 did land on the carrier, but had to be lifted by a crane when it docked at Puerto Belgrano.. As we used to say at the club in New York: "If someone relieve believes this fairy tale, tell him that there's a bridged in Brooklyn I'd like to sell him!"


  • Grumman F-9F2 zum trager ARA Independencia.jpg
    Grumman F-9F2 zum trager ARA Independencia.jpg
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Looks like it's straight out of Thunderbirds / Captain Scarlet even with engines off a B-58 Hustler kit

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